
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 09:36:05
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◇句型一:形容词或副词比较级+than… □注意事项:该句型为比较级的最基本句型.只要看到than,即可确定前面使用比较级. He is taller than I am. The boy does his homework more carefully than the girl. ◇句型二:less + 形容词的原级 + than □注意事项:该句型表示“不如、不及”,特别需要注意的是,less本身就是little的比较级,后面必须跟形容词的原级,否定就造成了比较级的重复使用. This computer is less expensive than that one. ◇句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示对比的两者程度相当,as之间必须跟形容词或副词的原级,决不能使用比较级.此外,还要确定使用形容词还是副词.确定的依据就是根据第一个as前的动词,如果是系动词(如be,感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel等),那么就用形容词的原级,如果前面的动词是一般的实义动词,那么就必须用副词的原级修饰动词. This lesson is as easy as that one. Lucy talks with old people as politely as her sister. 特别提醒:as…as之间也可以跟名词,句型如下: ☆as +形容词+ a/an +单数名词+as He is as kind a person as his father. 他和他爸爸一样都是善良的人. ☆as + many/much+不可数名词/可数名词复数+as I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能. I have as many books as you do. 我的书和你的一样多. We’ll give you as much help as we can. 我们将尽我们所能给你帮助.其它几个关于as…as的句型: ☆as … as one can:尽其所能 He began to run as fast as he could. ☆as … as possible:尽可能 Please help us as quickly as possible. ☆as soon as…一……就…… He will call me as soon as he comes here. ◇句型四:not as/so +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示“前者不如后者……”,往往可以与句型一和句型二替换.第一个as可以换为so. This classroom is not as bright as yours. I cannot run as fast as you. ◇句型五:the +形容词或副词最高级+ in / of / among +比较范围 □注意事项: 如果这里为副词最高级,前面的the常常省略.介词in和of的用法完全不一样.in表示“在某一范围内”,如:in the classroom,in the world.of表示“在同类之间”,of后面的词与主语同类,另名词前一般有冠词the.among表示“在(三者或三者以上)之间”,among后接代词或没有修饰语的名词. The Changjiang River is the longest river in our country. Peter is the tallest of the six students. This picture is the most beautiful among these. ◇句型六:one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式 □注意事项: one of有三大考点:1. 后跟形容词最高级;2. 后接可数名词复数形式;3. 作主语时主语为one,谓语动词用单数形式. One of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long. ◇句型七:比较级+and +比较级 / more and more +多音节词的原级 □注意事项:该句型表示“越来越……”,如果该形容词比较级构成形式加er,则用前面的句型;如果该形容词比较级加more构成,则用后面的句型.It is getting hotter and hotter. The girl is becoming more and more beautiful. ◇句型八:the +比较级+…, the +比较级+… □注意事项:该句型意思为“越……就越……”,表示两种情况同时变化. The more you eat, the fatter you will be. In the test, the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. ◇句型九:be different from □注意事项: 该句型没有运用比较级,但也是对两者事物进行比较.注意前后比较需在同类事物中进行. My schoolbag is different from yours. ◇句型十:the same as… / the same…as… □注意事项: 该句型同样没有运用比较级,表示两者之间具有共同特性.注意这里的as和same为固定搭配,不能随便变换. I don’t want to buy the same things as Amy did. ◇句型十一:比较级+than + any other +名词单数形式 □注意事项: any other 后面跟单数名词,表示“任何别的”,即主语在范围内,必须把自身从这一范围内除去,否则逻辑上不通.如果主语不在这一范围内,那么要把other去掉,只用any即可. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. (上海在中国这个范围内,所以用any other) Shanghai is larger than any city in Jiangsu. (上海不在江苏,所以只需用any) ◇句型十二:比较级+than + the other +名词复数形式 □注意事项: 该句型相当于any other +名词单数形式,常用来进行同义句改写.该句型与句型十一虽然波表面上都是比较级,但实际上相当于最高级.以下三句表达的是同一个意思. Daniel is the most hard-working student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than any other student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than the other students in our class. 特别提醒:表示两者(人或物)比较时,比较的对象应是同类事物,不同类的事物之间无法进行比较.强调比较程度时,比较级可用的修饰词有:much, far, still, even, no, any, a lot, a little, a bit,等. A kangaroo is even taller than a man. Please come here a little earlier. The job is far more difficult than he thought. Li Lei jumps much farther than Jim does. 感叹句 ⒈ ____ delicious the dish is! A. What B. How C. What a ⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B. What C. How a ⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is! A. What B. How C. What an ⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday! A. What B. What a C. How ⒌ ____ careless a boy you are! A. How B. What a C. What ⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture. B: ___________________________ ⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man. B: ___________________________ ⒊ A: The cat is very happy. B: ___________________________ ⒋ A: The tractor is going very slowly. B: ___________________________ ⒌ A: He is very lucky. B: ___________________________\x0d..

◇句型二:less + 形容词的原级 + than □注意事项:该句型表示“不如、不及”,特别需要注意的是,less本身就是little的比较级,后面必须跟形容词的原级,否定就造成了比较级的重复使用。 This computer is less expensive than that one. ◇句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示对比的两者程度相当,as之间必须跟...


◇句型二:less + 形容词的原级 + than □注意事项:该句型表示“不如、不及”,特别需要注意的是,less本身就是little的比较级,后面必须跟形容词的原级,否定就造成了比较级的重复使用。 This computer is less expensive than that one. ◇句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示对比的两者程度相当,as之间必须跟形容词或副词的原级,决不能使用比较级。此外,还要确定使用形容词还是副词。确定的依据就是根据第一个as前的动词,如果是系动词(如be,感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel等),那么就用形容词的原级,如果前面的动词是一般的实义动词,那么就必须用副词的原级修饰动词。 This lesson is as easy as that one. Lucy talks with old people as politely as her sister. 特别提醒:as…as之间也可以跟名词,句型如下: ☆as +形容词+ a/an +单数名词+as He is as kind a person as his father. 他和他爸爸一样都是善良的人。 ☆as + many/much+不可数名词/可数名词复数+as I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能。 I have as many books as you do. 我的书和你的一样多。 We’ll give you as much help as we can. 我们将尽我们所能给你帮助。其它几个关于as…as的句型: ☆as … as one can:尽其所能 He began to run as fast as he could. ☆as … as possible:尽可能 Please help us as quickly as possible. ☆as soon as…一……就…… He will call me as soon as he comes here. ◇句型四:not as/so +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示“前者不如后者……”,往往可以与句型一和句型二替换。第一个as可以换为so。 This classroom is not as bright as yours. I cannot run as fast as you. ◇句型五:the +形容词或副词最高级+ in / of / among +比较范围 □注意事项: 如果这里为副词最高级,前面的the常常省略。介词in和of的用法完全不一样。in表示“在某一范围内”,如:in the classroom,in the world。of表示“在同类之间”,of后面的词与主语同类,另名词前一般有冠词the。among表示“在(三者或三者以上)之间”,among后接代词或没有修饰语的名词。 The Changjiang River is the longest river in our country. Peter is the tallest of the six students. This picture is the most beautiful among these. ◇句型六:one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式 □注意事项: one of有三大考点:1. 后跟形容词最高级;2. 后接可数名词复数形式;3. 作主语时主语为one,谓语动词用单数形式。 One of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long. ◇句型七:比较级+and +比较级 / more and more +多音节词的原级 □注意事项:该句型表示“越来越……”,如果该形容词比较级构成形式加er,则用前面的句型;如果该形容词比较级加more构成,则用后面的句型。It is getting hotter and hotter. The girl is becoming more and more beautiful. ◇句型八:the +比较级+…, the +比较级+… □注意事项:该句型意思为“越……就越……”,表示两种情况同时变化。 The more you eat, the fatter you will be. In the test, the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. ◇句型九:be different from □注意事项: 该句型没有运用比较级,但也是对两者事物进行比较。注意前后比较需在同类事物中进行。 My schoolbag is different from yours. ◇句型十:the same as… / the same…as… □注意事项: 该句型同样没有运用比较级,表示两者之间具有共同特性。注意这里的as和same为固定搭配,不能随便变换。 I don’t want to buy the same things as Amy did. ◇句型十一:比较级+than + any other +名词单数形式 □注意事项: any other 后面跟单数名词,表示“任何别的”,即主语在范围内,必须把自身从这一范围内除去,否则逻辑上不通。如果主语不在这一范围内,那么要把other去掉,只用any即可。 Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. (上海在中国这个范围内,所以用any other) Shanghai is larger than any city in Jiangsu. (上海不在江苏,所以只需用any) ◇句型十二:比较级+than + the other +名词复数形式 □注意事项: 该句型相当于any other +名词单数形式,常用来进行同义句改写。该句型与句型十一虽然波表面上都是比较级,但实际上相当于最高级。以下三句表达的是同一个意思。 Daniel is the most hard-working student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than any other student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than the other students in our class. 特别提醒:表示两者(人或物)比较时,比较的对象应是同类事物,不同类的事物之间无法进行比较。强调比较程度时,比较级可用的修饰词有:much, far, still, even, no, any, a lot, a little, a bit,等. A kangaroo is even taller than a man. Please come here a little earlier. The job is far more difficult than he thought. Li Lei jumps much farther than Jim does. 感叹句 ⒈ ____ delicious the dish is! A. What B. How C. What a ⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B. What C. How a ⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is! A. What B. How C. What an ⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday! A. What B. What a C. How ⒌ ____ careless a boy you are! A. How B. What a C. What ⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture. B: ___________________________ ⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man. B: ___________________________ ⒊ A: The cat is very happy. B: ___________________________ ⒋ A: The tractor is going very slowly. B: ___________________________ ⒌ A: He is very lucky. B: ___________________________


less + 形容词的原级 + than □注意事项:该句型表示“不如、不及”,特别需要注意的是,less本身就是little的比较级,后面必须跟形容词的原级,否定就造成了比较级的重复使用。 This computer is less expensive than that one. ◇句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示对比的两者程度相当,as之间必须跟形容词或副...


less + 形容词的原级 + than □注意事项:该句型表示“不如、不及”,特别需要注意的是,less本身就是little的比较级,后面必须跟形容词的原级,否定就造成了比较级的重复使用。 This computer is less expensive than that one. ◇句型三:as +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示对比的两者程度相当,as之间必须跟形容词或副词的原级,决不能使用比较级。此外,还要确定使用形容词还是副词。确定的依据就是根据第一个as前的动词,如果是系动词(如be,感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel等),那么就用形容词的原级,如果前面的动词是一般的实义动词,那么就必须用副词的原级修饰动词。 This lesson is as easy as that one. Lucy talks with old people as politely as her sister. 特别提醒:as…as之间也可以跟名词,句型如下: ☆as +形容词+ a/an +单数名词+as He is as kind a person as his father. 他和他爸爸一样都是善良的人。 ☆as + many/much+不可数名词/可数名词复数+as I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能搬多少纸,我也能。 I have as many books as you do. 我的书和你的一样多。 We’ll give you as much help as we can. 我们将尽我们所能给你帮助。其它几个关于as…as的句型: ☆as … as one can:尽其所能 He began to run as fast as he could. ☆as … as possible:尽可能 Please help us as quickly as possible. ☆as soon as…一……就…… He will call me as soon as he comes here. ◇句型四:not as/so +形容词或副词的原级+ as □注意事项: 该句型表示“前者不如后者……”,往往可以与句型一和句型二替换。第一个as可以换为so。 This classroom is not as bright as yours. I cannot run as fast as you. ◇句型五:the +形容词或副词最高级+ in / of / among +比较范围 □注意事项: 如果这里为副词最高级,前面的the常常省略。介词in和of的用法完全不一样。in表示“在某一范围内”,如:in the classroom,in the world。of表示“在同类之间”,of后面的词与主语同类,另名词前一般有冠词the。among表示“在(三者或三者以上)之间”,among后接代词或没有修饰语的名词。 The Changjiang River is the longest river in our country. Peter is the tallest of the six students. This picture is the most beautiful among these. ◇句型六:one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式 □注意事项: one of有三大考点:1. 后跟形容词最高级;2. 后接可数名词复数形式;3. 作主语时主语为one,谓语动词用单数形式。 One of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long. ◇句型七:比较级+and +比较级 / more and more +多音节词的原级 □注意事项:该句型表示“越来越……”,如果该形容词比较级构成形式加er,则用前面的句型;如果该形容词比较级加more构成,则用后面的句型。It is getting hotter and hotter. The girl is becoming more and more beautiful. ◇句型八:the +比较级+…, the +比较级+… □注意事项:该句型意思为“越……就越……”,表示两种情况同时变化。 The more you eat, the fatter you will be. In the test, the more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. ◇句型九:be different from □注意事项: 该句型没有运用比较级,但也是对两者事物进行比较。注意前后比较需在同类事物中进行。 My schoolbag is different from yours. ◇句型十:the same as… / the same…as… □注意事项: 该句型同样没有运用比较级,表示两者之间具有共同特性。注意这里的as和same为固定搭配,不能随便变换。 I don’t want to buy the same things as Amy did. ◇句型十一:比较级+than + any other +名词单数形式 □注意事项: any other 后面跟单数名词,表示“任何别的”,即主语在范围内,必须把自身从这一范围内除去,否则逻辑上不通。如果主语不在这一范围内,那么要把other去掉,只用any即可。 Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. (上海在中国这个范围内,所以用any other) Shanghai is larger than any city in Jiangsu. (上海不在江苏,所以只需用any) ◇句型十二:比较级+than + the other +名词复数形式 □注意事项: 该句型相当于any other +名词单数形式,常用来进行同义句改写。该句型与句型十一虽然波表面上都是比较级,但实际上相当于最高级。以下三句表达的是同一个意思。 Daniel is the most hard-working student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than any other student in our class. Daniel is more hard-working than the other students in our class. 特别提醒:表示两者(人或物)比较时,比较的对象应是同类事物,不同类的事物之间无法进行比较。强调比较程度时,比较级可用的修饰词有:much, far, still, even, no, any, a lot, a little, a bit,等. A kangaroo is even taller than a man. Please come here a little earlier. The job is far more difficult than he thought. Li Lei jumps much farther than Jim does. 感叹句 ⒈ ____ delicious the dish is! A. What B. How C. What a ⒉ ____ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B. What C. How a ⒊ ____ an interesting subject it is! A. What B. How C. What an ⒋ ____ foggy it was yesterday! A. What B. What a C. How ⒌ ____ careless a boy you are! A. How B. What a C. What ⒈ A: Jill is drawing a beautiful picture. B: ___________________________ ⒉ A: Mr Wang is a busy man. B: ___________________________ ⒊ A: The cat is very happy. B: ___________________________ ⒋ A: The tractor is going very slowly. B: ___________________________ ⒌ A: He is very lucky. B: ___________________________

