some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,那个打错了,是blogs,改正阿,记得阿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:27:20
some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,那个打错了,是blogs,改正阿,记得阿
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some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,那个打错了,是blogs,改正阿,记得阿
some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,

some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,那个打错了,是blogs,改正阿,记得阿
这是:北京海淀2012年高考一模英语考题,你打错的不仅是blogs 还有might
26. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when ______ on the Internet by millions of people.
A. to read B. reading C. read D. being read
主句主语是some blogs, 它们与read之间在逻辑上是主谓被动关系,所以排除AB.
C项=when they are read by ...
D项=when they are being read by ...
有些似乎无害的博客,在...时 可能会变得有害.
C. 在互联网上被数百万的人阅读时
D. 在互联网上被数百万的人同时阅读时
D项表示,有些博客,好象是无害的.在互联网上被数百万人同时阅读就可能会发生变化,变成有害的了. 这个更是离谱!
相比之下,C项离的谱少一点. 且主人心里想的就是C,就C吧.
But some researchers say the seemingly harmless blogs can become dangerous when read on the Internet by millions of people all over the world.
出题者没有理解原文的意思,改写有误,这个dangerous 与harmful不是一个意思,这个can与might也是有区别的.在没有上下文的情况下,将这一句话作为单选题句是不妥的.
我不敢复制整篇文章,也不敢给链接,找不到原文的,hi 我好了.

C is the right answer.
when 后面显然是个修饰性成分。一般是过去分词才能做修饰性成分,同时表示被动语态。

Some seemingly harmless blogs become harmful when read on the internet by millions of people.有些看似毫无恶意的博客在被数以百万计的人阅读后变得有害。
这里的when后面本来应该是when some seemingly harmless blogs have been re...


Some seemingly harmless blogs become harmful when read on the internet by millions of people.有些看似毫无恶意的博客在被数以百万计的人阅读后变得有害。
这里的when后面本来应该是when some seemingly harmless blogs have been read,这是高考中常常考的一种类型的题目,when,although,though等词常常省略重复的主语,构成不定式的句子,后面常用动词的ing形式或是ed形式,主要判断的依据是when后的谓语与逻辑主语之间的关系,很显然这道题应该是被动的,因为blogs应该是被read的,如果主语是people那么就得用reading了,明白这个语法点了吗?



B reading

应该选C 。 在句子中 when 后省略了 blogs is , 这里是被动语态的意思,当被读的时候。

选择C选项 省略be动词 然后表示被动

C is the correct answer
这里考的是非谓语动词的用法,主句的主语是some seemingly harmless blogs ,它在从句中省略了,但是从句中隐含的主语依旧还是some seemingly harmless blogs ,它和非谓语动词 read是被动关系,而read的过去分词还是read,所以应该选C.



"Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when ______ on the Internet by millions of people.
选择C。这是状语从句中的省略"主语+be"的用法.相当于...when the blogs are read on ...也就是说,C选项中的read 是过去分词,表示和逻辑主语即主句的主语之间是被动关系。


选D吧,be read,被动,when后面省略了主语,所以when+doing即when being read




选择C,这个是省略状语从句,从语法上面来说CD都是符合的。此处省略了从句的主语 blogs 和从句的谓语动词are,译为:很多似乎是没有害处的博客被互联网上面数百万人读过就变成有害的了。 而D是正在读。就不可以了




seemingly unrelated regression 新概念第三册the skeleton in the cupboard 中为什么用some secret?We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. 介词后可跟从句吗?We often read in novels of a seemingly respectable person or family________some terrible secretA) having B) has但我觉得B也对呀.a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret可以作为介词of的宾 求尤金奈达有关翻译的一句话的出处!The greatest obstacle to effective translating of some texts is the prevalence of the word worship, the feeling that seemingly important words must always be translated in the same way 一段文字的翻译,高手进Modern global supply chains, experts say, mirror complex biological systems like the human body in many ways. They can be remarkably resilient and self-healing, yet at times quite vulnerable to some specific, seemingly a seemingly endless period of time? Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man.Even seemingly在这是什么成份,句子成份是什么,Even seemingly insignificant remains是什么 英语翻译①On some of those long ,seemingly endless nights of studying and writing ,it will be only natural for you to long for the good old days.②An institution for testing people’s attitudes found that a good vocabulary is the only characte 英语翻译THE British press is reporting,seemingly with some surprise,that a growing number of shoppers keeping the tills ringing at the big London sales this week are from mainland China.The spending power of Chinese shoppers may be news in Britai some seemingly harmless clogs night become harmful when on the internet by millions of people .A to read B reading C read D being read 该选择哪个?求解释求说明,还有,那个打错了,是blogs,改正阿,记得阿 一句很费解的英语句型,The world we live in is a hectic and chaotic place ,often seemingly random and without order,and for many of us,the only way to have some semblance of control over our lives is to schedule and plan our days away.这段 现代大学英语精读3lesson8 we are only human 课文paragraph1.I do for you because I can expect some reciprocal benefits in the future. (para. 6, lesson 8)2.There is seemingly no biological benefit to acting with conscience; if there were, only 英语翻译Some people,like I Pisces,the seemingly gentle but hidden under the appearance of an evil heart,you know?Constellation of Brutal Degree1ST:Pisces:kill an average of 30.67%Crime Analysis:Many Pisces are paid when someone else is always rep 关于“how”引导的宾语从句we ofter read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from stangers for years.这句中的how 引导的 这个引导词应该怎么翻译宾语是什 which能单独引导状语从句吗在考研作文里看到下面这几句话:Why can some people achieve their goals even they are confronted with seemingly impossible tasks?I think faith works.These people believe in themselves,which can stimulat New Concept English 3 Lesson 24--Gramma ProblemWe often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years.---为什么secret是单数?He said with a smile as if he w Time will prove the seemingly impossible什么意思 Seemingly strong love.Actually the most vulnerable是什么意思