
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:01:26
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楼主你好! 很高兴能回答你的问题! 我对音乐有了新的认识.马克思说过:“对于不懂音乐的耳朵,最美的音乐也没有意义.”这说明,如果一个人缺乏必要的音乐欣赏能力,那么,音乐的美感就不能为之所感受,音乐本身也会黯然失色.每天我们都会听到各种各样的音乐,或喜或悲,或激扬或低沉,我们感受着音乐的种种,然而很多人都把音乐仅仅当做歌来听,而并不懂得音乐的内涵、魅力、作用.音乐不仅是简单的几首歌,几个曲子,它有着深刻的意蕴,它包含了很多知识.在我们日常生活中普普通通的音乐但却能起着巨大的作用,让我们变得更加睿智,更加敏锐.首先,音乐能开发一个人的思维,启迪一个人智慧.法国大文豪雨果有一句至理名言: "开启人类智慧的宝库有三把钥匙,一把是数字,一把是文字,一把是音符."可见音乐对一个人的智力的开发有着重大的作用,很多人胎教选择的就是用音乐,就因为音乐可以激发一个人的心理感应,从而开发一个人的思维.记得美国有一所中学每年都会培养一大批优秀学生,而且他他们的学生最后很多都成就斐然,有个记者去调查采访,当问及校长为何他可以培养出这么多的人才时?校长笑道,“因为我们注意开发学生的思维.”原来在他的学校读书,如果想要毕业的话,不仅需要各门成绩都达标,还有一点额外的要求就是每个学生必须学会一门乐器,这就是他们的秘诀,很简单,但是很科学,因为他们懂得开发学生的思维,也就是智力啊!音乐能让人变得敏锐,思维更加活跃,这对一个人的开拓创新的能力的培养是很重要的.其次,音乐能提高一个人的道德修养.雅正和谐的音声,对教化人心有莫大的功效.古希腊哲学家柏拉图认为:“节奏与乐调有最强烈的力量浸入心灵的最深处,如果教育的方式适合,它们就会拿美来浸润心灵,使它也就因而美化”.音乐就像是千年积雪融化的雪水,干净无暇,纯洁无比,聆听音乐就仿佛沐浴在这纯净的冰水之中一样,它可以让你的心灵得到净化,精神得到升华陶冶.当你忘我的融入到音乐中时,就仿佛身处仙境一样,使自己变得完美,自己的境界在不知不觉中提升.我国最早的一部比较完整的、珍贵的先秦时期儒家音乐思想和音乐理论著作《乐记》,就很重视音乐的教化育人作用和道德影响力.曰:“德者,性之端也;乐者,德之华也.”又说,学习“乐”可以陶冶内心,那末平易、正直、慈爱、体谅的心情,就蓬蓬勃勃地产生了……即曰:“致乐以治心,则易直子谅之心油然生矣.”《乐记》中对音乐能深刻感化人心,自然移风易俗也有论述,“乐者,圣人之所乐也,而可以善民心.其感人深,其风移俗易,故先王著其教焉.”可见古人已经深深地体会到了音乐在育人方面的重要作用,它可以提高人的思想道德修养.“是故先王之制礼乐也,非以极口腹耳目之欲也.将以教民平好恶,而返人道之正.”强调以美好和顺的音乐教育人民弃恶扬善,回归纯朴之道.我国古代思想家荀子也指出:“声乐之入人也深,化人也速”肯定了音乐在人的品行、性格形成中的作用.佛教理论中特别强调听觉对人的影响,有“六根之中耳根最利”之说.近代学者梁启超也谈到:“盖欲改造国民之品质,则诗歌音乐为精神教育之一要件”.一代代的伟人都在用自己的领悟向大家阐述着音乐的魅力,音乐就像流了五千年的河,净化了一代一代人的心灵.一首好歌,一曲好乐,可以从政治态度、伦理道德、思想品格和情操上等对人的素质产生影响.《义勇军进行曲》使人产生激昂斗志;《命运》使人面对困难不屈不挠;《我的祖国》,使人热爱祖国之心油然而生;《走向新时代》,敦促人们快马加鞭追赶新时代的步伐……音乐欣赏的作用在于可以净化人的心灵,陶冶人的情操,并使人从中汲取激情和前进的动力.英文的是:I to a new understanding of music. Marx once said: "for a don't understand music ears, the most beautiful music also have no meaning." This shows that if a person lack of necessary music appreciation ability, so, music beauty cannot by feeling, music itself can also overshadowed. Every day we will hear all sorts of music, or happy or sad, or encouraging or low, we feel the music of a variety of, however many music only as song to listen, but doesn't understand the connotation of music, glamour, role. Music is not only simple several songs, a few tunes, it has a profound connotation, it contains a lot of knowledge. In our daily life ordinary music but it can play a tremendous role, let us become wiser and more acute. First, music can develop one's way of thinking, the enlightenment a man of wisdom. France the maisonde Victor Hugo four words: "open the treasure-house of human wisdom there are three keys, a digital, a is a writing, one is notes." Visible to music a person's intelligence development has a major effect, a lot of people choose an unborn baby is with music, just because music can arouse one's mental induction, thus developing a person's The headmaster say with smile, "because we pay attention to developing students' thinking." Originally in his school, if want to graduate, if needs not only have got all the standard, and a little extra requirement is each student must learn a foreign Musical Instruments, this is their tips, very simple, but very science, because they know develop the student's thought, namely intelligence! Music can let a person become keen, thought to be more active, this to a person of the development innovation ability training is very important. Secondly, music can improve one's moral accomplishment. Leading the voice of harmonious civilized people has great effect. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato thinks: "rhythm and joy attune has the strongest strength dipped into the heart of the deepest way of education, if for, they will take beauty to infiltrate spirit and it will thus beautification". Music is like millennium snow melting snow, clean and pure, pure and clinking, listen to music is like bathed in the pure water among the same, it can make your spirit is purified, spirit sublimated edify. When you are absorbed into the music to and fro like a day in wonderland as to become perfect, their border in imperceptible in ascension. China's earliest a relatively complete, precious during the pre-qin Confucian thoughts and music music theory works "happy ji, attaches great importance to music enlightenment cultivation effect and moral influence. Yue: "virtuous person, sex of the end or the music, DE; elite of." Said again, learning "le" can cultivate one's heart, then amiable, integrity, mercy and considerate of mood, vigorously produced... Namely yue: "zhi le to cure heart, then easy naoko dare born in the heart of the queen yi." "Happy music can record" of profound soften hearts, nature also have discuss, carry out "le person, of the saint joy also, but can good morale. Its moving deep, its wind moved vulgar, so WangZhu its first easily taught how." Visible the ancients has deeply realized music in educating people's important function, it can improve one of ideological and moral cultivation. "Thus it is the first king of music, not with extremely hunger and refreshing to also. Will JiaoMin flat, and return the humanitarian likes and dislikes are. "Stressed in beautiful music education of people's trans-monounsaturated refuse evil reward good, return to the simple path. Our country ancient thinkers xunzi also pointed out:" the person also deep vocal, turn into people also speed "affirms the music in a man's character, the character in the formation of buddhist theories role. Special emphasis on hearing effects on people, have" among the levites six-mallet ears "said. Modern scholars liang qichao also said: "cover to transform the quality, the national spirit education of music for poetry elements". Generations of big men in their own understanding to everybody with music, expounded the charm of music like flow up five thousand years of river, and purify generation generation of soul. A good song, a song of good joy, can from political attitude, ethic and thinking character and sentiment classy on the quality of people have an impact. "Volunteer march", make the person produces tended to fight, "Destiny" make the person facing difficulties indomitable, "My country", make people love the motherland of heart arises spontaneously, Toward the new era ", urging people to race pursued new the pace of The Times... Music appreciation is that it can purify the role of man's mind, edify one's sentiment, make the person benefited passion and motivation. 希望我能够帮到你!呵呵~