
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 17:19:04
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theNationalDayHolidayswillcomearoundthecorner.howhappyIam.Ihavesomeplans.first,Iwillmakethemostofittohaverelaxafteralongmonth'sstudy.inmyopinion,weshouldcombinestudywithphysicalexcise.anditwillimprovemoreefficient.second,Itwoldbeafinedayforgoingout.Theairisclean.Thesunisbright.WearegoingtoQingdaotospendtheNationalDay.Inthemorning,Isetoffearly,ThenIwillgotherebybuswithalotoftourists.AfterIhadagoodrest,Iaregoingto"YellowRiver".Thewavesaresohigh.finally,Iwilltakeadvantageoftheholidaytomakeastudyplantoprepareforthemonthlyexamination.relaxingisimportantbutalsoshouldnotforgetleaning,IshouldputmyheartandsoulintostudysothatIcanattendtomyidealuniversity.Thebestwishestoourhomeland MotherlandmotherHappyBirthday.

Everyone's mother is different, my mother looks young, actually has 40 years old, her face, I almost nothing good recollection, I may have forgotten......
The primary school, test not good I can h...


Everyone's mother is different, my mother looks young, actually has 40 years old, her face, I almost nothing good recollection, I may have forgotten......
The primary school, test not good I can hardly go home, I fear, just because of my mother, every time I hear scores will be hit, didn't ask what is directly play, clearly so hard, change back only this, at the time, and several times to commit suicide, in fact, I don't know her to the house, she supported, in order to me, no and divorce daddy, for the money, travel everywhere, but only for the scores, no wonder she can play me
I am a girl, but as a naughty boy, in elementary school is often called the parents in sixth grade ?The founding of the National Day parade thirty-fifth anniversary of the National Day parade 35, is in after the "cultural revolution" after the turmoil, the comprehensive reform and modernization construction achievements at the situation. The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the National Day parade the National Day parade is the last National Day republic grand parade. National Day parade is 13 times in one of the largest > > >.
Reform and opening up of the birth of the new period of the army and Marine corps, armed police swat, such as the reserve forces, in the National Day parade for the first time that day into this ShouYue army. National Day 60 anniversary parade, 2009 National Day parade in knocked basically have a chairman, red flag HQE models have been selected as the 2009 National Day parade limousine. The beloved (reproduced since China's education abstract http://www.edUzhai


一篇国庆英语作文国庆节,我去外婆家… 国庆作文、英文的.国庆节我只是在家玩电脑、做作业和朋友去逛街.谁帮我一篇英语作文啊... 写一篇关于国庆度假的英语作文.国庆节即将来到,你们会有7天假.简要谈谈你父母亲和你打算怎样去度假. 急需一篇描写国庆节或记叙国庆节假期的英语作文(100词)!我要例文 我要的是英文 不用这么复杂 最好是记叙国庆假期的 国庆假期生活的英语作文要不少于100字我要的是国庆节的, 英语 我和妈妈坐飞机去外婆家 怎么翻译 我去了外婆家用英语怎么说? 写一篇关于国庆节的英语作文,国庆节,英文 英语作文初二下国庆节国庆七天:和父母去了北京看了鸟巢和水立方去了长城去了故宫回家在家休息 英语作文 National Day一篇关于2009年国庆的英语作文 至少120个词 多用些复合句 内容主要写国庆节 国民如何庆祝 用英语写一篇61国庆节作文 求一篇国庆节的英语作文! 去外婆家拜年作文600字 去外婆家作文 400字 去外婆家的作文怎么写 作文 春节 要是当天,去外婆家 (英语作文)写一篇60~80字的英语作文,介绍国庆长假的计划.下列内容供参考国庆节快到了,放七天假,去公园放风筝,划船,照相,去远足,爬山,去书店买书,看看书,数学不太好,请求同学帮助做数学题 关于国庆假期所见所闻作文,求一篇关于国庆节假期的作文 字数600字左右,