
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:57:37
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In the Chinese traditional language," invention" is" the bright and lucid"," a principle clearly " meaning, such as" Song Yu" and" Fengfu: invention, Ning body that", meaning " the eyes and ears, and ...


In the Chinese traditional language," invention" is" the bright and lucid"," a principle clearly " meaning, such as" Song Yu" and" Fengfu: invention, Ning body that", meaning " the eyes and ears, and today the Qingming" usually said invention is less coherent. To this century, it was mainly used for the translation of western" invention" ( invention ). The evolution of the meaning of words fear be not accidental -- it seems to suggest, the invention and Chinese fate was not.Of course, I've heard the reader asked voice: four great inventions of ancient China, how will and the invention of fate is not good?The invention of the right to disputeIn ancient China there are indeed four great inventions, but also far more than " four". In the British Robert K.G.Temple's book" China: land of discovery and invention -- the essence of Chinese history of science and technology", with the one hundred great inventions of China, which should include" steam engine principle"," brandy and whiskey"," blood"," rocket"," tear" and" mortar"! This book was in Joseph Needham 's evaluation " for its unique style, I edited, published by University of Cambridge press the" history of science and technology of China" had splendid abstraction", and by domestic scholars warmly recommended to our young people to read. [1 ]But we should not forget that the limitations of human understanding of the world and diversity. Two other British people, Peter James and Nick Thorpe, in their book" ancient inventions" ( Ancient Inventions ), will provide readers describing a different picture. For example, a steam engine was research out as early as two thousand years ago in ancient Greece have. [2] and in the history of science, Yale University Professor served as the International Union of history and philosophy of Science Association President D . Price works, precision astronomical clock in the early ancient Greek had been invented, and not as Joseph Needham often says Chinese invention. [3 ]In fact, almost every invention are several -- sometimes is a whole lot -- invention right candidate surrounded by. This invention right dispute, at least has centuries of history. That year about Newtonian and Leibniz who first invented the calculus controversy, makes the British and continental European scholars divided into two factions, the results it is English, because Leibniz used the analysis method is more effective, but the British insisted on Newtonian using geometric method makes himself falls in the tide. Who is the first visible actually is not important, important is to choose the most effective. Now this kind of written polemics can only cause is reducing day by day national chauvinist excited, more it is by some other people used to seek academic bosom things outside.History has had numerous inventions, even more so today -- every day a lot of invention was completed, many patent was registered. But most of them are as like floating smoke and passing clouds, flash dies, not in material civilization development history effect. They are usually not considered successful invention, they left the records, files and even real, just give future generations provides a textual research, the subject matter, so that scholars can write an essay, shows a device in the early how many years ago by a country someone designed, or a country. In some years have designed a device" is actually" today's something.


英语作文:发明改变了人们的生活,发明促使人类社会不断进步,你是重要认识发明的呢? 发明改变了我们的生活的英语作文,发明改变了世界,改变了我们的生活.请以Inventions为话题.写一篇给我们生活带来变化或便利的文章.70字左右 初三英语书面表达:发明改变了世界,改变了人们的生活,比如电视机和自行车给我们带来了许多变化和便利.请你介绍电视机和自行的用途,在发挥想象,说说你想发明的东西以及它的用途或理 人们认为电脑是20世纪最重要的发明.电脑是1969年在美国发明的,这项发明大大改变了人们的生活.因特网的出现更是给人们的生活带来了极大的便利.请你以“I like the Internet为题,写一篇短文, 照相机发明的英语作文 改变20世纪的十大发明是什么?20世纪有数百种科学发明改变了我们的生活.美国杂志从众多发明中,选出改变20世纪的十大发明.它们是... 写一篇英语作文 关于paper-based reading 可以从造纸术的发明开始写 写些阅读方式的改变,人们是怎么样得益于纸质阅读的等等 现在新兴的电子阅读已经有来源了 找一篇关于发明给人们带来哪些好处的英语作文50词左右关于发明给人们带来哪些好处的英语作文50词左右 什么发明便利了人们的生活 请给几个详细点的例子 20世纪改变人类生活最重大的发明是什么 中国有什么现代日常发明物 改变了人们的日常生活?比如微波炉啊拖把啊之类的东西顺便求问发明人啊 发明过程什么的? 一片关于发明的英语作文不是未来想发明什么?是介绍发明那种 最重要的发明.的英语作文 汽车和飞机发明对人类生活发展的影响汽车和飞机的发明,迅速缩短了人们之间的____,扩大了人们的____,急剧的改变这人类的____和____.推动了生产力的发展,促进了资本主义经济的发展.但同时也 关于 “最新发明 ” 的英语作文 急求英语作文 我的发明 关于纸的发明英语作文! 英语作文 我最喜爱的发明