
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 21:33:59
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Egypt's president tapped a young,little-known water minister Tuesday to form a new government.
At 49,Hesham Kandil becomes the youngest prime minister in Egypt's history.
"My government in the first place will be a government of technocrats,"he told Egypt's state news agency after meeting with President Mohamed Morsy.
Kandil said that he will focus on implementing Morsy's program.
Educated in the United States -- he earned master's and doctoral degrees at the University of North Carolina

The United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay has accused the Security Council of emboldening the Syrian government to launch what she described as an "all-out assault" to crush the opposition. Ms...


The United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay has accused the Security Council of emboldening the Syrian government to launch what she described as an "all-out assault" to crush the opposition. Ms Pillay told the UN General Assembly that the longer the international community delayed action, the longer Syria's civilian population would suffer. Here's our diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall.
Navi Pillay's denunciation of the Syrian authorities was ferocious. Across Syria, she said, the pattern of attacks on civilians suggested approval at the highest levels.
"Credible information shows patterns of systematic and widespread use of torture by security forces. Extensive reports of sexual violence, in particular rape primarily against men and boys, are particularly disturbing."
In response, the Syrian ambassador to the UN, who backed by Iran and North Korea had tried to block her report, bluntly accused her of bias.
Israeli embassy vehicles have been targeted in two almost simultaneous bomb incidents in India and Georgia. A car exploded in Delhi, injuring the wife of an Israeli diplomat and their driver. In the Georgian capital Tbilisi, a bomb was planted on an Israeli car but failed to detonate. More from our security correspondent Gordon Corera.


Germany invades Belgium. Britain declares war on Germany.
Japan joins the Allied forces: Ottoman Empire soon joins the Central Powers.Warspreads to the seas. 1915Women take up men's jobs.


Germany invades Belgium. Britain declares war on Germany.
Japan joins the Allied forces: Ottoman Empire soon joins the Central Powers.Warspreads to the seas. 1915Women take up men's jobs.
Stalemate continues on the Western Front. The Lusitania passenger liner is sunk, with 1,200 lives lost. London attacked from the air by German Zeppelins.
1916Conscription for men aged between 18 and 41. A million casualties in tenmonths: Germany aims to 'bleed France white'. At sea the Battle of Jutland takes place. Armed uprisings in Dublin: the Irish Republic is proclaimed. 1917German Army retreats to the Hindenburg Line. United States joinsthe war and assists the Allies. Tank, submarine and gas warfare intensifies.
Royal family change their surname to Windsor to appear more British.
Germany launches major offensive on the Western Front.
Allies launch successful counter-offensives at the Marne and Amiens.
Armistice signed on November 11, ending the war at 11am.
In Britain, a coalition government is elected and women over 30 succeed in gaining the vote.
On 28 June, in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip (a Slav nationalist) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the killing and because Europe was linked by a series of diplomatic alliances - Austria-Hungary/Germany/Italy (Central Powers) and Britain/France/Russia (Triple Entente/Allied forces) - the affair escalated into full-scale war.
On 4 August, Britain declared war after Germany invaded neutral Belgium (Britain declared war on Austria-Hungary on 12 August). The British government had previously promised to defend Belgium and felt that German troops directly across the Channel were too close for comfort. On 7 August, four divisions making up a British Expeditionary Force crossed to France to attempt to halt the German advance. With French forces, they were successful in—— d425cindy

