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Words and expressions in each unit
Unit 1 Who is younger?
young 年轻的
than (用于形容词、副词的比较级之后)比
old 年老的
tall 高的
heavy 重的
light 轻的
strong 强壮的
go for a walk 去散步
met (meet的过去式)遇见、会见、见面
sat (sit的过去式)坐
twin 孪生的;双胞胎之一
look the same 看起来很像
minute 分钟
one day 某一天
only 唯一的;仅有的
child (复数children)孩子;儿童
cute 漂亮的;娇小可爱的
little 小的
centimetre 厘米
height 高;高度
weight 重量;质量
try again 再试一次
worm 虫;蠕虫
Unit 2 More exercise
be good at 善于
low 低;低的
slow 慢的;慢地
late 迟的;迟地
fish 鱼
do well in (在某方面)做得好
problem 问题
have problems with (在某方面)有问题
thing 事情
true 真实的;确实的
do more exercise 多做运动
jog 慢跑
far 远的;远地
farther (far的比较级)更远
well 好
animal show 动物演出
traffic 交通
well done [表示赞许]好!做得好!干得好!
Unit 3 Asking the way
get 到达
along 沿着
street 街,街道
turn right / left 向右/左转
stop (名词)停车站
post office 邮政局
get on / off 上车/下车
bookshop 书店
come from 来自于
History Museum 历史博物馆
way 路,路线
crossing 十字路口
miss 找不到,错过
kilometer 千米
away 离开
walk (名词)路程
No. [number的缩写,用于数字前]……号;编号
city 城市
told (tell的过去式)告诉
shopping centre 购物中心
middle school 中学
train station 火车站
road 路,道路
suddenly 突然
steal 偷盗(过去式stole)
ran (run的过去式)跑
out of 在……外
shout 呼喊;喊叫
thief 小偷,贼
Stop thief! 抓贼
caught (catch的过去式)捉,抓住
hotel 宾馆
Unit 5 The seasons
weather 天气
What’s the weather like there? 那儿天气怎么样?
summer 夏季
hot 热的
autumn 秋季
spring 春季
winter 冬季
cold 冷的
season 季;季节
best 最好的(good well的最高级)
cool 凉的;凉快的
sunny 晴朗的
windy 有风的;多风的
countryside 农村地区
rain 雨;下雨
rainy 下雨的;多雨的
warm 温暖的
snowman (雪堆成的)雪人
snowball 雪球
snowball fights 打雪仗
snowy 下雪的;多雪的
cloudy 多云的;阴天的
foggy 有雾的;多雾的
because 因为
turn 变得
fish 钓鱼
hexagon 六边形
Unit 6 Planning for the weekend
plan 计划;打算
picnic 野餐
play (戏剧的)演出
take part ( in ) 参加(……);参与(……)
have school 上课;有课
still 仍然
Beijing opera 京剧
show 演出;(广播或电视)节目
I’d love to… 我很愿意……
theatre 戏院;剧场
by the way 顺便地;附带说说
concert 音乐会
of course 当然
outing 短途旅游;远足
contest 竞赛;比赛
sports meeting 运动会
zebra 斑马
Africa 非洲
Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend
letter 信
penfriend (不见面的)通信朋友;笔友
write a letter 写信
glue 胶水;胶粘物
writing paper 书写纸;信纸;便条纸
envelope 信封
What for? 为何目的;为什么?
both (两个)都
I hope so. 我希望这样.
favourite 特别喜爱的
address 地址
number 号码
postcard 明信片
fax 传真
machine 机器
wanted [广告用语]征求;招聘
finish 结束;完成
lake 湖;湖泊
everything 每件事;一切
wish 〔复数〕祝愿
With best wishes. (信末结束语)祝好.
receive 收到;接到
Sentence patterns in each unit
Unit 1 Who is younger?
Who’s taller than David?
Gao Shan is taller than David.
I’m as tall as you.
Su Yang’s (twenty minutes) younger than Su Hai.
Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?
Unit 2 More exercise
Ben runs faster than Jim.
Do the boys jump higher than the girls?
Does Jim swim slower than David?
That’s true.
Well done.
Jim is not as strong as other boys.
Mike runs as fast as Ben.
Unit 3 Asking the way
Can you tell me the way to…, please?
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.
How far is it from here?
It’s about a kilometer away.
You can take bus No. 5.
How many stops are there?
How can I get to the shopping center?
Unit 5 The seasons
What’s the weather like in summer there?
Which season do you like best?
I like…
Because it’s…I can…
Unit 6 Planning for the weekend
What are we going to do…?
We’re going to…
Is that Gao Shan?
Yes, speaking.
By the way, what are you going to do…?
Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend
I want…
I want to do…
What for?
I hope so.
Can I have…?
What should I do?