
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:48:31
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[本站整理 2007-09-23]

英语单词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律被称为构词法.掌握构词法知识对我们更好的理解词义、认识新词和扩大词汇量有重要意义. 同时,也可使我们写作的文章更加生动,体现英语的方法特点.


转化(Conversion):由一个词类转化为另一词类: water水-- water浇水
派生(Derivation):通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词: happy -- unhappy(加前缀)
合成(Compounding):由两个或更多的词合成一个词: wood(木)+ cut(刻)-- woodcut(木刻)



在一个词的词根的前面或后面加上某个词缀来产生新词,这种构词法称为派生法.加在前面的词缀叫前缀,后面的叫后缀. 下面介绍一下常用的前缀和后缀.

1、表示相反意义的前缀有:un-,dis-,in-,im-,ir-,il- 等.


unfair(不公正的), unwise(不明智的), unforgettable(不可忘记的), unexpected(出乎意料的), unfailing(不会失败的).

undo(解开,松开, 取消),untie(解开),unpack(打开行李), unleash(放开,释放出),unhorse(从马上拉下).


insane(精神错乱的),illogical(缺乏逻辑的), impossible (不可能的), immovable(无法移动的), irregular(不规则的).


disloyal(不忠诚的),disobey(不服从),dislike (厌恶,不喜欢).

2、co- 加在动词 和名词 之前表示“伴随,共同、合作”:



sub- 加在名词,动词 和形容词 之前表示“下面的”:

inter- 加在动词,名词 和形容词 之前表示“中间的”:

international (国际的),interplay(互相作用).

trans- 加在动词 和形容词 之前表示“横跨,横穿”:

transatlantic(横跨大西洋的),transplant (移植), transship(换车,换船).


pre- 加在形容词之前;或加在名词之前构成形容词,表示“预先,在……之前”:


ex- 加在名词 之前表示“前-”:


5、re- 加在动词 和名词 之前表示“重新”:




monodrama (独脚戏), monorail(单轨).


bimonthly (双月的),bicycle )(双轮自行车).

tri- (三):







-ful cheerful useful grateful faithful

-less careless homeless fearless motherless

-ish childish reddish Swedish selfish

-ive active collective decisive destructive

-ous courageous famous continuous erroneous

-able acceptable agreeable applicable comfortable

-ic realistic poetic historic energetic

-ant ignorant significant defiant observant

-ly friendly leisurely lively daily

-al critical accidental continual exceptional

-y rainy handy thirsty dirty

-ent different dependent consistent obedient

-ary imaginary revolutionary honorary secondary

-some troublesome burdensome lonesome tiresome

-like childlike womanlike warlike manlike

-en golden wooden earthen woolen

-ed landed moneyed cultured talented

-ate fortunate affectionate collegiate passionate

-an European Indian American Canadian


1. 动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没有太大变化,只是词性的变化.

Let me have a try. 我来试一试.
We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳.
This is for winter wear. Don't make it to tight. 这是冬天穿的,别做的太紧.
I like a quiet read after supper. 晚饭后我喜欢静静地看一会儿书.


have a look
(chat, talk, wash, swim, rest, try, quarrel, smoke, lie, read, dream, run, fight, walk, ride, drink, laugh, dance, bathe, wish, win, fear, love, shave, debate, dipute, interview, taste, etc.)

make a study
(guess, visit, call, survey, jump, slip, change, search, stay, start, answer, reply, remark, fight, arrest, appeal, purchase, sacrifice, demand, show, deal, an attempt, an attack, an advance, etc.)


He was about the same build as his brother. 他的体形和他哥哥差不多.
Last year's catch was four times that of 1986. 去年的捕鱼量为1986年的四倍

This was a decisive move. 这是一个决定性的步骤.
They can be used as stock feed. 它们可以用作牲口饲料.
Women have an equal say in everything. 妇女在各方面都有同等的发言权.
He won two games. 他赢得了两场比赛.

2. 有少部分形容词也可用作动词:

The train slowed down to half its speed. 火车速度慢了一半.
Please warm up the dish over the stove. 请把菜放在炉子上加热一下.
The room gradually quieted down. 屋里慢慢静了下来.
They periodically thinned our leaves. 他们定期打掉一些叶子.
Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 发现了错误,一定要改正.
Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 什么也没眼泪干的那么快(谚语).
Shelley was unable to calm her. 雪莱没法让她平静下来.
The results humbled him. 结果使他失了体面.
Don't idle away your time. 不要把时间白白混掉.
They braved the better cold to complete the railway. 他们不顾严寒完成了这条铁路.
Most of these rivers empty into the Pacific Ocean. 这些河流大多流入太平洋.
He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool. 他调好车床,把刀具准备好.
She busied herself with household work. 她忙着干家务活.
Don't dirty your clothes. 别把你衣服弄脏了.
They finally freed themselves from slavery. 他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来.
Only thus can we better the life of the people. 只有这样才能改善人民的生活.
He felt himself wronged. 他感到自己受了委屈.
His hair is beginning to grey. 他的头发开始变得花白.
The newspaper had been yellowed by sunlight. 阳光使报纸变黄了.
He lowered his voice. 他放低了声音.

3. 副词、数词等也可用作动词:

This helped to further their unity. 这帮助促进了他们的团结.(副 - 动)
Truth will out. 真相总会大白的.(副 - 动)
3000 workers there downed tools. 那儿三千工人罢工了.(副 - 动)
Please forward the letter to my new address. 请把信转到我的新地址.(副 - 动)
She will off and do her own things. 她将走掉去干自己的事.(副 - 动)
I second the motion. 我同意这项提议.(数 - 动)

4. 有不少形容词可用作名词:

Nobles constitued seven per cent of the population. 贵族占人口的百分之七.
He didn't want to disturb the quiet needed by patients. 他不愿打扰病人需要的安静环境.
He's a dear. 他是个招人喜欢的孩子.
Their jobless total reached a record high since 1940. 他们失业总人数达到1940年以来的最高峰.
There is only one black in my class. 我们班上只有一个黑人学生.
When is your French oral? 你什么时候上法语口语课?
She is investigating the ancients' conception of the universe. 她在研究古人对宇宙的概念.
He is a natural for the job. 他是一个天生适合干这工作的人.
It is necessary to make a distinction between right and wrong. 必须分清是非.
They're running in the final. 他们正在进行(赛跑的)决赛.
Our six-year-old is at school. 我们六岁的孩子在上学了.

5. 有个别词在一定的场合下特殊转化:

His argument contains too many ifs and buts. 他在说理时“如果”和“但是”用得太多了.
This book is a must for students of electronics. 这是学电子学的人的一本必读书.
Have you considered the why and how of the plan? 你考虑过制定这样计划的原因和方式吗?
Have you had a medical yet? 你检查身体了吗?
Don't keep on sirring me now! 现在不要老叫我“先生”了!
What's the use of all this ohing and ahing? 这样“哦”呀“啊”呀有什么用?
This is a repeat performance of their old policy. 这是他们的故技重演.
They held a fancy dress ball. 他们举行了一次化装舞会.
We began to march north. 我们开始向北进军.

6. 另外,有些词通过改变词尾的清浊音来改变词类,有的拼法无变化,有的拼法也跟着变.

名词 -- 动词

abuse /з'bju:s/ abuse /з'bju:z/
advice /зd'vais/ advise /зd'vaiz/
belief /bi'li:f/ believe /bi'li:v/
excuse /iks'kju:s/ excuse /iks'kju:z/
grief /gri:f/ grieve /gri:v/
half /ha:f/ halve /ha:v/
house /haus/ house /hauz/
mouth /mauθ/ mouth /mau&



1、截头: 去掉头部字母,保留剩余部分.

telephone - phone
violincello - cello
aeroplane - plane
helicopter - copter
omnibus - bus
bicycle - cycle

2、去尾: 去掉尾部字母,保留剩余部分.

advertisement - ad
exposition - expo
gentlemen's - gents
public house - pub
professor - prof
stereophonic - stereo
mathematics - maths
professional - pro
co-operative - co-op
preparation - prep
examination - exam
laboratory - lab
photograph - photo
microphone - mike
memorandum - memo
taxicab - taxi
television - telly
submarine - sub
kilogram - kilo
rubber-shoes - rubbers
zoological garden - zoo
veterinary surgeon - vet


prescription - script
refrigerator - fridge
influenza - flu
fantasy - fansy


a prefabricated house - prefab 预制房屋
nylon-stockings-- nylons 尼龙长袜
popular song singer - pop-singer 流行歌手
three-dimensional film- Three-D 立体感电影

5、混合词 (Blends):是把两个词各取一部分合在一起,构成一个新词.

transmitter and receiver - transceiver 收发报机
electro + execute - electrocute 上电刑处死,电死
news broadcast - newscast 新闻广播
parachute troops - paratroops 伞兵
television broadcast - telecast 电视播送
transfer + resistor - transistor 半导体
travel catalogue - travelogue 旅游报导(影片)
International Criminal Police - Interpol 国际刑警组织
mean and stingy - mingy 鄙吝
smoke and fog - smog 烟雾
helicopter airport - heliport 直升飞机场
breakfast and lunch - brunch 早午饭(早饭午饭一起吃)
motorist's hotel - motel 汽车旅馆(供驾车旅客住)
teleprinter exchange - telex 电传
European television - Eurovision 欧洲电视
Oxford and Cambridge - Oxbridge 牛津剑桥
Europe + Asia - Eurasia 欧亚大陆
American Indian - Amerind 美国印第安人
medical care - medicare 老人医疗保险(美)
biographical picture - biopic 传记影片
dialectical materialism - diamat 唯物辩证法
psychological warefare - psywar 心理战
positive electron - psitron 正电子
privileged intelligentsia - privilegentsia 知识分子特权阶层
multi-university - multiversity 大型综合性大学
tactical satellite communications - tacsatcom 战术卫星通讯
alloy of aluminium, nickel and cobalt - alnico 铝镍钴合金


名词 -- 动词

editor 编辑 - edit 编辑
television 电视 - televize 电视播送
typewriter 打字机 - typewrite 打字
sleep-walker - sleep-walk 梦游
day-dreamer - day-dream 做白日梦
housekeeper 管家 - housekeep 管家
window-shopping - windowshop 逛商店(不买东西)
sightseeing - sightsee 游览观光
tape-recording - tape-record 磁带录音
mass-production - mass-produce 成批生产
dry-cleaning - dry-clean 干洗

四、首字母缩略词 (acronym):将一个词或词组的首字母合在一起,构成新词.

TV 电视
TB 肺结核
FBI 联邦调查局
KGB 克格勃
EEC 欧洲经济共同体
MIT 麻省理工学院
DDT 滴滴涕
TNT 梯恩梯
VIP 重要人物

UNESCO 联合国教科文组织
OPEC 石油输出国组织
UFO 不明飞行物
laser 激光
radar 雷达
loran 洛伦