英语句子成分分析及其翻译,谢谢!But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is , after all, a relatively unimportant function.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 00:07:33
英语句子成分分析及其翻译,谢谢!But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is , after all, a relatively unimportant function.
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英语句子成分分析及其翻译,谢谢!But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is , after all, a relatively unimportant function.
But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is , after all, a relatively unimportant function.

英语句子成分分析及其翻译,谢谢!But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as resources for what is , after all, a relatively unimportant function.
1.But连词 it主语 is系动词 not状语 so much a question of doing away with packaging表语 as resources for what is比较状语从句 , after all连接性状语 (it主 is系) a relatively unimportant function.表
2.so much a和 of doing away with packaging都是 question的定语
3.doing away with packaging是 of 的宾语
4.as从属连词 for what is是 resources的定语
5.what is是 for的宾语从句
6.what=that which,故:what is=that which is;其中,that表语,is系动词,which主语

as resources for what is a relatively unimportant function
连起来,当成 用于作用相对不大的东西 的财力资源。
全句: 但这并非一个 把包装 当成 用于作用不是很大的东西的 财力资源 来废除 的问题。


as resources for what is a relatively unimportant function
连起来,当成 用于作用相对不大的东西 的财力资源。
全句: 但这并非一个 把包装 当成 用于作用不是很大的东西的 财力资源 来废除 的问题。
好伤脑筋啊... 英语习惯和汉语习惯表达差异很大, 能力有限,只能翻译的这样干干巴巴了。
