
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 00:08:01
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take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; be in a rage with sb.; fall into a rage; fly into a passion; be in a passion; be cross with sb.; be furious at; be red [white] with anger; be white with rage; thunder at a person; be in a thundering rage; be exasperated with a person; fly into a fury; be beside oneself with anger; boil with rage; be filled with fury; be burning with anger; be in a great rage; bristle with anger; make angry; be annoyed; be ruffled; be irritable; be fretful; irritate; be indignant at sth.; take sth.amiss; be incensed at; His back is up.; get one's back up; see red; give sb.a fit; have a fit; be in a huff; bridle with anger; be in a temper; set one's teeth on edge; cut up rough; crotchety; fly off the handle; go off the deep end; be mad about; make one's blood boil; go off the top; play sb.up; raise Cain; take on; fire up

I am very angry!
I am very irritated and angry.
I am in the raw the sulks.
I am in the vigour.
My unparallleled vigour.