
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 09:52:34
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1.in the plain of the iron age,large farming Qin Empire and the Western Roman Empire,becoming high suspended in the human history of the sky,while two Sun into Eastern and Western civilization of Jung-won.
2.the creation of a complete set of the Qin Empire State system and civilization,laid the foundations of Chinese culture,and endless tapestry; has hundreds of years of history of the Roman Empire,but in history substitution becomes numerous broken,always failed to establish a succession of unified civilization.
3.History of things often are the same,all roads lead to Rome,the same surprising.When East of Qin Empire being conducted at the end of a unified China to come to grips with the north shore of the Mediterranean; in southern Europe,Roman and Carthage and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has just started a field to the hegemony of the Mediterranean and expand battle of life and death.With the destruction of the city of Carthage and the military defeat of the Macedonian empire,Rome established its supremacy in the Mediterranean on the unprecedented
我自己翻译的 应该对

In primitive straightforward iron impergium, daqin empire and the western Roman empire together, become the highest in human history, the two SUNS and become the source civilization.
2 the whole n...


In primitive straightforward iron impergium, daqin empire and the western Roman empire together, become the highest in human history, the two SUNS and become the source civilization.
2 the whole nation create empire qin system and civilization system, and laid the foundations of Chinese civilization, and the unceasing survived, With hundreds of years of history, but in the history of the Roman empire in the replacement of the broken into innumerable, always fails to establish line segments of the unified civilization.
3. In the history of the things is often machine-made, run, the same strange. When the eastern empire qin is completed a unified China's bloody battle, In the southern Mediterranean shore, the Roman empire and Carthage and Macedonia just started a for the Mediterranean and hegemony of the life and death. With the fall of Carthage city-states and Macedonia, Roman empire military defeat in the Mediterranean established the unprecedented glory


高分求中译英(答的好有追加)1.在古朴粗犷的铁器农耕时代,大秦帝国与西方罗马帝国一起,成为高悬于人类历史天空的两颗太阳,同时成为东西方文明的正源.2.秦帝国创造的一整套国家体制 有没有感恩老师的快板词?高分鼓励~~答的好的再追加200分 学会尊重的演讲稿、要初二的水平,能在5分钟内读完的.事后一定高分(追加).有的话、发的好点 - -.不要错别字 - = 乱发的好自为之.*.* 高分,求速解一道小学语文题,急啊!好的有追加中共中央组织作出决定,追授在抗击非典型肺炎中光荣( )的邓练贤等四位同志“全国优秀共产党员”的称号.括号里填“牺牲”还是“殉职” 语文阅读题怎样才能拿高分呢?(答好追加)我阅读总是错很多题目.我刚升初三,阅读有记叙文、说明文、议论文 (追加高分)哪里有y=arcsinx和y=arctanx的函数图形?RT 昧已瞒心什么意思?答的好的有高分, (20分,会追加分)诚问:如何判断单个元音字母后面的辅字组是否该重读音节?手机提问不能更高分,请体谅.答得好追加分哦!说到做到. 好的有50追加! 英语翻译如题~好文章+有中文翻译=高分追加悬赏 一座古朴典雅的“丝绸之路”巨型石雕,( )在西安市玉祥门外括号里能填 屹立 充沛和古朴的近义词以及古朴的反义词近义词:充沛( ) 古朴( )反义词:古朴( )近义词:充沛( ) 古朴( ) 反义词:充沛( ) 古朴( ) 想出,在一个冬天的下午这两个词组怎么说?答得好有追加分 古朴典雅的( )填名胜古迹谁知道古朴典雅的( )填名胜古迹! 古朴典雅的( )填名胜古迹急!古朴典雅的( )填名胜古迹 我想写一篇有关孔子的议论文★如果答得好高分追加悬赏★想要写一反面的 讲讲有什么论点或者例子以及前人的经典骂作 「高分」.关于春节祝福的作文500~700字(好的还有追加)~~~~~~~~~~急~~~~~~~~~~~ 我要初一语文新课程基础训练参考答案,速度给啊!高分..好的追加30分.