用适当的词语替换下列举中括号部分1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.4.Could you please (buy me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:58:14
用适当的词语替换下列举中括号部分1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.4.Could you please (buy me
x=O0mrU> &jb[(*UHH1ub g~ .VaCd|{90xuzV\/.Od~6=̦rp;Φz^e q 5AUفBgi 8;.-{2=TEålRڤ@bVaD[ Nn:KPuc ȵRuGޟ!mPkg$m{o/50?K- .;vnޫc4rB/T/.("V@˂i5̮DnrG^WLB^%UZw-

用适当的词语替换下列举中括号部分1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.4.Could you please (buy me
1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?
2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).
3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.
4.Could you please (buy me a new pen) on your way home?
5.Don't forget to (make a telephone call to me ) early tomorrow morning.

用适当的词语替换下列举中括号部分1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.4.Could you please (buy me
2.mend it
4.buy a new pen for me
5.ring me up

用适当的词语替换下列举中括号部分1.What will (happen) if you don't come to the party on time?2.My bike is broken.I have to (repair it).3.When he was seven,he had learned (more than) one thousand English words.4.Could you please (buy me 用适当的单词和短语替换下列句中的括号部分His grandpa is (over)seventy years old 用适当的单词和短语替换下列句中的括号部分His grand is (over)seventy years old 写处于括号部分读音相同的单词1.(wh)y ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. (wh)o ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. (th)in( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4. (th)is( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) We Wh- questions ______(ask) for information根据括号里所给单词用适当形式填空,wh-是用这个句市的意思 选择适当的选项替换括号部分( )He gets up (quickly).A.mow B.at once C.soon 3道英语代词替换题请用适当的代词替换下列括号部分1.his father will work with (the workers)tomorrow2.(jim and you) are friends3.we are interested in( yours and mine) 在诗中括号里填上适当的词语 从括号中选择适当的词语完成句子 选出括号部分读音不同的单词1.b(i)g 2.wh(i)te 3.wh(i)ch 4.w(i)ll 求2道英语代词替换题答案请用适当的代词替换下列括号部分1.we should learn from (you and me )and heip (you and me)2.can you and mary cook supper for (you,mary and me) 英语问题:找出画括号部分读音与音标相同的单词1.visit(or)2.(wh)ole 3.(wh)ite 4.farm(er)5.(wh)o 6.(wh)ose 7.(wh)at 8.(wh)y 9.teach(er)【W】—— —— ——【到过来的E】 用适当的词替换下列各句中加点的词语,不改变句子的意思.您给了我们多少慈母般的(温暖)。(打括号的词代表加点的词语) 单项选择7---10 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空1-----5 从下列各组单词中选出画括号部分读音与例词相同的一个.1.sn(ow).A:n(ow);B:b(oa)t;C:fl(ow)er.2.(pl)ate.A:(pl)ace;B:(pr)ide;C:(pr)ay.3.(th)is.A:(th)in;B:ma(th);C:clo(th)es.4.(wh)ole.A:(wh)ose;B:(wh)ale;C:(wh)ite.5.sh(ir)t.A:doct(or You (have no idea)how annoyed I was!用两个单词替换括号内的部分 姚明的球打的(实在很好,不是空有虚名的.)用一个成语替换句子中括号的部分,表达出来. 为什么wps,加尾注的中括号 括号没有上标?我是用[^&]替换^e的.