吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的

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吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的
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吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的
吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的

吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的
练习一 一: 1:honest 2:secret 3:ready 4:nothing 5:humour 6:bowls 7:magazines 8:special 9:slim 10:round 二: 1:Which boy is Peter? 2:Why his legs do not fit under the school desks? 3:Betty and I may not get to see each other often. 4:The boy called Jim wants to see you 5:Do you think climbing is as exciting as skating? 三: 1—5:EDBCA 四: 1—5:BDDBD 6—10:CCBAC 五: 1—5:BABAC 6—10:BCBDC 六: 1—5:AAAAB 练习二 一: 1:geography 2:tennis 3:point 4:health 5:elevator 二: 1:is different from 2:is more boring than 3:the tallest of 4:more subjects than 三: like classes How many library have 四: 1—5:BDDCC 6—11:BBADAC 五: 1—5:DBABC 6—10:BDBCD 六: 1—5:BBDDC: 练习三 一: 1:tidy 2:President 3:winners 4:remember 5:tickets 二: 1:Nancy went to Suzhou by train last year . 2:She like her mother and likes her mother too. 3:Linda,don't tell anyone about the matter . 4:There are more than two hundred places of interest from Beijing. 5:It is fine ,but he don't go out and stay at home. 三: 1:teachers 2:6:00 a.m 3:6:30 a.m 4:park 5:4:00 6:80 四: 1—5:CBBDB 6—10:CCBBD 五: 1—5:DACBC 6—10:BDACB 六: 1—5:DDDBB 练习四 一: 1:litter 2:metal 3:Encourage 4:calm 5:over 6:shining 二: 1:tourists 2:peaceful 3:angerly 4:importance 5:heavier 三: 1:took 2:lasts 3:is going to be 4:hurry 5:don't will fall 四: 1:join the school trip 2:feel sick 3:make a home page 4:take a underground to go to work 五: 1:What exciting news it is! 2:for the first time 3:What did the teacher tell you not to do? 4:How often do you do a bird count a year? 5:用because连用 六: 1—4:DCBD 5—8:CABD 七: 1—5:DABBA 6—10:CCDCB 八: 1—5:CCDBA 练习五 一: 1:met 2:to make 3:travels 4:paies 5:are watching 6:will finish 7:droped 二: 1:go birdwatching 2:make space for 3:have nowhere to live 4:gives me some advice 5:at a time 三: 1:different from 2:If don't 3:made of 4:won't any more 5:without help 6:rained heavily 7:because of its colourful feathers 8:endangered birds 四: 1:Jiangsu Dafeng is an idea home for Elaphurus davidianus. 2:He will arrive at 8 this morning. 3:l think running is not as exciting as driving. 4:The weather in Kunming is warm and wet aii year round. 5:We welcome visitors from around the world to Suzhou to visit. 6:I look out of the window and saw that people being rushed to remove the snow. 五: 1:telephone return 2:was wrote 3:not to make 4:playing 5:taking 6:terribly 7:moves 8:listens 六: 1:Yes. 2:Wolves 3:Humans 4:These dogs often came near humans to steal some food. 5:The dogs helped them to hunt.They could smell and hear danger before people could. They helped keep people warm on cold nights. 练习六 一: 1—5:DACCA 6—10:CACAD 11—15:DBBAB 16—20:BCCCB 二: CGAEB 三: 1—5:ADBAD 6—10:DCBBC 四: 1—5:BABC 1—5:BACAD

八年级英语寒假作业答案 吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的 2007版中学生寒假实践活动指南共计54页

吉林教育出版社义务教育课程标准 2011——2012学年度的 人教版,义务教育课程标准(吉林教育出版社),谁有 五年级下册期末试卷 英语 义务教育课程标准英语:义务教育课程标准义务教育课程标准都是 教育出版社今年的试卷, 书是浙江教育出版社的 义务教育课程标准实验教科书 义务教育 课程标准2011版读后感 吉林教育出版社 根据义务教育课程标准实验教科书 编写人教课标版吉林大学出版社 六年级下册语文书江苏教育出版社的我要生字表!是义务教育课程标准实验教科书 新课标人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书六年级上册语文数学期末试卷 要人民教育出版社的 求音乐:义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语要三年级起始福建教育出版社的教科书磁带 新课标人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书六年级上册语文数学期末试卷 要人民教育出版社的 八下政治的期末考卷…广东教育出版社的…义务教育课程标准实验教科书 要人民教育出版社的、义务教育课程标准实验教科书的历史测试题啊! 英语翻译(义务教育课程标准实验教科书,上海教育出版社) 责任编辑:林妍 ,周长天 2011年版《义务教育语文课程标准》与2001《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验)》的最大差异是什么? 义务教育课程标准实验教科书 义务教育课程标准实验教科书 义务教育课程标准实验书.