求高手帮我分析三道英语选择题!I was afraid ( ) to my customers because I was afraid ( ) them.A.of talking back;to lose B.of talking back;of losing C.to talk back;to lose D.to talk back;of losingThe d

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 01:00:19
求高手帮我分析三道英语选择题!I  was  afraid  (  )   to  my  customers  because  I  was  afraid  (  )  them.A.of  talking  back;to lose   B.of  talking  back;of  losing      C.to  talk  back;to  lose     D.to  talk  back;of  losingThe  d
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求高手帮我分析三道英语选择题!I was afraid ( ) to my customers because I was afraid ( ) them.A.of talking back;to lose B.of talking back;of losing C.to talk back;to lose D.to talk back;of losingThe d

I  was  afraid  (  )   to  my  customers  because  I  was  afraid  (  )  them.

A.of  talking  back;to lose   B.of  talking  back;of  losing      C.to  talk  back;to  lose     D.to  talk  back;of  losing

The  drunken  husband  knocked   against   the   table  and  sent  the  bowls  (  )  in  all  directions  before  he  was  sent  (  )  by  his  wife.

A.flying;to sleep    B.flying;sleeping    C.to  fly;to  sleeping    D.to  fly;to sleep

The  policeman  came  up   to  the  lonely  house  with  the  door (  ),(  )  there  for  a  while  and  then  entered  it.

A.open;to stand    B.opening;stood   C.open;stood   D.opened;standing



求高手帮我分析三道英语选择题!I was afraid ( ) to my customers because I was afraid ( ) them.A.of talking back;to lose B.of talking back;of losing C.to talk back;to lose D.to talk back;of losingThe d
be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事,但从我个人意见来看,最好翻译成:不愿做某事,害怕发生某事,强调主观上的意志.be afraid to do sth不敢做某事,强调客观上恐惧.如:
The little girl was afraid to climb the tree, for she was afraid of falling down from it.
又如:She was afraid of waking her husband, (didn't want to wake him, perhaps because he was ill on in need of sleep.)她不愿吵醒她丈夫.(或因他生病,或因她需要休息)
She was afraid to wake her husband.(feared that he might be angry with her)
send第一个意思是:use force to cause sb/sth to move sharply or rapidly.使某人、物急速移动.是题中的第一个空.如:
He fired and sent the bird flying in all directions.
Mind you go. You nearly sent me lfying.小心点,你差点把我撞倒.
第二个意思是常规用法:send sb to do沠某人做某事.第二空就是,不过改成了被动形式就是.
第一空是with的复合结构,with+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词,副词,现分,过分,介词短语等)门开着,要用形容词open(这词可以是动词,也可以是形容词),不是表示门被开的动作,也不是表示正在开门这个动作,只是表示门开着的状态.所以不能选择B. 第二空的关键是and 这个词,它连接了三个谓语动词,所以第二空要填一个谓语,只有用stood. 选择C.

I was afraid ( ) to my customers because I was afraid ( ) them.
I was afraid【to】【talk back】to my customers because I was afraid 【of losing】them
我不敢和客人顶嘴, 我担心会失去他们(失去客户...


I was afraid ( ) to my customers because I was afraid ( ) them.
I was afraid【to】【talk back】to my customers because I was afraid 【of losing】them
我不敢和客人顶嘴, 我担心会失去他们(失去客户资源)
A.of talking back;to lose B.of talking back;of losing
C.to talk back;to lose D.to talk back;of losing
be afaid to talk back to my customers (害怕而不敢,害怕会带来损失和惩罚)(不敢和客人顶嘴,因为害怕失去他们)
be afraid of losing them (害怕而不愿意)(担心会失去他们/ 害怕会失去他们)(失去客户资源)
答案解析:be afraid of doing sth (害怕而不愿意做某事/ 为某事情发生而感到担心)
be afarid to do sth (害怕而不敢做某事,担心做了会受到惩罚/或者会有什么损失)
特别强调:be afraid to do sth (强调说话人如果做了动词不定式to do sth 会导致要承受一个惩罚,损失,这样不愿意看到和发生的结构)
be afraid of doing sth (害怕而不愿意某个事情的发生;不喜欢DOING STH 这个动作发生)
talk back to sb =answer sb back =顶某人嘴,回嘴;为自己辩护;还口;对答
答案为D为正确答案:我不敢和客人顶嘴, 我担心会失去他们
The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls ( ) in all directions before he was sent ( ) by his wife.
A.flying;to sleep B.flying;sleeping C.to fly;to sleeping D.to fly;to sleep
答案解析:send sth doing sth (使某事一直处于什么状态)
be sent to do sth (被送去做某事情)
The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door ( ),( ) there for a while and then entered it.
A.open;to stand B.opening;stood C.open;stood D.opened;standing
答案解析:答案为C; With +名词+形容词 open 做宾语补足语 结构,后面的有AND 连接,保持时态一直,用一般过去时态stood


  1. 第一空不定式表示将要发生的动作,第二空为be afraid of 短语固定用法。

  2. 喝醉的丈夫撞到在桌子上,使酒瓶四处飞地,之后妻子送他入睡。

  3. open本身就可以作为形容词表示门的状态。

  1. be afraid to do不敢做某事,be afraid of doing担心或害怕做某事

  2. 妻子送他上床睡觉前,那位醉酒的丈夫把桌子打翻,使碗碟飞得到处是。

  3. with the door open ,open是形容词,作宾语补足语,表示门‘开着’的状态,stood和came,entered是并列谓语动词,所以答案是...


    1. be afraid to do不敢做某事,be afraid of doing担心或害怕做某事

    2. 妻子送他上床睡觉前,那位醉酒的丈夫把桌子打翻,使碗碟飞得到处是。

    3. with the door open ,open是形容词,作宾语补足语,表示门‘开着’的状态,stood和came,entered是并列谓语动词,所以答案是C.


    1 afraid后面接of,of后面动词要加ing,所以不选A,答案是B
    2 A,醉酒的丈夫在他妻子扶去睡觉之前在拍桌敲台的把碗扔的到处都是
    3 第一空open是修饰屋子,意思是开着门的屋子,第二空是说JC站着一会,和后面的entered一致用过去式stood,答案是C。其实BCD都可以的,都可以表达正确的意思,只是这种题目很操蛋,牛角尖...


    1 afraid后面接of,of后面动词要加ing,所以不选A,答案是B
    2 A,醉酒的丈夫在他妻子扶去睡觉之前在拍桌敲台的把碗扔的到处都是
    3 第一空open是修饰屋子,意思是开着门的屋子,第二空是说JC站着一会,和后面的entered一致用过去式stood,答案是C。其实BCD都可以的,都可以表达正确的意思,只是这种题目很操蛋,牛角尖


    回答:第一题答案为D,题中“be afraid to do sth”的意为“害怕做某事”;”be afraid of doing sth”意为“担心会发生某事”。全句句意为:我不敢与顾客争吵,因为我担心会失去这些顾客。
    第二题答案为A,题中的“send sb/ sth doing” 意为“使某事/某人做某事”;“send sb. to sleep”意为“使某人睡着,使某人进入梦乡”。全句句...


    回答:第一题答案为D,题中“be afraid to do sth”的意为“害怕做某事”;”be afraid of doing sth”意为“担心会发生某事”。全句句意为:我不敢与顾客争吵,因为我担心会失去这些顾客。
    第二题答案为A,题中的“send sb/ sth doing” 意为“使某事/某人做某事”;“send sb. to sleep”意为“使某人睡着,使某人进入梦乡”。全句句意为:喝得烂醉的丈夫在饭桌上乱敲乱打,把饭碗打得乱飞,妻子硬是把他弄上床,让他睡着了。
    第三题答案为C,题中的“with the door open” 意为“门开着的”;“stood”与前面的came, 后面的entered 一起作句子的并列谓语。全句句意为:警察来到那个空屋,空屋的门是开着的,他在那站了一会儿,然后进去了。

    欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。
