
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 08:47:26
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这是英语俚语 跟一般的正式英文有很多差别
像dick 一般都是名字迪克的意思 但是在俚语里时阴茎的意思
很多俚语的表达在教科书里时学不到的 多去听听HIPA就是hip-pop 和rap 你会学到很多

A good show will be put on !

原意"好戏上场"来说, 最简单直接的表达方法就是Showtime!
其实是It's showtime!(歌词里有)的省略,
也可以用Good Play 或者 Good Show! 不过后2者有点文绉绉的.
我理解的大致意思应该是Eminem抒发了一种对HIP POP现状和自己遭遇的一种不满吧...


原意"好戏上场"来说, 最简单直接的表达方法就是Showtime!
其实是It's showtime!(歌词里有)的省略,
也可以用Good Play 或者 Good Show! 不过后2者有点文绉绉的.
我理解的大致意思应该是Eminem抒发了一种对HIP POP现状和自己遭遇的一种不满吧,这张专辑刚好也是他有点名气时候推出的.
Eminem的本名,Marshall Mather.
Let's get down to business. 让我们言归正传吧
恕才疏学浅,有些意思只能意会不可言传, 呵呵....
(Dre) Marshall... sounds like an S.O.S
(Eminem) Holy wack un-lyrical lyrics Andre, your fuckin' right-
(Dre) To the rapmobile...Let's go
(Background) Marshall!
(Background) Marshall!
(Eminem) Bitches and gentlemen, its showtime! Hurry hurry, step right up
Introducing the star of our show his name is..
(Background) Marshall!
(Eminem) You wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now So
without further ado, I bring to you
(Background) Marshall!
You bout to witness hip hop in its most purest,
most rawest form, flow almost flawless
most hardest, most honest known artist,
chip off the old block,
but old Doc is BACK
looks like Batman brought his own Robin.
Oh god, Sadam's got his own Laden
wit' his own private plane, his own pilot,
set to blow college dorm rooms doors off the hinges
oranges, peach, pears, plums, syringes.
unn unnn, yea here I come,
I'm inches away from you, dear fear none,
hip hop is in a state of nine-one one so
Chorus: (x2)
Let's get down to business.
I don't got no time to play around what is this?
Must be a circus in town,
let's shut the shit down on these clowns.
Can I get a witness? Hell yea!
Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles.
Gee wilikers Dre, holy bat syllables
look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham when I'm gone.
Time to get rid of these rap criminals
So skip to your lou while I do what I do best.
You ain't even impressed no more, you're used to it
flows too wet, nobody close to it, nobody says it,
but still everybody knows the shit
the most hated on out of all of those who say they get hated on
in eighty songs and exaggerate it all so much,
they make it all up, there's no such thing,
like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans
it just means so much more to so much more
people when you're rappin' and you know what for
the show must go on.
So I'd like to welcome y'all to Marshall and Andre's carnival,
c'mon! Now…..
Let's get down to business.
I don't got no time to play around what is this?
Must be a circus in town,
let's shut the shit down on these clowns.
Can I get a witness? Hell yea!
its just like old times, the dynamic duo, two old friends,
why panic, you already who's fully capable,
the two caped heroes,
dial straight down the center eight zero zero
you can even call collect,
the most feared duet, since me and Elton
played career Russian roulette
and you never even see me blink or get to bustin' a sweat,
people steppin' over people just to rush to the set
just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely,
ease over these beats and be so breezy
Jesus how can shit be so easy,
how can one Chandra be so levy?
turn on these beats, MC's don't see me.
Believe me BET and MTV
are gonna grieve when we leave,
dog fo' sheezy.
Can't leave rap alone the game needs me
till we grow beards, get weird and disappear into the mountains.
Nothing but clowns down here
but we ain't fuckin' around round here,
Yo Dre….
(Dre) what up?
Can I get a hell yea now?
(Dre)Hell yea
Let's get down to business.
I don't got no time to play around what is this?
Must be a circus in town,
let's shut the shit down on these clowns.
Can I get a witness? Hell yea!
So there you have it folks,
Marshall has come to save the day
back with his friend Andre,
and to remind you that bullshit does not pay
because Marshall! And Andre are here to stay
and never go away until our dying day
until we're old and gray Marshall!
So until next time friends
same blond hair, same rap channel,
good night everyone thank you for coming
your host for the evening… Marshall! Oh…


有些歌名/电影名其实和原文差得挺远的,比如Finding Nemo(寻找尼莫)中文是“海底总动员”。楼主不要太计较。
Let's rock! ...


有些歌名/电影名其实和原文差得挺远的,比如Finding Nemo(寻找尼莫)中文是“海底总动员”。楼主不要太计较。
Let's rock! 大家疯吧!
Let the show begin! 让好戏开始吧!
Now the good part starts! 现在好戏(精彩的部分)开始了!



Now the show begins!

英语翻译我要的是越简短越好,短语我不需要了,我要的是词组,Eminem有首歌就叫business翻译成好戏上场,但我查字典都查不到,有其他的单词或词组吗? 英语翻译人小鬼大 古灵精怪 帮我翻译成简短的英文词组 而又不丢失原意 用英汉词典翻译我也会 我要的是简短的词 意思上大同小异就行 好的我加分100 英语翻译我不需要理解,我不需要同情和可怜,我需要的是欣赏 用英语翻译“当机会一次又一次地错失,我又能怎样做?”用英语翻译一个句子,越简短越好 一丛花 要简短越简短越好 英语翻译麻烦各位高手、翻译的越简短越好。 《做有责任感的好公民》征文 提纲我不要例文,不需要别人帮我写,我要一个详细一点的提纲(越详细越好), 给我一些数学名人名言越简短越好 初出茅庐是哪个历史人物的事情?要简短30字在30之前,我也祝大家加油,工作顺利。额额,不需要一定30字的。 因为我要进行文改漫,所以一定要简短简短!但其中又要有一些简单的道理什么的...越简单越好,因为作业要求是只用一页A4纸! 英语翻译越简短越好~顺便把这首诗也翻译成英文 一刻心心相印,生生世世相依。爱情地久天长,你我不离不弃。 英语翻译我需要的是名词短语,是挺难的。 我要的是短语保留 短语怎么说 我要简短的英语故事或是笑话,我非常急!要求如下1.词句不要太难,要易懂,简短简短,非常关键.2.关键是能从故事或笑话中学到2到3个短语3.短语是那种有意义的或是比较特别的(特别的举个例 英语翻译英语短语翻译 对我 是全部的谢谢 英语翻译大致意思是 爸爸妈妈你们是我最重要的人 但是不要直译 最好能婉转点 尽量出自于名人名言格言警句什么的最好 注明出处 【简短】【婉转】【尽量在一句话以内】【不需要直译】 求25+句简短拟人句最少25句拟人句,越简短越好.不错不错,1喽的简短是简短不过就是。太假了点= =|| 我还需要三十个排比句,这个更要简短,但不要假, 帮我把在北京城夏日的夜里听到琴声译成English越简短越好