
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:58:53
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Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked.When the bundle(包着孩子的包束)was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face,she gasped.The doctor turned quickly and looked out the tall hospital window.The baby had been born without ears.Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect.It was only his appearance that was marred(受损).
When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother's arms,she sighed,knowing that his life was to be a succession of heartbreaks.
He blurted out the tragedy."A boy,a big boy ...called me a freak(畸形)."
He grew up,handsome for his misfortune.A favorite(受欢迎的人) with his fellow students,he might have been class president,but for that.He developed a gift,a talent for literature and music."But you might mingle with other young people," his mother reproved(责备) him,but felt a kindness in her heart.
The boy's father had a session(会议,面谈) with the family physician.Could nothing be done?"I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears,if they could be procured(获得,取得)," the doctor decided.
Whereupon(于是) the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice(牺牲) for a young man.Two years went by.
Then,"You are going to the hospital,Son.Mother and I have someone who will donate(捐赠) the ears you need.But it's a secret," said the father.The operation was a brilliant success,and a new person emerged.His talents blossomed into genius,and school and college became a series of triumphs(成功).Later he married and entered the diplomatic service(外交部门)."But I must know!" He urged his father,"Who gave so much for me?I
could never do enough for him." "I do not believe you could," said the father,"but the agreement was that you are not to know ...not yet."
The years kept their profound(意义深远的) secret,but the day did come ...one of the darkest days that a son must endure.He stood with his father over his mother's casket(棺材).Slowly,tenderly,the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick,reddish-brown hair to reveal that the mother -- had no outer ears.
"Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut," he whispered gently,"and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful,did they?" Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance,but in the heart.Real treasure lies not in what that can be seen,but what that cannot be seen.Real love lies not in what is done and known,but in what that is done but not known.

I am a boy ,a sky boy,and I don't have too many friend. One of my best friend is Tom, he is a kind guy,and he is the only friend whom I take as my brother.
We meet each other 5 year ago when we were still 13,by that time my family was very poor
Later I will make it up,sorry,it's dinner time

在线英语学习的确很有.好.特色,很方便,我打了咨询了一下,觉得还挺好的,我推荐ABC添下英与,思德英语,如果你没有太多时间,又不希望浪费太多时间在学习英语上面的话,那么其实你可以试看看这种在线英语学习方式,感觉他们那里的教学模式还是有一定的独到之处的,建议你做选择的时候多比较下。假期过的怎么样?E: welcome back! How was your vacation?T: it was fan...


在线英语学习的确很有.好.特色,很方便,我打了咨询了一下,觉得还挺好的,我推荐ABC添下英与,思德英语,如果你没有太多时间,又不希望浪费太多时间在学习英语上面的话,那么其实你可以试看看这种在线英语学习方式,感觉他们那里的教学模式还是有一定的独到之处的,建议你做选择的时候多比较下。假期过的怎么样?E: welcome back! How was your vacation?T: it was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist is really tiring!E: where did you end up going?T: because it's off-season, we got a really good package deal to Paris, so we went there.E: I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top?T: that was the first tng we did. I have a few pictures. Do you want to seet them?E: sure. What's ts one a picture of?T: oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the .E: you don't look very happy in that picture.T: no ,by that time, I was sick of sightseeing. I had had enough of art galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues, and palaces!E: so what did you do?T: we spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.E: my travel agent always seminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every days of sightseeing. Did you go to the Louvre? T: of course! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though.E: that's what everyone s! I can't wait to see it for myself some day
