He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:51:07
He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking.
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He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking.
He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking.

He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking.
作为一个完整的句子,它以He 主格人称代词开头,一般来说,后面应该是动词,而且不是C,D这两种形式.此句中,he 之后有两个动词用and连接,and 之前的动词应该与ran 的动词形式是一样的,即:动词的一般过去式,是动词的谓语动词形式.而C,D都是非谓语动词形式,也就是说,不能做谓语.
A,B,两个之中,B的拼写是对的,panic 惊慌,不规则动词,其过去式:panicked,


and作为一个并列连词 前后两个词应该相互对应
后面的ran是run的过去式 所以前面的panic(惊慌,动词)应该也用过去式panicked


B panicked. and是并列词,该空选择的动词跟后面的ran时态上应统一。


B. panicked 是 panic 的过去式,此处 填 B. 和ran并列做谓语


he ran as fast as he He ran as fast as he could= He ran as ---- as ------ He ( ) and ran as fast as he could to safety.A.paniced.B.panicked.C.to panic.D.panicking. 英语as.as词组He paniced and ran as fast as he could to safety.想问下,as ..as 结构后面的as的成分何时为句子何时为单词?经常不知该怎么用.此句能说He paniced and ran as fast as he could (do) to safety.么? He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus and get to school on time.翻译翻译 英语翻译A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany.In the dream ,he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to fight him and get his monry.He ran off as fast as he could ,but they followed him closely.He ran to a pl As he entered his eyes fell upon the stick in Holmes's hand,and he ran towards it with anexclamation of joy.的中文翻译 The man ran as fast as he could.(保持愿意) The man ran as fast as_______. he ran as fast as possible to catch up with the other转换he ran as fast as possible___ ___ he couldcatch up with the other. he shot past me and ran away.什么意 so as to用法是he ran so quickly as to overtake me还是 he ran qucikly so as to overtake me? He ran into the room as quickly as possible.为什么用的是quickly而不是quick? the little boy ran quickly( ) his mother as soon as he saw her介词填空 He ran as fast as possible to catch the car 的同意句? A man once had a dream about the B lack F orest in Germany.A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany.In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground.He ran off as fast as he could,but 改错. 1,as more and more people buy cars in the city,but the traffic become worse and worse2、he had no sooner got off the train when he ran to the exit. 英语翻译While a boy at Wylam,George led the ordinary life of working-people's children.He played about the doors ; went bird-nesting when he could ; and ran errands to the village.In course of time he was promoted to the office of carrying his fa He s_____ attacked the policemen and ran off.they t_____ to catch him,but he ran away.填什么.