
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 05:15:11
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(我的原创)呵呵The 媒 of day spreads to go to France to invite the brain section doctor for Kim Jong-il North Korea
Recent a period of time,North Korea tallest always leader Kim Jong-il's healthy problem that day originally the hot point that medium concern topic.On 27,the Japanese Fuji television station reports the way to say again,Kim Jong-il's eldest son gold is positive male went to French Paris to invite a brain surgeon to arrive Pyongyang recently.The news caused the comment and the guess of the medium again.
The Fuji television station broadcast in the television part,it is said that was a positive male man of gold to stop over for a time for two hours at Parisian neurosurgery section of hospital last week." The deep color lounge suit of the positive male dress high class of gold,fasten red tie,have the reporter the healthy condition that comes forward to inquire Kim Jong-il,the gold is positive male have no answer,but the on the face float since the smiling face,look him already with France of brain surgeon gets in touch with".The report way of the Fuji television station say that two divas,halt United Nations to teach the section text organization the representative to send a car of North Korea,send to a French brain surgeon Parisian Charles de Gaulle Airport.There is reporter ask him whether to go to Pyongyang,he have no negative.The Fuji television station did not reveal that doctor's name,on TV the face that the appearance Chinese medicine living drive misty processing.
August of this year,because a period of time did not appear publicly,Kim Jong-il's healthy condition became the west and days the hot point that medium comment.In this month middle ten days of month,Japan 《 read to sell the news 》 ,《 produce through the news 》 etc.the medium report way call,North Korea have already requested the diplomatist who it halts the outside embassy" remain on standby at first",and in release the possibility to have relation with Kim Jong-il healthy problem in the near future" heavy big news".But the report way of the Japanese medium did not fulfill.On October 23,North Korea central correspondent carries on to reject to the report way of the Japanese medium,calling these newses" completely is to fabricate rumor",North Korea and basically there is no so-called" important news" release,also dided not bottom to reach the instruction of" remain on standby at first" from the beginning,the rumor of the Japanese medium is to North Korea dignified" evil calumny

英语翻译标题是:日媒传朝鲜为金正日到法国请脑科医生最近一段时间,朝鲜最高领导人金正日的健康问题一直是日本媒体关注的热点话题.27日,日本富士电视台又报道说,金正日的长子金正男 金正日到底为朝鲜做过什麼贡献?金正日为朝鲜做过什麼贡献能让朝鲜人盲目崇拜他 英语翻译RT 就金正日三个字 朝鲜话怎么说 中文怎么念 拼音翻译一下 朝鲜是金正日家的吗?现在的朝鲜跟以前的封建社会有什么区别嘛,金正日还没死就把王位传给儿子了. 英语翻译我谨代表中国共产党中央委员会并以我个人名义,对朝鲜劳动党成功召开代表会议,推举你为朝鲜劳动党总书记,并选举产生最高领导机构,表示热烈祝贺.长期以来,以金正日总书记为首 金正日是“土皇帝”吗? 朝鲜劳动党伟大的金正日先生的身份是国家主席,党主席,还是将军是了,北韩人逃荒求食,为什麼中国不肯收容因为不同的书对他敬称不同 如果当初美国怀疑911事件的元凶是金正日而不是本·拉登,美国是否像攻打阿富汗一样攻打朝鲜? 英语翻译是个标题 大家看看金正日在想什么?世界上最土最会装大尾巴狼女兵朝鲜 甲午战争是[ ]为全面占领朝鲜 一道类比题目韩国∶朝鲜  A.德国∶法国B.美国∶巴西  C.中国∶伊拉克D.日本∶古巴答案是:韩国与朝鲜是接壤的国家,选项中只有德国、法国是邻国,所以答案为A不过的的第一印象是: 金正日为何受到朝鲜人的顶礼膜拜朝鲜人民穷的不上饭的比比皆是,而金正日还过着骄奢淫的生活.中国援助给朝鲜的资金,金正日都用在国家建设上了吗 成为第一个无产阶级革命政权的国家是( ) A.俄国 B.中国 C.法国 D.朝鲜 法国是欧洲国家 用英语翻译 英语翻译这是一个标题 英语翻译标题是Guest Room. 英语翻译是论文标题哦