
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:52:00
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The United States is the world's most powerful and most developed countries.It is located in North America,northern border with Canada,South and Mexico border.Its area of 9,322,615 square kilometers,is the world's fourth largest country.The U.S.population of about 284.4 million,of which 70% for Bayern,with the balance consisting mainly of Asians and Africans.Washington,DC is America's greatest president,Washington named.Its flag on the 50 stars on behalf of its current 50 states,while the 16 stripes represent their first 13 independent states.

我就纳闷,现在该死的老师总让咱翻译这玩意 但不翻还不行··哎 The United States is the world's most powerful and most developed countries. It is located in North America, northern border with Canada, South and Mexico border....


我就纳闷,现在该死的老师总让咱翻译这玩意 但不翻还不行··哎 The United States is the world's most powerful and most developed countries. It is located in North America, northern border with Canada, South and Mexico border. Its area of 9,322,615 square kilometers, is the world's fourth largest country. The U.S. population of about 284.4 million, of which 70% for Bayern, with the balance consisting mainly of Asians and Africans. Washington, DC is America's greatest president, Washington named. Its flag on the 50 stars on behalf of its current 50 states, while the 16 stripes represent their first 13 independent states.


The United States is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world.
It is located in the continent of North America, bordering Ca...


The United States is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world.
It is located in the continent of North America, bordering Canada to its north, and Mexico to its south.
With a land area of 9322615 square kilometers, United States is the fourth largest country in the world.
The population of the United States is 284.4 million, among which 70 percent is white man and the rest is consisting of Asians and Africans.
Washington District of Colombia, the capital city of U.S, is named after George Washington, the greatest president in the U.S history.
The 50 stars on its national flag represent the fact that the United States now has 50 states and the 13 stripes represent the 13 states the country had when it gained independence.


The United States is the world's most powerful and most developed countries. It is located in North America, northern border with Canada, South and Mexico border. Its area of 9,322,615 square kilomete...


The United States is the world's most powerful and most developed countries. It is located in North America, northern border with Canada, South and Mexico border. Its area of 9,322,615 square kilometers, is the world's fourth largest country. The U.S. population of about 284.4 million, of which 70% for Bayern, with the balance consisting mainly of Asians and Africans. Washington, DC is America's greatest president, Washington named. Its flag on the 50 stars on behalf of its current 50 states, while the 16 stripes represent their first 13 independent states.


为什么美国是世界上最强大的国家 美国是世界上什么最发达的国家? 英语翻译美国是世界上最具典型性的中产阶级国家. 英语翻译美国是世界上最强大和最发达的国家之一.它位于北美洲,北与加拿大接壤,南与墨西哥接壤.其面积为9,322,615平方公里,是世界上第四大国家.美国人口约为2,844亿,其中70%为白人,其余以亚 英语翻译美国是世界上最强大和最发达的国家之一,它位于北美洲,北与加拿大接攘,南与墨西哥接攘.其面积9322615平方公里,是世界上第四个大国家,美国人口约为2.844亿,其中70%为白人,其余以亚 为什么美国的科技发达?美国是世界上最发达的国家吗?如果不是,那哪个国家是世界上最发达的? 美国是当前世界上最发达的国家用英语怎么说 美国是世界上经济最发达的国家用英语怎么说? 举例说明美国是世界上经济最发达的国家如题...举几个例子. 英语翻译美国是世界上最强大和最发达的国家之一.它位于北美洲、北与加拿大接壤,南与墨西哥接壤.其面积为9,322,615平方公里,是世界上第四大国.美国人口约为2.844亿,其中70%为拜仁,其余以亚 美国是世界最发达的国家吗?美国是世界最发达的国家吗,纽约是世界最大最发达的城市吗? 中国是世界上最强大的社会主义国家? 美国是世界上最正义的国家吗?世界警察... 美国是世界上最民主的国家之一? 世界国家等级的分类?世界上分为最落后国家、发展中国家、中等发达国家、发达国家、超级发达国家中国是最发达的发展中国家吗?美国是世界上唯一一个超级发达国家吗?超级发达国家与发 下列有关美国工农业的叙述,不正确的是A美国是世界上最发达的工业国家B美国是世界高新技术产业的基地C美国是世界上最大的资源消耗国和废物排放国D美国农业生产的部分过程和环节实现 为什么说美国是世界上最强大的国家?他们是不是有几百年的历史?我们国家和美国之间是什么外交政策?英国与美国 哪个厉害如果高中留学的话 是去英国好 还是去美国好? 还有哪些发明可以说明“明朝以前,中国是世界上科技最发达的国家”