
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 19:42:10
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Organizers can the venue decoration more Chinese ethnic characteristics,such as around the venue hang lanterns and dragon flags to decorate the venue with red.Because it is more with Chinese characteristics,also allow visitors to experience the traditional Chinese dragon boat races and different Western sports competitions.Let visitors have left unforgettable experience

The organiser can decorate the venue with Chinese national characteristic such as hanging lanterns and dragon flag all around the place, decorate the place with red. Because it fully shows that the ch...


The organiser can decorate the venue with Chinese national characteristic such as hanging lanterns and dragon flag all around the place, decorate the place with red. Because it fully shows that the characteristic of China and the visitor could experience the difference of Chinese tradition competition, the dragon boat race and the sports in western countries. So they could have an unforgetable experience.


The organiser can decorate the venue with Chinese national characteristic such as hanging lanterns and dragon flag all around the place, decorate the place with red. Because it fully shows that the ch...


The organiser can decorate the venue with Chinese national characteristic such as hanging lanterns and dragon flag all around the place, decorate the place with red. Because it fully shows that the characteristic of China and the visitor could experience the difference of Chinese tradition competition, the dragon boat race and the sports in western countries. So they could have an unforgetable experience. 请接受


英语翻译主办方可以把比赛地点装饰更有中国民族特色,比如在比赛地点四周挂上灯笼和龙旗,用红色来装饰比赛地点.因为这样更具有中国特色,也让参观者体验中国传统的龙舟比赛与西方体育 高中生可以参加什么样的英语竞赛各方面的,听力,笔试,口语都行请详细一些,包括时间,地点,类型以及主办方请尽快回复, 主办方英语怎么说? dmt主办方是谁 活动主办方是什么意思 是能帮我解决下马拉松比赛距离是42.195Km,比赛的地点一般都安排在城市里的街道上,如果你是主办方,你将怎样将马拉松比赛路线的距离测量出来呢?说出你的方法.实际的测量方式与你的测量方 怎么查找第四届文心雕龙杯作文比赛获奖名单怎样样联系主办方? 英语翻译(请人工翻译,不要用机器可翻译)1.我下周要出国旅游了,所以得去银行把人民币对换成美金.2.在主办方的帮助下,我们成功的举办了这次酒会.3.新政策上周已经实行.4.比赛过程中,这 英语翻译《“放棹沧海”韩启东书画作品展》 时间:xxxxxxx 地点:“海洋航行者号”游轮二层会议厅(加勒比厅 欧洲厅) 主办:江苏省中华文化促进会 中国国旅江苏国际旅行社有限公司 承 请问外研社举办的全国英语辩论赛是什么性质的比赛啊?它的主办方是谁啊? 主办方 承办方 英语怎么说 中国在2008年成功地主办了第29届奥运会 英语翻译 (host) 中国著名地点有哪些 主办方用英语怎么说?RT 北斗知识竞赛主办方是哪里? 北斗知识竞赛主办方是哪里? 中国建筑500强,主办方的情况. 装饰圣诞树有什么词组可以表示