英语翻译1,these days,it’s hard enough to find a suitable job,let alone get as far as an interview.2,some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes,then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:16:32
英语翻译1,these days,it’s hard enough to find a suitable job,let alone get as far as an interview.2,some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes,then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when t
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英语翻译1,these days,it’s hard enough to find a suitable job,let alone get as far as an interview.2,some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes,then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when t
1,these days,it’s hard enough to find a suitable job,let alone get as far as an interview.
2,some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes,then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when they try to talk about themselves.
这个let alone get as far as an interview 很难得到一个面试机会,为什么是这么解释,第二句里的get as far as interview 又怎么解释.

英语翻译1,these days,it’s hard enough to find a suitable job,let alone get as far as an interview.2,some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes,then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when t
as far as 可以理解为更远的或是更深层次的,let alone是更不用说的意思,这句话的意思是说,找到一份合适的工作就已经够难了,更不用说得到一次面试机会了.我个人认为句子的前后顺序应该换一下,逻辑上会更说得通.

1. These days, it’s hard enough to find a suitable job, let alone get as far as an interview.
2. Some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mista...


1. These days, it’s hard enough to find a suitable job, let alone get as far as an interview.
2. Some CVs contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes, then those that do get as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy when they try to talk about themselves.


1let alone是“更不用说的意思”,得到一个一个面试

在第一句中it's hard enough to find a suitable job表明找到合适的工作很难,as far as有“就。。。而言”的意思,所以就翻译为难得的面试机会

1、let alone(更别说)get(到达)as far as(远到) an interview。这里as far as作为介词,get as far as引申为到达、获得。
2、those that do get(到达) as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy 那些真的进入面试的,定语从句,get as far as同样可以引...


1、let alone(更别说)get(到达)as far as(远到) an interview。这里as far as作为介词,get as far as引申为到达、获得。
2、those that do get(到达) as far as interview become inarticulate or clumsy 那些真的进入面试的,定语从句,get as far as同样可以引申为进入。全句意思:个人简历包含一些基本语法或拼写错误。那么当那些投简历的人真的进入面试,做自我介绍时,会变得口齿不清,表现笨拙。
你可以将get as far as看成enter、arrive at。
