英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 19:44:28
英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员
xVOGW,WHUJ+l}n5D Đ@-plLo ٵw!MVB2;3;|n4ٽw=lᪿ#ʃ_v[t_fx5ԑ5ts^g?k-x퟽֌~77=hʷ5Yߕw۽ڮ_챿4wgsNSNrIټW@6V'?~7^j!ϒʘ4݋Dzy]iޛp\ 5JB ڹ SQ>]GCࣝ1M9/{w{%}mt;CD c .sHdd2eEe O{67ʷsQB#)9{"v'-1.\bS*a@GO\ӯeNM8}tOAQ@nz:t e%4ˎ+&u(Pb ~HaK ȭfٱjt!.BgMu6=M8[w}}XS͖̽+kQZ8RC6 ˃ .׽)ۀ=)1HL]ֲWL& 6$6\aٔxSdX(s X s $SBAXY$w`ey%s6Hp TٖC 7X hb R(վKޑQ_uB2"+eT1.:|,f\h8",9*L0:!8ކ1 e<Τ@.Ab 0(4RVH%MaQSXrXʤ`e5}H+LN!+sYĮ’M+ d8}G,e Sl7aK‚9t-NcvlcJdh` S>WN618 1  ze)R9=1{<'T5ޏ_.pH=ͷ>DVLiuCb<@uf %# |\CRw|N5t#$1̈|1HHTAeXu$#$VpZPdP@aeэi [>077[_Oҹ~w}Z)ǯD8;/O#Xz7zJ|/?g"UaID 4_B]Ɗp*

英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员
我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)
打字员就是在办公室里从事打印工作的人(.the person who...,do the typing)
因为天气很糟糕,我们取消了运动会(sports meeting)

英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员
receive a guest
drive him to Nanjing
serve us some fruit
I remember turning off the lights before I went out.
The dog that is carring a basket is mine.
This is the book which I bought it yesterday.
Typist is the person who do the typing in the office.
We called off the sports meeting because of the bad weather.
Plane had taken off before he arrived at the airport.
He forgot to take keys with him when he went out.
I recognize him from his voice.
Is the boy in blue you kid?
It took me three hours to finish my homework.

开车送他去南京Drive him to nanjing
接待客人Reception guests
给我们端上了一些水果Served us some fruit

  1. serve the clients

  2. drive him to Nanjing

  3. serve us some fruit

  4. I remember the light were shut off before I left the room

  5. the dog whic...


    1. serve the clients

    2. drive him to Nanjing

    3. serve us some fruit

    4. I remember the light were shut off before I left the room

    5. the dog which hanging the basket is mine

    6. this is the book which I bought yesterday

    7. the typer is the person who does typing in office

    8. we cancel the sport meeting due to bad weather

    9. the flight had taken off when he arrived the airport

    10. he forgot to take the key with him when he left

    11. I recofnized him from his voice

    12. is the boy in blue yours?

    13. it takes me 3 hours to finish the homework


    1. Receive guests

    2. Drove him to go to Nanjing

    3. Give us some fruit on the side

    4. I remember before the turn off the lights go out

    5. Is carr...


      1. Receive guests

      2. Drove him to go to Nanjing

      3. Give us some fruit on the side

      4. I remember before the turn off the lights go out

      5. Is carrying a basket of dog is my

      6. This is the book that I bought yesterday

      7. Typist is in the office, people who work in printing

      8. Because the weather is very bad, we canceled the Games

      9. When he arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off

      10. When he went out, he forgot to bring the key

      11. I recognized his voice from out of his

      12. That is the boy in blue clothes your kids do?

      13. It took me three hours to complete the job


英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员 现在口腔门诊上班,来了外国客人,用英文该怎么接待?病人是想洗牙.我是前台接待 就比如他进门了怎么招呼 然后把他带到医生那里去 该怎么接待啊 英语翻译1.昨天我给爸爸打电话的时候他正在开车.2.上周末我们看了阿甘正传(Forrest Gump).当珍妮唱歌的时候阿甘正在跑步.3.当天开始下雨的时候我们正在拍照. 如何接待客人 怎样接待客人 英语翻译比如说去展览会,广交会参加一些口译翻译,并且同时接待一下来访客人,这样白天一天能赚多少钱啊? 英语翻译关于酒店的:客人:请问有房间吗?A:有的 但是先生 我们酒店不能接待外宾 因为我们没有涉外许可证.客:hm..那能告诉我附近有哪些酒店吗?A:您可以先去我们旁边的4星酒店问一下 英语翻译:下周一能开车送我去机场吗? 扩充句子:大家接待客人. 英语翻译1.前天晚上他开车去城镇.2.为什么昨天下午他打开电视?因为他想要看新闻.3.PAUL昨天做什么?他昨天把车停在车道上.4上个月山上有人吗?不,没有. 英语翻译我们经理去机场接几个客人 用上a couple of pick up 英语翻译:你到达的时候我们将开车去接你. 英语翻译SAM是xx最大的超市吗NINA是最漂亮最高的模特MIKE我们班最神气的男生他昨天做了什么?他昨天开车去城镇并卖掉他的车 在工作日,他通常匆匆吃完早饭,穿上制服,然后开车去公司.用英语翻译 我们何不开车去公园?汉译英 英语翻译:他要求我们乘火车去那里 英语翻译还有你什么时候去的南京,我们昨天没上语文课.,我爸爸今天打车上的班,我们全家上周在天津过的周末,这些男孩上周六踢了一场做球比赛,今天下午放学后我在教室里等了他半个小时, 英语翻译我的英语不好,我的老师把他的英语词典借给我已经三周了.他去年来淮南的,知道那个时候我才认识他.Tom上周学会开车的,到现在,他还没有机会单独开车.到下周为止,我们就会做出十