用英文帮我写一篇有关“我对广告的看法”的小作文字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:56:25
用英文帮我写一篇有关“我对广告的看法”的小作文字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的!
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用英文帮我写一篇有关“我对广告的看法”的小作文字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的!
字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的!

用英文帮我写一篇有关“我对广告的看法”的小作文字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的!
My Opinion on Advertisement
As is known to all,angels and evils are poles apart.But is there anything that combines the two perfectly?Some there is-the advertisement.With the growing influence of mass media,advertising invades every aspect of our lives.Whenever we turn on the TV,look through a newspaper,open the mailbox,or surf on the Internet,advertisements would immediately jump into our sight.As they make things so attractive,we often end up buying things that we do not really need.Advertising not only adds to the price of the goods,thus harming the consumer's interest,but also imposes a kind of materialistic value upon the audience.But that is only part of the story-advertisements are informative as well as persuasive.They provide us with up-to-date information about the latest products.Some advertisements are so elegantly presented that we are inspired or even moved.No matter it is an evil or an angel,advertisement has become an indispensable part of our modern life.

Every day you see on TV advertising, many products of many also began to try in the heart of a bad AD evaluation, unfortunately mind think the worst of the ads are almost all domestic products.
I ...


Every day you see on TV advertising, many products of many also began to try in the heart of a bad AD evaluation, unfortunately mind think the worst of the ads are almost all domestic products.
I think a high level of advertisement must have excellent originality novel. Secondly, there is beauty can let the audience as a piece of art to see it. Only with these points can be really good advertising, the individual thinks abroad for some of the classic advertising has reached the height.
Domestic advertising creative, it has been generally lack appear very tiresome. Without art beauty, so more tiresome. I hate this kind of common and vulgar things, is also the hateful to bear it every day. supposedly
One can't die of advertising is repeated several times sow!
Re: an ordinary consumers to domestic TV advertisements.
The existence of advertising has its commercial value and his use value, regardless of its very good-looking, but a large number of broadcasting frequency instead can let person deep remember it! Investigation shows that: the cheapest and most trash advertisements with the biggest strength bombing if instead get the best commercial effect, such as brain platinum, soil, too smelly (too). China's consumer spending ideas not mature. Comfort you, along with the development of society, this kind of inferior commercials will be less.
I think it is greatly facilitate public understanding of the product, but these are only the surface, most advertisements can make people aware of it, but what is essential, it just bought to know, of course, most advertisements on star, actually we backing for the product is not only to understand how the star, know more, so heart will want to, even to do propaganda stars are, and what to worry about, so most is bought, only to understand the true product usage.
So I think, advertising, or to the product itself to advertise, and let people know more about the use of the products, and how to tell, etc


用英文帮我写一篇有关“我对广告的看法”的小作文字数是150-200 题目也请给我翻译成英文 要求是通顺 有逻辑性 写出的文章的难度普通即可 如果符合我的要求我会继续加分的! 英语作文我对广告的看法 一篇对电视看法的英文作文希望大家帮我写一篇英文作文参考不用太多 100单词以内就可以 大家帮我找找有关科学家对鬼的看法``` 请大家帮我写一篇英语作文.你对高考的看法. 谁帮我用英语写一篇关于你对未来工作的看法的短文?字数不少于100字, 英文短文.我对广告的看法.My opiniovs about ads 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文:作文要求如下↓ 生活中广告随处可见,对于广告你是喜欢还是讨厌?以Advertising为题写一篇60个词左右的短文,说说你对广告的看法及其理由.{写写你自己对广告的看法 帮忙帮我准备一篇作文 初三写事关于对初三的看法之类的是用具体的事例来说明 对初三的看法 关于微博的英语作文,请帮我写一篇对微博的看法的高中英语作文好吗? 帮我用英语回答下问题.THANK YOU.你对广告和生活的关系有何看法?请列出3个国际广告的品牌名称.你认为这些品牌的广告和产品怎么样? 请帮我写一篇有关写感人故事的作文 我要用英文讨论GAY在口语课上要用英文和同伴辩论对 GAY 的看法 .帮我 英语作文,内容是写一篇有关广告对于购物的影响,广告的好处坏处,怎样做出正确的选择.不想写啊..求高手随便帮我..明天就要交了我大二...没分了 写一篇有关广告(Advertising)的大学英语作文(120词左右)写作要点:一、广告的坏处二、广告的好处三、你的看法 请帮我写一篇 英文 我的爱好 作文 求助…谁能帮我写篇关于广告的英语作文吖急需一篇关于广告的作文(英语的),写广告的利弊…对现在广告的看法都可以的,字数不用太多120词左右…希望友友帮忙, 请帮我写一篇有关声音的作文