谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 09:06:29
谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t
xVEMf7"Yyi =eOkgG=kWHʅHp$%Ŀ,J zKMWWu{q}{q7y׻xūO\==}Wot7^v\o=/iZ(o`Ѵ4B9pX|t$~`#eAS(8d"s8˴lլ3޳sƙY ^8k#h0ͺP` {pYODXl!%4KߒcB ȅiB(@b$aiEÀ[,#H`Er  (ʸFSqN ٦v^*:&/iJǬ`Y2EfNsߡ.[Iq0tTȷ|(,1">|~'l&nN uOi?"Z T2)ѣlQM',2i+ \١EA-4uH!P$kLEJλOQUa>%Z[B'[n܈{3zEȞ:GU};π b*Tޗ8^ɐ"ʜ/Ty2t3V51$V.*dTs=]hRK`E>R?dj6V \ckK#\Y.U4]BCiJ%LDr*AD0›=ҚA /Qin8[b Jz'Hح{xMTMS\qx|1L`eo4~jZ2=  ~ VFDY bך2gBXQD_4>O?]qFGXL!;{b}1?YSLG@ӕ)

谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t
21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.”
A.That I
B.What I
C.That what I
D.What do I
22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted to know about my cat,but I misunderstood him.He asked me where ________,not my cat.
A.is my hat
B.my hat was
C.my hat is
D.was my hat
23、 “The people in the apartment upstairs must have a lot of children.” “I don’t know how many ________,but it sounds like they have a dozen.”
A.children do they have
B.do they have children
C.children they have
D.they have children
24、 Do you know ________?I myself have no idea.
A.how many years the earth is
B.how old the earth is
C.how long is the earth
D.how much time has been the earth
25、 “There’s too much noise in this room.I can’t understand what ________.” “Neither can I.”
A.is the professor saying
B.is saying the professor
C.that the professor is saying
D.the professor is saying
26、 When I was little,my father gave me some advice.He said ________ talk to strangers.
A.I shouldn’t
B.that shouldn’t
D.that I don’t
27、 “I didn’t expect Ann’s husband to be here at the opera with her.” “I’m surprised,too.Ann must have insisted that ________ with her.”
A.he come
B.he comes
C.he came
D.he had come
29、 “Did you tell Carol where ________ us this evening?” “Yes,I did.I can’t understand why she is late.”
A.should she meet
B.she to meet
C.she meets
D.to meet
30、 A fortune-teller predicted ________ inherit a lot of money before the end of the year.
A.that I would
B.that I
C.what I will
D.what I

谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t
21.B 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.A 29.D

4道英语选择题,希望学霸可以帮我解决, 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(3)!21、 “What are you going to buy in this store?” “Nothing.________ want is much too expensive.” A.That I B.What I C.That what I D.What do I 22、 I talked to Bob two weeks ago.I thought he wanted t 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题!1、 “Who is eligible for the scholarship?” “Anyone ________ scholastic record is above the average can apply for the scholarship.” A.who has a B.has a C.who’s a D.whose 2、 Dr.Sales is a person __ 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(2)!11、 That book is by a famous anthropologist.It’s about the people in Samoa ________ for two years.A.that she lived B.that she lived among them C.among whom she lived D.where she lived among them 12、 谁能帮我解决几道英语题 2道英语选择题. 英语选择题语法问题如何解决 跪求英语高手解决高中选择题 谁能帮我解决这40道英语选择题(4)!31、 “Bill Frazer seems like a good person for the job,but we don’t know why he left his last job.” “I know why.He told me ________ a serious policy disagreement with his boss last January.” A.i 【急死】这有8道英语选择题, 求六到十三题的选择题答案,不要猛我, 谁能帮我讲一下这个英语选择题 谁能帮我解决两道英语阅读题? 谁能帮我解决一下这个英语题 谁能帮我解决这1 2 3大题呀 请解决帮我解决一下这道英语题:What ___you___(have) for lunch? 谢谢啊请解决帮我解决一下这道英语题:What ___you___(have) for lunch? 谢谢啊 帮我做英语选择题 帮我改改英语选择题 谁能帮我解决这题