
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:02:43
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Most if not all of us know the story of David and Goliath. It has alot to teach us about obstacles and adversity in life.
If you aren't a Christian, hopefully you will see how loving and powerful God is. No matter what the circumstance you face, He can help you. The question is - will you let God through His Son Jesus Christ into your life? To my fellow Christian, I trust that you will find encouragement to continue with Christ.
For those not familiar with the story, it revolves around a battle between two nations - the Israelites and the Philistines. As the opposing sides positioned themselves for war, the strongest of the Philistines - Goliath challenges the Israelites to send a soldier for a 'one on one' fight (often the outcome of this would determine who won the war). The Israelites are afraid of the 9' giant, and send no one.
Meanwhile, a young Israelite shepherd boy - David is sent to the battle to carry provisions for his older brothers. On arriving and hearing Goliath insulting God, David decides to be the one to fight...read the rest for yourselves! David the underdog, gained victory over Goliath. How? As you read through the scripture, I hope the following points help you to trust God for victory in every situation you face.
如果你不是一个基督徒,希望你将看到如何热爱和强大的神.无论你面对什么情况,他可以帮助你.问题是 - 你能不能让通过他的儿子耶稣基督进入你的生命的神?对我的同胞基督徒,我相信你会发现,继续鼓励与基督.
对于那些不熟悉的故事都耳熟能详,围绕着两个国家之间的战斗 - 以色列人和非利士人.由于对立双方定位为战争,非利士人的最强的自己 - 歌利亚挑战以色列人派'一对一'的斗争(通常是这样的结果将决定谁赢得战争)为一名士兵.以色列人是在9'巨人害怕,并发送任何人.
与此同时,一个年轻的以色列人牧童大卫 - 发送到战斗中,他哥哥进行规定.抵港及听力巨人侮辱上帝,大卫决定一个人会打...阅读中为自己休息!大卫的劣势,获得了歌利亚的胜利.怎么样?当你在阅读圣经,我希望以下几点帮助您在各种情况下信任你面对胜利之神.