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巴黎凯旋门 (L'arc de Triomphe)坐落在巴黎市中心星形广场(现称戴高乐将军广场)的中央,是法国为纪念拿破仑1806年2月在奥斯特尔里茨战役中打败俄、奥联军而建的,12条大街以凯旋门为中心,向四周辐射,气势磅礴,形似星光四射.工程由建筑师夏尔格兰设计,1806年8月奠基,历时30个寒暑,于1836年7月落成.凯旋门高49.54米,宽44.82米,厚22.21米.它四面有门,中心拱门宽14.6米,门楼以两座高墩为支柱,中间有电梯上下.在拱形圆顶之上有三层围廊,最高一层是陈列室,这里展示着有关凯旋门的各种历史文物以及拿破仑生平事迹的图片;第二层收藏着各种法国勋章、奖章;最低一层则是凯旋门的警卫处和会计室. 图集:法兰西的华美乐章
卢浮宫 (Palais du Louvre)是法国最大的王宫建筑之一, 位于巴黎市中心塞纳河右畔、巴黎歌剧院广场南侧.原是一座中世纪城堡,16世纪后经多次改建、扩建,至18世纪为现存规模.占地约45公顷.早在1546年,法王弗朗索瓦一世决定在原城堡的基础上建造新的王宫,此后经过9位君主不断扩建,历时300余年,形成一座呈U字形的宏伟辉煌的宫殿建筑群.1793年8月10日,在推翻君主制的周年纪念日时,法国“国民公会”决定把昔日的皇宫辟为国立美术博物馆;同年11月18日,卢浮宫博物馆正式向公众开放.其全部工程于1857年完成.在卢浮宫口字形正殿的西侧,伸展出两个侧厅,中间的空地形成卡鲁赛广场.宫的东侧有长列柱廊,建筑巍峨壮丽.其画廊长达900英尺,藏有大量十七世纪以及欧洲文艺复兴期间许多艺术家的作品.馆藏品达40万件.卢浮宫美术博物馆分为6大部分:希腊和罗马艺术馆;东方艺术馆;埃及 艺术馆;欧洲中世纪、文艺复兴时期和现代雕像馆;历代绘画馆.展览按不同流派、学派和时代划分.一层展出雕刻.二层油画,三层是素描和彩粉画.八十年代初,法国政府实施扩建和修复卢浮宫的“大卢浮宫计划”.

French woman high status in social life. With their handshake, must wait for its hand first, they can wear gloves, and men must pluck gloves, no matter where you are, men should let lady first. In modern French city, romantic life quite free. Many young men and women often only cohabit rather than wedding, even put this increasingly "fashionable" social phenomena as a kind of "innovation", so "test couples" is in vogue. They think ShiHun advantage is: fully mutual test, avoid subsequent divorce. Now, the French celibate many, and under the age of 35 50 years old and above the majority. French peculiar marriage customs, is the bride and groom before marriage has routinely to their friends hold a farewell party, the man called "bury bachelor life, the woman called" party "farewell party", The groom is a symbolic "bier" staged a "funeral" to say farewell; bachelor "to" The bride "farewell party", we accept women friends to bouquet of flowers, the flower is blue, everybody to sing song to say goodbye, total jump send-off dance, ishi sisters between the deep feeling - can be sentimentally attached to the Catholic church wedding. Catholic family after the child is born, want to pass "baptism", and to take a first name. Christians mostly adherence to teach to quit. ZhaiRi don't make a recreational activities, especially the hour 13 is met more strictly quit Friday this day, rules and regulations.
French people often say French and English
Paris (L 'triumphal arch arc DE Triomphe) is located in the center of Paris star plaza (now called general DE gaulle square), is the central France to commemorate napoleon 1806, in February in darfur AoSiTe Bates battle beat Russia, Austrian armies built, 12 street in the triumphal arch as the center, around to radiation, ever-roaring, like starlight 4 shoot. Engineering design, by the architect Sherpa grand foundation-laying August 1806, which lasted 30 year, 1836 July completion. Arc DE triomphe high 49.54 meters, the width 44.82 meters, 22.21 meters thick. It all around the door, center arch wide 1.46 meters, with two side high piers as the pillar and middle elevator fluctuation. In vaulted dome above have three layers of confining corridor, the highest layer is showroom, shown here about various historical relics and the arc DE triomphe napoleon's secrets pictures, Second collection with all kinds of French decorations, MEDALS, The lowest levels is the arc DE triomphe JingWeiChu and accounting office. Atlas: France colorful movement
The Eiffel Tower in Paris downtown Seine nanan, is the world's first steel structure tower, be regarded as symbol of Paris. Because of French renowned architect Steve · Eiffel design and build the name. Built in 1887-1889. High tower 300 meters, minus weighed 9,000 tonnes, three layers. The first layer platform is apart from the ground, 57 meters set shops and restaurants, Article 115 meters high, second platform with cafe; The third platform as high as 276 meters, for visitors to overlook, bottom area 1 million square meters, is on the third floor place building structure suddenly contraction, squarely on the ether. From one side of the distance, like writing letters poured "Y". The tower from 1.8 million a components and 250 million rivet constitutes. Have elevator or hiking terengganu tower. At night, being issued twirled color searchlights, prevent plane collision. Towers beside erect rectangle white marble columns tops placed Steve Eiffel gold-plated portraits.
The Louvre (Palais ethnic Louvre) is one of France's largest palace building, is located in the center of Paris Seine right bank, south of the Paris opera square. It is a medieval castle, after the 16th century by many reconstruction, extension, the 18th century for existing scale. Covering an area of about 45 hectares. In early 1546 years, king jehoshaphat francois I decided on the basis of the original castle built a new house, then after 9 Kings continued expansion, lasted for more than 300 years, forming a is shaped like the letter U the grand palace complex. 1793 on August 10, in the overthrow of the monarchy anniversary, French "national association" decided to former palace bi national art museum, In November 18, the Louvre museum opened to the public. The whole project completed in 1857. In the west of the Louvre buccal glyph main hall, stretch out two wings, among the clearing of forming salomon kalou square. Palace of the east has long column colonnade, towering magnificent buildings. The gallery for 900 feet, keeps a 17th century and European Renaissance period many artists' works. Rotational basis amounted to 40 million. The Louvre museum of arts is divided into six parts, Greek and Roman museum, Oriental art, Egyptian museum, European medieval and Renaissance and modern statue hall, Successive painting museum. According to the different schools, school exhibition times and classification. A layer of exhibition sculpture. Second oil painting, three layer is CaiFen drawings and paintings. In the early 1980s, the French government implement expansion and repair the Louvre museum's "big Louvre plan".

请帮我把这排翻译成英语 请知道英语的朋友帮我把 风流 翻译成英语 谢谢 请帮我把这段话翻译成英语,谢谢!@!法国女子在社会生活中地位较高.同她们握手时,一定要等其先伸手,她们可戴着手套,而男士一定要摘下手套,无论在何处,男士都要让女士先行.在现代法国都 请帮我把下面一句话翻译成英语“我国企业的税务筹划”谢谢! 请帮我把(适者生存)翻译成藏文------谢谢 “我对你是非常认真的.” 帮我把这段话翻译成英语,谢谢! 请帮我把《 稍后 》这个词翻译成英语. 请英语高手帮我把中文名翻译成英文 请帮我把 幸福再见 翻译成英语 请帮我把枫叶的思念翻译成英语, 英语翻译请帮我把诊断室翻译成英语 请帮我把果冻翻译成英语 急 请帮我把“评审”翻译成英语 英语作文 我的家庭(我的家庭有四口人,奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我.我们家是一个快乐的家庭,我爱我的家!请帮我把这段话翻译成英语,谢谢 ‘如果我要,我可以’,请帮我把这句话翻译成英文,谢谢 精通英语的朋友请进来帮我翻译下,谢谢帮忙!请精通英语的朋友帮我把这些英语翻译成汉字.谢谢.quoi DE neuf,early to wish you a merry christmas. 请帮我把这句话翻译成英语“在儿童节的这一天,我最大的收获就是能够认识你,我的朋友”谢谢 请哪位好心人帮我把汉字翻译成蒙文内蒙古赤峰市巴林左旗 把这个地名翻译成蒙文,谢谢