
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:44:31
xUMo7+F[؀aM&0 iYqIj=59==?&!WɩA"933oF˓7?^=o.z}}o/y~^z}q޾'{O O cwyrH}:i:97v.ٹѡ>TJXjԹ3W"V$ ;yV#\#T(+[Qْm>Eu$c(F0TpW Z#>/qJEfu~!hEh/GG#վ4R̜S쉎kU+/¨g1SryWGDR2 ܂ VM̔)wZªȊ*#&;#ġ2ꂈ^Ĝh7H<ө9nt@K1s@6H([9w"oJ33`j\`,*΃ t`91DRT[ttxzsˊND")*1_ =W_"@ZUzAT1@ď*ޏf# Du.ՁʴQiı/6,N$˨3yĽӦ[KJ3ʍa/^{tPH͕PbGx3:y8Sƀ30.YQVcrs߰<\w=m@9&LқK7Zt #0rŃ*wB\k(=NRR)J ZEHM=[cAmS;VՖ-իuQ[#r'_+s60g`n0Xl#o|0 OZӡcZc1SU P7cx0,bi]҇r"E]Crx7,=(T


A 1.He is busy.2.He is leaning English.3.He has a new book.4.He lives in the country.5.He will see you tomorrow.6.He can understand you.7.He must write a letter.8.He may come next week.9.He does a lot of work every day.10.He did a lot of work yesterday.11.He played football yesterday.12.He bought a new coat last week.13.He has had a letter from Tom.14.He was busy this morning.15.He could play football very well when he was younger.16.He always tries to get up early.17.He might see you next week.18.He always enjoys a good film.19.He had finished his work before you came.20.He watches television every night.B 1.some 2.a 3.any 4.any 5.a 6.some 7.a 8.any 9.any 10.any C 1.I haven't got much butter.2.You haven't got many cigarettes.3.We haven't got much milk.4.She hasn't got many biscuits.5.They haven't got much stationery.D 1.bought 2.aired 3.lost 4.listened 5.emptied E 1.Q.Did he buy a new car?Q.What did he buy?N.He didn't buy a new car.2.Q.Can she come tomorrow?Q.When can she come?N.She can't come tomorrow.3.Q.Were they here yesterday?Q.When were they here?N.They weren't here yesterday.4.Q.Must he leave early?Q.Why must he leave early?N.He mustn't leave early.5.Q.Did he give you a pen?Q.What did he give you?N.He didn't give you a pen.6.Q.Does he live next door?Q.Where does he live?N.He doesn't live next door.7.Q.Do you know him well?Q.How well do you know him?N.You don't know him well.8.Q.Has he found his pen?Q.What has he found?N.He hasn't found his pen.9.Q.Did you see that film?Q.When did you see that film?N.You didn't see that film.10.Q.Did he arrive at two o'clock?Q.When did he arrive?N.He didn't arrive at two o'clock.F 1.slowly 2.lazily 3.badly 4.carefully 5.suddenly G 1.He'll...2.She'll...3.I'll...4.He won't ...5.We shan't...

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