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The wizard of oz,a beautiful and kind girl told dasey rose more adventures.
The characters in this book are more iron man,dasey rose,the lion,the witch and the scarecrow,Oriental witch,north west witch,witch...Among them,Oriental witch and western witch is evil,and the north and south of the witch is good witch.
The story is good,dasey rose more than she started with love is the aunt and uncle Henry's living in Kansas.One day,he and the dog toto is playing a more rose tornado to dasey and dog toto was in bed,and love's aunt and uncle Henry in the cellar safely,house of flying up slowly,after a while,the house again slowly down,crushed the Oriental witch,evil,dasey rose to a different country.
Dasey was more rose to return to his hometown -- Kansas.She found no brains scarecrow,embroider of iron and cowardly lion.They experienced hardship,came to the city,to see a great jade of otzi.Otzi promised them only kill western witch,achieve their wishes.The more intelligent and brave dasey rose killed evil witch rescued the lion,west,repaired her friend scarecrow and tin man.The great otzi realized they desire,a clever mind scarecrow,who had a kind heart,cowardly lion has the courage,these are great otzi help them realize.While many Laura dasey and dog toto in southern witches and witch of the north,and finally help returned to her hometown -- Kansas,see a dear aunt and uncle Henry's love.
Read the wizard of oz,I realized that friends are very precious.With the scarecrow,dasey rose more than iron and the lion,never met together,and then to friends together and help each other,the results achieved their desire.We are friends,we should help each other.Friends are very rare and very important,we must cherish him,let the flower of friendship forever bloom.
I also know a truth:people must toward their own ends forward along the way forward,through thick and hard,and finally achieve the ideal harbour.Every goal is to must pay the hard work,does not fear the difficulty,with a kind heart,and companion,help each other,unity and friendship,you think good day will come.In this book,dorothy and her friends in order to achieve the wish,does not fear the difficulty,help each other,down the enemy,friends have to achieve their wishes,dorothy in the southern end of the good witch green help,also returned to his hometown in Texas,ended the long journey.I later in life and learning to dorothy learning difficulties in life,and to find ways to solve it.In the study does not understand more,ask the teacher asked the students to more abundant,knowledge.

impressions of 《The Wizard of Oz》
This summer holiday I read a book, and the book name called 《The Wizard of Oz》. The author of this book is lehmann frank baom.This book is very interesting so I ...


impressions of 《The Wizard of Oz》
This summer holiday I read a book, and the book name called 《The Wizard of Oz》. The author of this book is lehmann frank baom.This book is very interesting so I read it over and over.
Once upon a time ,there was a girl called Dorothy.She with her uncle Harry and her aunt Ehm lived in kansas . One day, the farm was a cyclone attack, uncle Harry and aunt Ehm are dodged into the hole, but Dorothy and ger dog toto was thrown to the air.
After a while ,when she out of the wooden house, she was in eastern countries .her house fell down just killed east wicked therefore, Dorothy got the east witch’s a pair of shoes.when she lodge everyone she want to return to her aunts, uncles side.the kind north witch give her a directions to the emerald city.there lived a smart magician.his name is OZ.
On the to emerald city’s way, dorothy with a doesn’t have the pate’s scarecrow, doesn’t have the heart’s woodsman, and doesn’thave the courage’ lion became good friends.
Arrive at the end of the emerald city, OZ asked them to kill the west witch. they arrived in western cities and kill the west witch.but when they return to the emerald city ,they discovered OZ isn’t a magician,
Finally Dorothy in the south witch and the shoes of help, she at last went back to her aunts, uncles side.
After read off《The Wizard of Oz》,I know many thing.
We need to unity . in the story Dorothy, scarecrow, loggers, and the lion help each other, they don’t give up the other from beginning to end .so,they smooth away all difficulties.and finally they made their wish.if they don’t unity,maybe they will Death in the halfway. I usually somewhat proud, sometimes is a little contemptuous to the other .this is bad to unite.so,I need to change this.we need to unity like them.because unity is strength and this strength is atomic.
We need to multi think about.when Dorothy can’t go home, scarecrow think about many way,so Dorothy can go home.if scarecrow was vexed but don’t think like Dorothy.Dorithy maybe she never coming bake again.we should like to him:soever anything all need to more think. As the saying goes:don’t eat will hungry,don’t think will be stupid.and, we need to from the aspects of thinking, like this just will have the most simple method
We need to fools.Dorothy can go home because she consult with many people----north witch, scarecrow,south witch,OZ and many more.if she doesn’t consult with many people,maybe she forever can’t go home. I generally don't ask questions, so I read the book when a bit ashamed.i should fools like Dorothy. Because have only such, ability has progress.
In short ,《The Wizard of Oz》is a greet book.it not the only interesting,it also lead me know many thing.thank Lehmann Frank Baom write out mighty good book;thank Dorothy, scarecrow ,woodsman and the lion lead me know lots of thing.i love《The Wizard of Oz》
