
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 18:26:26
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Climate warming has become one of the most pay attention to the environmental problems of the contemporary human, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air and life in the industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and global climate warming has a connection to a certain extent. According to the currentsocial situation, the development of low carbon economy is the trend of The Times.
In this paper, combined with China's low carbon economy development present situation and the characteristics of economic development in henan province, analysis of the development of low carbon economy at home and abroad, at the same time are analyzed in detail the concept of "low-carbon economy", this paper expounds the necessity and the objective inevitability of low carbon economy development in henan province, and puts forward countermeasures and Suggestions in the low carbon economy development of henan province.
This paper is divided into the following six parts:
The introduction mainly wrote a low carbon economy development background and research significance, clarify the causes of low carbon economy development in henan province, the research of low carbon economy development present situation at home and abroad are summarized, and the research contents and methods of this paper for the integrity of the self evaluation. The first chapter expounds the "low carbon economy" concept andconnotation of the term, and the corresponding theoretical basis hasmade the detailed analysis, including environmental kuznets theory,sustainable development theory, the decoupling development theory, ecological theory, laid a theoretical foundation for the next study. The second chapter analyzes the practical significance of low carbon economy development, tells the story of a low carbon economy development and implementation for the economic development of henan province is a very important step. The third chapter earnestly analyzed the current situation of the development of low carbon economy in henan province, start from the energy structure and energy consumption of the province, calculation and analysis of carbon emissions and its influencing factors, provide the theoretical basis for development countermeasures. The fourth chapter according to the current situation of the development of low carbon economy in henan province, compared with the advancedlevel at home and abroad to find their own gap, careful analysis causes the lesson in order to progress. The fifth chapter combines the result of the above analysis and advanced experience both at home andabroad, combined with the economic development in henan province, the feasible countermeasures and Suggestions are put forward.

英语翻译气候变暖已经成为当代人类最关注的环境问题之一,空气中二氧化碳浓度的增加以及生活工业中二氧化碳的排放与全球气候变暖某种程度上有着必然联系.根据当前的社会局面,发展低 全球为什么关注气候变暖的问题 历史上人类是什么时候关注全球气候变暖是什么时候 人类气候变暖的原因? 气候变暖对人类的影响 全球气候变暖的原因?气候变暖对人类活动和社会发展的影响? 人类与地球的未来2009年哥本哈根气候会议遏制全球变暖面对环境的变化请关注国际现状结合生活进行思考人类与地球的未来 2009年哥本哈根气候会议遏制全球变暖面对环境的变化请关注国际 气候大会为什么会成为世界关注的焦点? 人类迄今为止遇到的最严重环境问题是( ) A.绿色植物锐减 B.臭氧层遭破坏 C.气候变暖 有谁知道中国大陆的碳交易市场如何操作?随着人类能源的不断消耗,全球气候变暖的问题已经引起越来越多的国人关注,而控制二氧化碳的排放在这当中的作用尤为重要;碳交易主要也是指二 全球气候变暖对人类造成的影响 人类活动是气候变暖的原因吗? 研究气候变暖对人类有什么危害的结论 人类活动与气候变暖之间的关系 全球气候变暖是人们关注的热点社会问题吗?现在有哪些社会热点问题呀 新加坡为什么最关注全球变暖 英语翻译摘要:气候变化,特别是全球气候变暖,已成为不可回避的重大理论和实际问题,多数人认为气候变暖的原因是二氧化碳的大量排放.对此笔者认为要历史地、全面地、辩证地看问题,纵 气候变暖的原因?