
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:58:45
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I love facing challenges,because it will make me full of fighting will.
My motto is everything is possible.
The purpose of sife is to help those who need help,using the knowledge we learned to improve incomes of our audiences.

I like to face challenges, because the challenges will let me full of spirit.
My motto is: everything is possible.
Sife's purpose is to help those who need help, is the economy by using their knowledge, improve the income of the audience.

I like to face challenges, because the challenges will let me full of spirit.
My motto is: everything is possible.
Sife's purpose is to help those who need help, is the economy by using their knowledge, improve the income of the audience.

like to face challenges, because the challenges will let me full of spirit.
my motto is: everything is possible。
Sife's purpose is to help those who need help, is the economy by using their knowledge, improve the income of the audience。

I like the challenge which could make me full of spirits.
My motto: Everything is possible.
The purpose of SIFE is to help the person who needs to be helped, and raise the income of persons with the economic acknowledgement.

I like to face challenges, because the challenges will let me full of spirit. My motto is: everything is possible. Sife's purpose is to help those who need help, is the economy by using their knowledge, improve the income of the audience.

I would like to face the challenge, as they will let me with more passion.
The motto of mine is anything is possible.
The purpose of SIFE is to help the people who needed, which using the economic knowledge to improve the income.

英语翻译我喜欢面对挑战,因为挑战会让我充满斗志.我的座右铭是凡事皆有可能.sife的宗旨是帮助需要帮助的人,是运用所学的经济知识,提高受众的收入.(很重要的面试,希望可以非常准确,) 英语翻译这个工作对于我来说也许是一个挑战,但我喜欢挑战,我会尽我最大的努力把它做好. 英语翻译这个工作对于我来说也许是一个挑战,但我喜欢挑战,我会尽我最大的努力把它做好. 翻译:“我喜欢挑战自己”的英文 我挑战( ) 作文 英语翻译我相信机会是为有准备的人而来,我很相信命运,但是我更加相信实力,实力来自什么?来自于不甘落后,因为暂时的落后不是差,因为差距让我懂的了什么是前进的动力.我喜欢挑战,我不 英语翻译让我们以唱歌来结束吧 请翻译.多一句.:我能尽力面对一切挑战是我们的义务 How did you face challenges?求英文回答.How did you face challenges?你怎么面对挑战?当我遇到挑战时,我会轻松面对,积极想办法解决问题.请用英文翻译以上回答.其他回答亦可. 我希望自己的人生充满挑战,因为它可以让我的人生更有意义!这句话英语怎么说? 挑战, 我的挑战 作文dsrwetttttttttttttt 鼓励我挑战挫折的话 我一生的挑战怎么样 不要挑战我的极限 这是我面对的挑战并且我要解决它用英语怎么说 我感到生活是一个挑战,我面对生活感到很有压力 别用你的脾气来挑战我的个性,那会让你死的很有节奏感是什么意思? 我能够面对任何困难和挑战,想知道欧文英语与早八点英语哪家好