英语故事 400词左右RT.要讲的够2分半钟的,初二的水平,

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英语故事 400词左右RT.要讲的够2分半钟的,初二的水平,
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英语故事 400词左右RT.要讲的够2分半钟的,初二的水平,
英语故事 400词左右

英语故事 400词左右RT.要讲的够2分半钟的,初二的水平,
The Ant and the Grasshopper
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"
"I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

英语故事 400词左右RT.要讲的够2分半钟的,初二的水平, 用英语讲嫦娥奔月的故事.150个单词左右 求英语小故事,带翻译,不要太长,英文60词左右就够了. 英语小故事,一分半钟左右就够了 六年级英语作文雨的故事,不用多,50词左右就够模仿六年级上册英语书第72页那个就行 要一个哲理或有意义的小故事我们老是每天都抽人上去讲一个小故事,1 、2分钟就够了! [250分]英语自我介绍,写一个小故事英语自我介绍,说3分钟左右即可,要讲一个小故事,要个比较有意义的,内容要比较新颖,最后可能还会有个对故事的看法.希望有汉译,并且要个小故事 谁有大约2分钟左右的英语小故事啊?求2分钟左右英语的故事不要太长哦~~我要参加英语故事大赛没故事讲了!所以请大家帮帮忙啊~~我急需啊!~~~最好带汉语翻译的啊!我急需啊~求你 2分钟左右幽默英语故事 200词左右 福尔摩斯四签名,英文读后感,100词左右RT 急用不要太多,100左右够了 计算:|1/2-1|+|1/3-1/2|+|1/4-1/3|+...+|1/2008-1/2007|+|1/2009-1/2008|rt,不仅说答案,还要讲的够详细,好的追加分 够吃英语怎么讲 英语小故事!50词左右急需短小而简单的英语小故事,要50词左右.可以是幽默故事或寓言故事~一定要简单短小! 跪求英语作文新年题材150词左右RT不要太复杂的,初一水平够了,简单一点,Ps不要太简单.最好不要网上抄袭的.书里的也行.最好有翻译3Q 一篇介绍南京的英语短文80词左右就够了 求150词左右的英语日记如题一篇就够了,最好是记叙文 一则讲俭朴小故事和故事的启示故事不要太长200字左右,启示要3句话左右. 成语或寓言故事2篇(500字以上)好的话给100分是演讲用的,要讲4分钟左右,最好是不常用的,不常说的!最好是历史故事和成语故事