1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:04:44
1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op
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1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op
1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?
2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.
3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.这句话中为什么最后的词用open呢?to open为什么不能用?

1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op
1,awoke to sth因什么而醒,ringing of an electric bell是动名词短语做名词作用,你如果用awoke to the ring of an electric bell也可以.
3,keep sth open 让某物保持打开的状态,是个固定用法,这里的open是形容词.

1/ ringing 做名词
2/ spoiled 被溺爱的, 动词被动式作表语
3/ open 在这里是形容词,系表结构.


spoiled这里是被动 做形容词,表示被宠坏的
open这里是形容词,而to open,这里是动词
keep sth. adj/keep doing sth.
并没有keep sth. to do

3.keep...+adj 保持..的一种状态,不可能保持一种动作吧?

3。open在这里是一种状态:开着的。KEEP STH. …… 保持某种状态。与The door is open。门是开着的。一样的意思。to open是动词不定式结构,往往表示一种瞬间的动作,不能表示持续的状态。...


3。open在这里是一种状态:开着的。KEEP STH. …… 保持某种状态。与The door is open。门是开着的。一样的意思。to open是动词不定式结构,往往表示一种瞬间的动作,不能表示持续的状态。


He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. he awoke to find the dog is missing.to +后面的 是什么he awoke to find the dog is missing.to +后面的 是什么句子成分?带分析 .He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing? He awoke to find that he was in danger.中to find''是什么句子成分. 1.He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.这句话中的 ring为什么用ringing?2.Mary is a spoiled girl.很明显spoiled是个形容词,我想知道关于这一点的具体英语说法.3.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes op 英语翻译2.he spoke of night in the hospital when he awoke to see the souls of his departed loved ones sitting on the edge of the bed ,waiting for him3.what did he achieve by willingly giving up his life不要google的机器翻译! 有关非谓语When he awoke,he found himself____by an old women.A.looked after B.he looked afterC.being looked afterD.be looking afterThere seemed to be nothing___to do but__for the doctor.A.leave.sendB.left.to sendC.left...sendD.leaving...sendThis 4.Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _______.A.practical B.possible C.plentiful D.preci5.He enjoys _______ pop music while I prefer classical music.A.to listen to B.to listen C.listening D.listening to6.When the little girl awoke,she found her awake 的用法特别是awake to的用法的说明那“I awoke to the sound of birds chirruping.句中的awake to 1.While it______(rain),I______(sleep)2.He______(return)home when I______(sweep)the floor3.Just as he ______(drive)to London,his car______(break)down4.As I ______(wait)for the bus,I______(find)a one yuan note on the ground5.He was walking along the ri 用下列单词的适当形式填空,每词只能用一次attention receive untill ring1、Now human right is getting more _____ than it was in recent years.2、It was not ______ late afternoon that they began to do homework.3、He awoke to the _____ 句子:“The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it form closer at hand.”有点不懂啊。句子成分什么的, wake 和 awake的区别 the baby in the next room awoke and began to cry.为什么用awake,不用wake 英语翻译Mike is a student of Green Tree High School.He get up late this morning.So he missed the school bus.He rode his bike to the school quickly.Mike didn't look at the traffic lights,suddenly he hit a car.The car driver tllk him to hospital ri 英语翻译one day an old man walks in a street.He sees a little boy called Tom.He wants to ring a doorbell.But its too high for him.The old man os very kind and helpful.He says to theboy,Don't worry,I can help you to ring the bell.” and so he ri 1、Let me t___ you how to get there2、He p___ the bank to school every day句型转换1、Can you tell me the way to Xinhua Hotel(改为同义句)____ is the ____ to Xinhua Hotel____ can I ____ to Xinhua Hotel2、The national museum is (on the ri 英语翻译Today is Sunday.Tom is going to the zoo with his best friend,Jack.He put on his new White T-shirt and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet Jack there.The zoo is very far but a NO.315 bus will take them ri RI