
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:11:02
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1、be动词包括am, are, is.
am → 主语是单数第一人称(即I).e.g. I am…
be are → 单数第二人称及所有复数.e.g. You are… The coats are…
is → 单数第三人称及不可数名词. e.g. Your father is… The money is…
3、否定句式(即改否定句):在be动词之后+not, 句子其它部位不变.
e.g. He is not a teacher.
①主语+be,缩写be第一个字母为 ’,再与主语合并.
e.g. you are → you’re Jack is → Jack’s
② be+not否定形式的缩写,缩写not中“o”为 ’, 再与be合并.
e.g. is not→isn’t are not→aren’t
③不能缩写的情况:this is, these are, those are, am not及缩略的肯定回答.
e.g. Yes, I am. (I’m 误)
e.g. The man in the car is her father. → Is the man in the car her father?
I’m a middle school student. → Are you a middle school student?
肯定回答: Yes, 主语+be. 否定回答: No, 主语+be+not.
e.g. Is he old? Are you a new student? Is your father at home?
Yes, he is. Yes, I am. Yes, he is.
No, he is not.(isn’t) No, I’m not. No, he is not.(isn’t)
1) 方法:将句子被提问(即被划线)的部分改为相对应的疑问词,然后置于句首,接着再将be动词或情态动词提前 (置于疑问词之后),其它部分照抄不变,最后+?(即疑问词+一般疑问句?)
e.g. The man in a red cap is her brother. → Who is the man in a red cap?
I can sing English songs. → What can you do?
2) 注意:①被提问部分不能再写.
3) 相应的疑问词.
1. 事物 → what e.g. That is a cat. → What is that?
2. 地点 → where He is at home? → Where is he?
3. 人 → who The man is his father. → Who is the man?
4. 怎样(程度,方式) → how She’s fine. → How is she?
He can go to school by bus. →How can he go to school?
5. 年龄 → how old Our grandpa is 80. → How old is your grandpa?
6. 班级 → what class We are in Class 2, Grade 1. → What class are you in?
7. 数字 → what My phone number is 2212121→What’s your phone number?
8. 颜色 → what color His car is yellow. → What color is his car?
9. 时间 → what time I can get there at six. → What time can you get there?
when I can go with you on Sunday. → When can you go with me?
10. 价钱 → how much The bag is twenty yuan. → How much is the bag?

第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数
主 格 I we you you he she it they
宾 格 me us you you him her it them
物主代词 my our your your his her its their
我(的) 我们(的) 你们(的) 你们(的) 他(的) 她(的) 它(的) 他们(的)
①动作的发出者,代词用主格,(一般在句首,动词前). e.g. He often writes to me.
e.g. Let’s ask him. Let’s play with them.
e.g. This is their classroom. That is my bike. It is her red coat.
① 名词之后直接+’s e.g. Mary―Mary’s Kate―Kate’s
② 以s结尾的名词只加 ' e.g. students―students’
2、以上形式一般只用于有生命的名词,但也可用于表示时间、距离、国家、地点等无生命的名词.e.g. today’s newspaper; an hour’s walk; China’s city
3、注意: ①表示两者或多者共有,在最后一个名词+ ’s.
e.g. Mike and Jim’s room.(共用,用单数)
e.g. Mike’s and Jim’s rooms. (各有,用复数)
e.g. the door of the room. 那房间的门 the picture of my family. 我的家庭的照片
5、注意:有时’s 结构可以转化为of 短语.(对等)
e.g. his father’s friends → the friends of his father.
the girl’s new computer → the new computer of the girl.
the dog’s name → the name of the dog
但不是所有of 结构都有对等的’s结构.因为’s 只用于有生命的词.
如:teacher, school, morning, thanks, duty.
可数名词包括个体名词:e.g. apple , student.
集体名词:e.g. class people
2)用法: ① 单数名词前可用a, an修饰;
② 之前可以直接用数词;
③ 之前可用a lot of, lots of,many, some等修饰;
④ 提问其数量用How many + 复数名词;
3)可数名词的复数形式: 英语名词复数的构成有规则变化和不规则变化两种形式.
A 规则变化:
① 一般在单词的结尾直接+s; book ― books
② 如果单词以s, x, ch, sh等结尾,+es; bus ― buses
③ 若以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+es; city ― cities story ― stories
④ 以f或fe结尾,变f或fe为ves;wife ― wives knife ― knives
⑤ 以o结尾, tomato — tomatoes; photo— photos;
⑥ 两个名词用在一起构成合成名词变复数时,只把合成名词的主体名词变成复数. e.g. banana trees
⑦ 但是以woman, man等名词与其后面的名词构成合成名词变复数时,里面所含的成分全部要变成复数.three women teachers
B 不规则变化:
① 单复数同形 Chinese中国人 Japanese日本人
② 只作复数 trousers clothes chips thanks people(人们)
③ 特殊变化:
man―men woman―women foot―feet child―children
不可数名词包括物质名词:broccoli. 抽象名词:work, homework.
2)用法:① 不用a, an修饰;
② 前面可用a lot of, lots of, much, some, a little等修饰;
③ 作主语时,都视为单数;
④ 提问其数量时用How much;
e.g. How much money do you have?
e.g. Sit down, please! Let’s go to school.
一般在句首加Don’t. e.g. Play the piano. → Don’t play the piano.
e.g. They are at work. She is very old.
e.g. We go to school from Monday to Friday.
e.g. I like swimming. Do you speak English?
④普遍真理.e.g. Two plus four is six. The earth goes around the sun.
①动词be 的人称变化: (略)
(当主语为单数第三人称时,用does, 同时应将其后的谓语动词还原形).
① 改否定句:在实义动词之前+don’t或doesn’t.
e.g. We go to school on Sundays. → We don’t go to school on Sundays.
He does his homework after supper.
→ He doesn’t do his homework after supper.
② 改一般疑问句:在句首添加Do或Does,其他照抄,最后加问号.
e.g. They speak English. → Do they speak English?
He goes home at five every day.
→ Does he go home at five every day?
③ 一般疑问句的肯否定回答.
Yes, 主语do. No, 主语don’t. Yes, 主语does. No, 主语doesn’t.
e.g. Do they speak English? Does he go home at five every day?
Yes, they do. Yes, he does.
No, they don’t. No, he doesn’t.
④ 改特殊疑问句:疑问代词+一般疑问句?(do/does+其他?)
e.g. I like to eat apple. What do you like to eat?
He goes to school every day. Where does he go every day?
4、often, five days a week, every day, on Sundays, sometimes等表示频度的状语通常位于be动词之后,实义动词之前,若句子出现频度副词,通常用一般现在时.