
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 14:48:49
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A big question has so far nestling in my head:
Why is the world cup so powerful in attracting people? despite the charm of football, is there anything else that is far more significant?
With recently watching the world cup, the key suddenly dropped out:it is a noble spiritial emothion--sense of national honor!
Everyone on earth have the conception of nation, but not everytime in anywhere does this emothion come out. usually when people are in different countries missing their hometwon, long for their home country, the nation would then become vital with blood and bones, and the emothion is every special and concrete. however in modern society, with the development of technology, the faster information transformation, the booming of the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller, also, the boundaries between countries seems unclear. Back to the Internationalization of football, you may see the frequent transfer of players between different clubs, freely come and go, and that has made football union in many countries have the factors of internationalization. players no matter where they are from or which team they are serving for, their passion during the match has never been affected by the national differences.
However,when it is in the world cup, everything changes, every player come back to their own nation wearing the honorable clothes with similar color with the national flag.singing national anthem before every competation vowing love and allegiance. an emothion of consanguinity burning in the blood vessels all through the body.
In the past history, wars usually happens between countries, guys fight for their country. the honor of the nation are exchanged by their blood and life. while in the peace era, only the mass competation can raise that remote bot holy emothion, that is: fight for homeland!

I've been turning these problems over and over in my mind:
How can the world cup be so enchanting?Except the magic of football itself,what else are higher or greater ?I suddenly find the answer in...


I've been turning these problems over and over in my mind:
How can the world cup be so enchanting?Except the magic of football itself,what else are higher or greater ?I suddenly find the answer in these days when watching the world cup games:Owing to a sort of the greatest noble spirit---The nation's honor!
People on earth all have the concept of their own nation ,but it can't be sure on the feelings for our country.People are often sighing for home when they are in foreign lands,which makes the concept of nation more obvious and more real and the patriotic sentiments more specific.
However, in our modern society,with the development of science and technology ,the information goes very fast and the world has become more and more smaller,so that the national boundaries do not seem so clear.
Anyway,the football industry is changing rapidly to become world wide.Usually national players often move to other clubs randomly ,which makes more and more National Leagues having international factors.Players, regardless of nationality, only played for his club.From their passion on games,we see nothing about their patriotism.
But,when it comes to the world cup games,everything has becoming changed.All players come back for their own country,dressing in the clothing which has the same colors with the glorious flag.They also sing the national anthem to swear on the love and loyalty to their motherland before every game.Started feeling a blood vessel in the body burning up, and immediately blood boil.
In historical times, a confrontation between countries happens and men fights for their country.Even we need to exchange the nation's honor with our own life.But in times of peace, Only such a large-scale adversarial contest between countries, can evoke that distant and sacred emotions .That is to fight for the honour of our country!


A big problem, live in my head: World Cup how can have such great attraction? Remove the football itself charm, is there any other than its great things? More Recently, watching the World Cup, suddenl...


A big problem, live in my head: World Cup how can have such great attraction? Remove the football itself charm, is there any other than its great things? More Recently, watching the World Cup, suddenly get an answer: is due to a supreme sublime spiritual feelings - national pride! People on the planet would have national concept, but not all countries have feelings. Often people in exotic, missing hometown, conceiving you.feel, this country concept becomes vivid, patriotic sentiment came very specific. But in modern society, science and technology, information quickly and rachanda everything online, the world is really too small, national boundaries didn't seem so clear. Besides football are rapidly hascontributed, ferial countries move, intercourse casual players frequently, causing more and more countries and league with international factors. The players regardless of nationality, only playing for his club, they play in the thrill of absolutely no patriotism factor. However, arrived World Cup tournament, the big change. All players have gone home, effectiveness, and put on the flag and the glory of the same colour clothes. In every game, but also sing the national anthem before with vowed to his own country love and loyalty. A kind of emotional began in systemic blood ignited, blood vessels and immediately blood-boiling. In the historical era, between countries often happen confrontation, my hero for countries to understand. The glory of the country often needs in his own life for. But in the period of peace between nations, only this contest, just behind the mass may arouse that distant and sacred emotion, that is: to fight for his motherland!



There is a big question keep popping up in my head:
How could the World Cup has such intense attraction? Excluding the charm of the football per se, is there any other thing has greater grandness?...


There is a big question keep popping up in my head:
How could the World Cup has such intense attraction? Excluding the charm of the football per se, is there any other thing has greater grandness?
Recently, through watching the World Cup, an answer suddenly showed itself: it was caused by a supremely high spiritual feeling - the national pride! Every human has own concept of nation, however, not everyone has feeling towards their nations. When one travels far from his motherland, homesickness and nostalgia animated the concept of nation, thus, the feeling of patriotism becomes very vivid. In modern society, technology has gone far, information delivers in fast pace, everything could be on Internet, the world is really too small for us and the concept of nation is no longer clear. Furthermore, the globalization of football is rapid, players from all around the world often transfer themselves from one club to another according to their own wish, resulting in every football match now has international element in it. Regardless their nationalities, players only serve for their own club, they have totally no patriotism deep inside their passions.
However, when the World Cup is here, everything changed. Every player tends to return to their own country and serve, they would wear attires with the colours of national flag. Before each match kicks off, they would sing their national anthem and vow to their nation with love and royalty. A vivid emotion started to ignite inside the blood vessels, thus immediately burning with righteous indignation.
Back in the olden days, there were wars between the countries and man would volunteer to protect his own country. People often had to interchange national pride with lives. But during the peace age, only with this kind of huge international football event could awake the far-gone but holy emotion, that is, to fight for his homeland!


求高人翻译一段话,汉译英,不要机器翻译的,大学用的,急着用谢谢了!有好的再追加分、一个大问题一直盘踞在我脑袋里:世界杯怎么会有如此巨大的吸引力?除去足球本身的魅力之外,还有什么 高分求高手翻译一段英文翻译软件勿扰先给30,翻译完毕我再加50,再次重申不要用翻译软件翻,麻烦各位了机器翻译的不好 英语翻译不要翻译机器翻译的东西 翻译 不要机器翻译 急,求高人泰语三分钟的自我介绍!不要机器翻译!如果好,我会追加悬赏分! 求翻译英语 把图片上的文字翻译成英语 不要用机器翻译 谢啦 Lost it all 求翻译Lost it all 不要机器翻译的· 英语翻译求高人把下面一段话翻译成英文(别用Google和百度的垃圾机器翻译 根本就不对的)但是现在我成功了...赞美光 你会用得着的 翻译 一段文字 要求人工翻译 不要谷歌等机器翻译 跪求~~~本文提出了一种基于MCS-51内核的高端单片机C8051f020的通用型信号采集与控制器的设计方案,设计的主要内容包含硬件设计,应用软件 翻译:国际竞争国内化请用经济词汇,不要机器翻译的 帮忙翻译一下哈,谢谢,不要机器翻译的哈1 求不靠谱的正确的英文翻译,机器翻译的不要 away we go 什么意思求正确的翻译.不要什么电影 还有机器翻译就别说了 英语翻译求高人翻译、 最好不要直译、 论文翻译,求高人翻译,不要用机器翻译.在广袤的北美大地,美国迅速崛起发展,期间伴随着个人英雄主义渗透到美国人民生活中的各个方面以及在不同的历史时期对这种思想本身的加强和调整, 持枪的英文不要机器翻译 请高人翻译 汉译英! 不要机器翻译的 要人工翻译的哦!~~ 谢谢!急!在进行作战指挥活动时,我们追求的目标是又好又快,即作战指挥效能.在信息化条件下,随着各种传感器技术的发展,情报信息的 求翻译一段英语,不要用翻译机器翻译啊~!不要太书面,最好能口语化点 他有着一张圆圆的脸,略胖,并没有太多的头发,有神的眼睛,神色慈祥但也带着一丝威严.常常一副英国绅士的打扮,带着领