英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功能的发挥.笔者拟通过阐述个人所得税制度改革发展的历程

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 15:02:16
英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功能的发挥.笔者拟通过阐述个人所得税制度改革发展的历程
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英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功能的发挥.笔者拟通过阐述个人所得税制度改革发展的历程
摘 要:
关键词:个人所得税; 税制改革;超额累进税率;税收征管;

英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功能的发挥.笔者拟通过阐述个人所得税制度改革发展的历程
With our country gap in wealth gradually play big,our country individual income tax system designs that revealing out a lot of defects,it will may affect functional bringing into play of individual income tax legal institutions gravely.The author intends to reform the course developing and their current situation by setting forth individual income tax system ,have problem puts forward a proposal right away ,is our country individual income tax system reformation provide draw lessons.At present,our country individual income tax collects the specific gravity too narrow ,taking in insisting to hang down.Current situation there existing a defect's in individual income tax,public wealth distributes ,functional sufficiency adjusting economy operation brings into play have restricted the individual income tax organization budgetary income gravely ,impartial,the present stage economic growth and pattern of income distribution are ill-adapted to the need to develop also with our country.The main body of a book is suggested to pass perfect individual income tax system ,is strengthening individual income tax collection and administration,to improve individual income tax invisible income specific gravity ,is brings the individual income tax function and the effect into play sufficiently.

With the growing gap in a widening gap between rich and poor, personal income tax system design exposed many shortcomings, it will seriously affect the function of individual income tax law. The autho...


With the growing gap in a widening gap between rich and poor, personal income tax system design exposed many shortcomings, it will seriously affect the function of individual income tax law. The author intends to through the elaboration of personal income tax reform development course and the present problems and puts forward some proposals for personal income tax system reform.
At present, the personal income tax revenue through the narrow face, low gravity. Individual income tax of the current defects, which seriously restrict the personal income tax revenues, fair social organization and adjust the distribution of wealth economic operation function fully, also with the present economic development and income distribution structure does not adapt. This paper suggests the individual income tax by perfecting personal income tax, aggrandizement, in order to improve the personal income tax income, give full play to the function and the effect of individual income tax.
Keywords:Personal income tax,Tax reform, Extra progressive tax rate. Tax collection,


As China increasingly widening gap between rich and poor, China's personal income tax system designed to reveal a number of shortcomings, it could seriously affect the personal income tax law fulfilli...


As China increasingly widening gap between rich and poor, China's personal income tax system designed to reveal a number of shortcomings, it could seriously affect the personal income tax law fulfilling its functions. I intended to express their personal income tax system through the course of reform and development and the status quo, there is the issue to make recommendations for the reform of China's personal income tax system provide a reference.
At present, China's personal income tax collection surface is too narrow, the proportion of low income. Personal income tax deficiencies of the status quo, severely constrained the organization of personal income tax revenue, a fair distribution of social wealth and regulating function of the economy into full play, but also with China's current stage of economic development and income distribution structure is incompatible. This paper recommends the adoption of improved personal income tax system, strengthen the personal income tax collection in order to improve the proportion of personal income tax revenues, give full play to individual income tax functions and roles.


英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功能的发挥.笔者拟通过阐述个人所得税制度改革发展的历程 英语翻译面对我国日益扩大的贫富差距问题,本文从中国贫富差距现状、贫富差距产生的原因和调控对策这三方面加以综述. 英语翻译经过30年来改革开放,伴随着经济的迅猛发展,我国的贫富差距也日益扩大,社会公平问题日益凸显,住房公积金领域的种种不公平现象也受到社会各界的格外关注.住房公积金制度建立的 英语翻译摘 要随着我国市场经济的不断完善以及中国医药市场的对外开放,中国医药行业的竞争日益加剧,企业环境的不确定性和复杂性也在不断的增加.“人力资源”已成为众多企业在角逐中 英语翻译论公安刑事调解的范围和程序设计摘 要:随着我国司法改革的日益深化,公安机关在办理刑事案件过程中,逐渐开始运用调解手段对一些轻微刑事案件进行调解,以化解社会矛盾,维护 英语翻译随着我国货物运输及对外贸易的发展,我国《XX法》自颁布以来存在的诸多问题在实践中日益凸显. 计算机论文英语翻译网络安全防范技术的探讨【摘 要】 在计算机应用日益广泛和深入的同时,计算机网络的安全问题日益复杂和突出.网络的脆弱性和复杂性增加了威胁和攻击的可能性.随着 英语翻译自改革开放以来,随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,第三产业在我国居民消费中所占比例日益增长,作为第三产业中占据重要地位的旅游业,发展尤为明显.而随着我国高等教 英语翻译近年来,我国对外开放的力度日益加大,同时商贸活动也日益全球化.随着社会经济的迅速发展,特别是在全球化的趋势下,商务英语在国际交流中起到了举足轻重的作用.商务英语不同于 英语翻译摘要:在我国,随着经济飞速发展,人民生活水平的提高,对生态环境的要求日益提高,要求越来越多的污水处理后达标排放.在全国乃至世界范围内,正在兴建及待建的污水厂也日益增多. “对我国现阶段贫富差距的认识及对策”如何翻译?各位强人,帮忙用英语翻译一下“对我国现阶段贫富差距的认识及对策”,谢谢了! 英语翻译“贫富差距的拉大是否只是取决于科技?”“科技是否是拉开贫富差距的唯一原因?”意思差不多~但按字面意思翻 在线等求英文翻译 随着我国主题公园的日益发展随着我国主题公园的日益发展,其企业文化方面的问题日益凸显,不仅影响了企业的经济效益,同时也影响了主题公园业的发展速度.迪斯尼乐园 英语翻译当前,随着中国经济的持续增长及其工业化进程的不断推进,我国对资源能源的需求不断增加,中国自有资源能源生产能力越来越不能满足日益快速增长的资源能源需求,因此我国企业开 英语翻译随着我国资本市场的发展,资本成本信息质量在企业投资决策、融资决策、价值评估以及公司业绩评价方面的作用日益受到理论界的重视,我国越来越多的学者开始重视资本成本信息 英语翻译“随着我国市场经济的不断发展和完善,企业的国际化,规范化程度正日益提高,成本管理作为企业的一个重要组成部分,渐渐凸显了其在经济决策中的重要性.我国中小施工企业普遍存 英语翻译近年来,尤其是我国加入世界贸易组织之后,随着我国经济快速发展,我国经济行为的日益国际化和全球化,我国的内部审计也随之飞速发展,但是企业内部审计在实践过程中面临 英语翻译我国对外贸易中的反倾销问题研究随着国际市场竞争的日益激烈和不断升级,反倾销逐渐演变成为许多国家进行贸易保护的手段.近年来,我国产品在国际市场上屡造反倾销投诉,对华产