
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:49:57
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1.table:名词,桌子;当动词用,是指开会时延期讨论提案等,也就是暂缓审议.(to postpone discussion of a bill or suggestion until future time); 例如:
They tabled the motion at the meeting.
I made the motion and he seconded it.(我提案,他同意.) (second 这里是动词,意思是赞成;to second the motion 也就是附议)
We are tabling this matter until further notice.(我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说.)
2.pride:名词,荣誉;当动词用,是指感到得意或自豪.(to take pride in something)例如:
We prided ourselves on our good work.(我们为自己工作的表现而自豪.)
I have long prided myself on being a good teacher.(我一向以身为一名称职的老师?而自豪.)
注意:to pride oneself on和 to be proud of 或 to take pride in 意思相近,只是用法和后面所跟的介词不同而已.例如:
They take great pride in her daughter who is now a famous scientist.
I am very proud of being a Chinese.
3.carpet:名词,地毯;当动词用,是覆盖的意思 .(to cover something) 例如:
The flower girls carpeted the floor with rose petals before the bride's entrance.(新娘进来前,花童将玫瑰花瓣撒满了地板.)
During the winter time my roof is carpeted with white snow.(冬天时我家的屋顶盖满了白雪.)
4.floor:名词,地板;当动词用,是踩足汽车的油门,加速开车或使人惊讶.(to press accelerator of a car to the floor in order to speed up; or to astonish someone) 例如:
As soon as I saw his gun,I floored my car.(我一见到他有枪,立即踩足油门加速开车.)
When you see a police car,don't floor it.(当你看到警车时,e开快车.)
The news really floored me; I hadn't been expecting it at all.(这个消息真使我吃惊地不知所措,这完全出乎我地意料.)
5.top:名词,顶端;做动词用,是做得更好,或高过某人.(to do something better or to be taller than someone) 例如:
If he had tried harder,he could have topped his class.(假如他以前用功些,他会在班里(成绩)名列前茅的.)
The tax-cut issue will top today's agenda.(减税问题将是今天的主要议题.)
Mr.Lin tops me by three inches.(林先生比我高三?
6.flag:名词,旗帜;当动词用,是指打旗号或做手势来传达讯息.(to give signal for communication) 例如:
When my car broke down,I flagged a police car.(当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个信号招来一辆警车.)
The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication.(海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息.)
7.bridge:名词,桥梁、桥牌;当动词用,是连接或沟通的意思.(to connect) 例如:
The parents are trying to bridge the generation gap with their children.(父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟.)
These tax reforms are attempt to bridge the gap between the rich and poor.(这些税收改革旨在弥合贫富之间的差距.)
8.club:名词,俱乐部、高尔夫球棒;当动词用,意思是用棍棒打人.(to beat someone with a stick) 例如:
The security officer should not club any suspect who does not resist arrest.(保安人员对任何没有拒捕的嫌犯都不该用棍棒殴打.)
I saw the police clubbing a suspected robber.(我看到警察用棍棒打了那个抢劫嫌疑犯.)
9.soldier:名词,士兵;当动词用,是指不畏困难,坚持下去.(to forge ahead no matter what difficulty is) 例如:
The Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.(海军陆战队通常在最艰难的情?r下,仍要勇敢前进.)
He doesn't like the job but he'll solider on until they can find a replacement for him.(他不喜欢这个工作,但他会继续干下去,直到他们找到接替他的人为止.)
10.duck:名词,鸭子;当动词用,是逃避、躲避、回避的意思.(to try to avoid) 例如:
His speech was full of generalizations,and ducked all the real issues.(他的讲话全是泛泛而谈,回避了所有实质性的问题.)

contract, survey, content, report, change, interview, promise, comment, view, see, command