将下列句子排列成短文或对话1、His father often buys one for her.2、He says it can help his mother learn English.3、He does not want to buy a rose.4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.5、What does he buy?6、Today is Mother

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:10:41
将下列句子排列成短文或对话1、His father often buys one for her.2、He says it can help his mother learn English.3、He does not want to buy a rose.4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.5、What does he buy?6、Today is Mother
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将下列句子排列成短文或对话1、His father often buys one for her.2、He says it can help his mother learn English.3、He does not want to buy a rose.4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.5、What does he buy?6、Today is Mother
1、His father often buys one for her.
2、He says it can help his mother learn English.
3、He does not want to buy a rose.
4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.
5、What does he buy?
6、Today is Mother’s Day.
7、Look,he buys a CD.

将下列句子排列成短文或对话1、His father often buys one for her.2、He says it can help his mother learn English.3、He does not want to buy a rose.4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.5、What does he buy?6、Today is Mother
6 4 5 3 1 7 2

将下列句子排列成短文或对话1、His father often buys one for her.2、He says it can help his mother learn English.3、He does not want to buy a rose.4、Peter wants to buy something for his mother.5、What does he buy?6、Today is Mother 将下列句子排列成同顺的对话 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话 将下列句子排列成通顺的对话做的对吗 将下列句子重新排列使其成为一段通顺的对话 三、请按照合乎逻辑的顺序将下列句子排列成短文,将顺序号填入句子前的括号里.( )But the dictionary did not tell him how to pronounce the word.( )As he did not know much English ,he got out his dictionary and looked up th 求将下列句子排列成段的问题 一、同学们大声朗读下面的句子,并用A,B,C,D,E,F,G重新排列下列对话. 将下列句子重新排序组成对话 将下列句子正确排序组成对话 将下列句子排列成一段对话,将标号填在横线上.A.Yes,I Can.B.All ringt.C.Let's go and have a look.D.Can you see a big bag over there?E.Whose bag is it?F.Sorry,I don't know.1.__2.__3__4__5__6__ 将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话.A.Look!There's a sign near the lake.What does it mean?B.Can we fish here?C.Let's go to the park,David.D.Yes,I do.What's the matter?E.Sorry,we can't.Let's go to other places(其他地方).F.Do you konw a 将下列句子重新排列组成一段完整的对话. 1Because I want to be thinner and healthier 2Would you like继2 another one?3 It's time to have lunch .What would you like to eat?4 Yes. And taking more exercise is good too.5 You eat a little f 将下列句子重新排列组成一个对话( )What's your name?( )Hello!I'm Mike.( )See you!( )My name is Chen jie.( )Bye 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一段完整的对话.A.How do you spell it?B.No,it isn’t my ruler.C.Excuse me!What’s this in English?D.What color is it?E.Is that your ruler?F.It’s a ruler.G.Is that his ruler?H.Yes,it is.I.It’s 英语故事短文或对话 将下列句子重新排序,组成完整的对话 将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话