求篇英语作文:Why Do We Need To Learn English? 80个单词左右 急用!不要生单词 按照九年级的课程就好 谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:01:04
求篇英语作文:Why Do We Need To Learn English? 80个单词左右 急用!不要生单词  按照九年级的课程就好    谢谢
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求篇英语作文:Why Do We Need To Learn English? 80个单词左右 急用!不要生单词 按照九年级的课程就好 谢谢
求篇英语作文:Why Do We Need To Learn English? 80个单词左右 急用!
不要生单词 按照九年级的课程就好 谢谢

求篇英语作文:Why Do We Need To Learn English? 80个单词左右 急用!不要生单词 按照九年级的课程就好 谢谢
IF YOU are currently learning English in a school,college or institute of further education,you join approximately one billion other people around the world who are engaged in the same pursuit.However,as you try to memorise proper grammar,and try to avoid the mistakes common to most students of English,you may wonder why you are learning the language in the first place.
So,why do we need to learn English?
After Mandarin,English is spoken by more people than any other language,and is the native language of more than 350 million people.More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined.
Moreover,English is the international language of diplomacy,business,science,technology,banking,computing,medicine,aviation,UN & NATO armed forces,engineering,tourism,Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world.
English has plenty of words to choose from.In fact,an English speaker is offered the biggest vocabulary of any language with a choice of 500,000 to 1,000,000 words (including technical and scientific terms).
But don’t panic,most English speakers do very well with a vocabulary of around 20,000 words.
English can be fun too.For instance,the music of such stars as Elvis Presley,The Beatles,Led Zeppelin,Michael Jackson and Madonna has encouraged fans to speak the language of their idols,whilst others have enrolled in English classes to improve their understanding of the dialogue in films and TV shows.
Or perhaps they have embraced English to enjoy the writing of Stephen King,George Orwell or J.K.Rowling.They may even have an interest in speaking English just to converse with travelers from other countries,who communicate by using the English global interlingua while travelling abroad.
Finally,if you are studying English at school,college or university,remember that getting an ‘A’ grade in English is almost worthless,in terms of communication,if you cannot speak the language.Spoken English is used in the best careers,the best universities,and is increasingly being used at job interviews.So like it or not,English is a very important language to learn how to speak.

In today's high-developed society,people from every corner of the world has increasing international intercourse with each other.More and more international companies and organizations having been set...


In today's high-developed society,people from every corner of the world has increasing international intercourse with each other.More and more international companies and organizations having been set up.Thus,only if we can communicate well with others,can we make a good living.Since english has become the most widely used language,the most important thing we have to do is to master it.What's more ,knowning english well does good to the interaction of different culture and technology which helps the social progress.From all these factors we can see that english is of great importance.


English is important in the world becaust it is a universal language. As long as you understand English ,you can travel to any country. Besides .with the develop of technology ,we need to use English ...


English is important in the world becaust it is a universal language. As long as you understand English ,you can travel to any country. Besides .with the develop of technology ,we need to use English to trade with other countries in the world. We can also learn something well by understanding English . In short ,learning English well can help you to ear a good living in the future.


Why do we need to learn English
Nothing getts people talking like those seemingly obvious questions, and here is one: Why do we learn English? And I would like to express some of my opinion...


Why do we need to learn English
Nothing getts people talking like those seemingly obvious questions, and here is one: Why do we learn English? And I would like to express some of my opinions,
Firstly, we learn English not just because it's on our daily schedule at school, but because as nations and regions in the world are united by global economy, a universal language is in urgent need. English, without doubt, is serving as the very tool that we need to promote communications with people speaking different languages. Secondly, personally speaking, English has been considered as a very important qulification when companies hire new recruits. Thus, it is required that we have a grasp of English so as to better survive in the rising competition.
