
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:10:42
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Britain's most distinctive is the classical buildings and streets,first stop,of course,is to watch the river Thames,London,UK Big Ben,st.paul's cathedral,Buckingham Palace,like the holy angels,national library,the royal guard and is located in the central business district Chinatown,a restaurant that almost Hong Kong's old star been dining of place,the second stop Suggestions to pool where black Isle of hot spring great or go to a man that has the world's best circuit,and in summer can watch TT MAX motorcycle contest,and have all Britain most beautiful coast,Britain is a multi-ethnic,multiple kingdom composed of the United Kingdom,so got enough time to go and see the Scottish and Northern Ireland,et

1, wear beautiful skirt Scottish man
Men who wear skirts in world does not see more, Scotland man is one of those. Wearing black millinersinbavaria, dressed in beautiful skirt, and socks, holding...


1, wear beautiful skirt Scottish man
Men who wear skirts in world does not see more, Scotland man is one of those. Wearing black millinersinbavaria, dressed in beautiful skirt, and socks, holding a tube bagpipes, this is the pride of Scottish man dressed. Scottish love to wear a beautiful skirt, because different pictures of case cloth represent different clan, every clan for their design a representative clan spirit and blood relationship of case cloth skirt. When clan people wear their clan of beautiful cloth, and also wear out their clansmen pride, responsibility and loyalty.


有谁知道英国的风土人情?最好用英语介绍!急用!英语手抄报要用的 帮忙找下英国的风土人情,要英语的!要英语的!最好有中文翻译! 用英语介绍英国 最好有中文翻译急需!介绍些英国的风俗什么的!最好有中文翻译! 要小学水平的英语作文,内容是介绍以英语为母语的国家的风土人情,要40~50字之间,最好是英国,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰.至少有4篇!特急!字要多一些!40~50字! 谁有介绍我国风土人情的英语文章? 有没有介绍外国风土人情的英语节目 用英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情高一英语课要用,次数最好限制在300以内~ 推荐几本有关英国的书吧!不要旅游指南,要中文的,最好是全面的介绍英国.要有下面这些内容:1、英国历史(这是一定要有的)2、英国地理3、英国的风土人情4、有关于英国皇室(最好是过 谁知道怎样用英语介绍加拿大?一篇短文,介绍加拿大的风土人情,3-5分钟左右,不要太长. 过些日子要去英国了,谁能介绍一本英国风土人情的书?最好是PDF,TXT格式的. 谁有介绍现代美国风土人情的文章?最好是游记! 请用英文介绍中国的风土人情? 请问一下美国的哪个州比较牛啊,我要做一个英语PPT,求教,然后最好有风土人情介绍,谢谢啊 谁有介绍英国的英语短文? 用英语介绍英国 请问如何用英语介绍上海的风土人情、旅游景点等 作文 海南介绍的有它那里的风土人情! 介绍united kingdom英国各种文化ppt幻灯片-ppt幻灯片求一个主要介绍英国名胜古迹,风土人情-习俗,中间要有一首经典大众化的英文歌曲-不要太激情-最好抒情点,的一个ppt幻灯片-简单易懂的好,用