帮忙写英语作文...额...1.根据下面信息完成一篇70词左右的短文Names of the store Service Quality PriceFunky Clothes Store Best Best Most expensive Family Clothes Store Worst Best Cheapest(这个本来是一个表格的 可是不

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:47:51
帮忙写英语作文...额...1.根据下面信息完成一篇70词左右的短文Names of the store Service Quality PriceFunky Clothes Store Best Best Most expensive Family Clothes Store Worst Best Cheapest(这个本来是一个表格的 可是不
xV[oG+VZ-P %BHJm c{Yv1~ s1Ih qE!6H$$?;6cswAxENij/mCݛm sZZ3jV7 5ޒ9U]cgVMmWsp |yFDF`2}NX!\ r`'Um%y}n(#iq?<>||D_UZ}[ƎZ?Dη6 M0OK6G\SO͊|VK9F*tom˭Dz "piC谎tҎ!NMAÙaۨ2wXƋD-ȭ'=ٓ3&/Qen^{@ջQ{΁;lvg4Vja/jsۂB1 V7M!\0yAEo.*$q4*̻i9]ґZ=3 {*,$tVDZ6X-jSDuo\ĆV  CNrxHuwB _!XUf@J>r|:d 1F︮ 0XTKEC5<>Orz؀ qqkeuY:g_3D ܠ4/{!<6qآ^Nۢ,FڃJS=3_$z–\) *'Nq+Ǐ=(-XqTF¬L)8⣄ !̲ l9А0Ӥ6s>BAf[x 3Uya!n DgAVt;!XBxLcI@}V4T@2 - 2 zh˝X"C"ٸy^daA8@W`~5fn_bQ!=È>  vEFO  KF_N8C)N# Rf(bjR;Qd *;a3§ޅ QLl\bt,66+^i!vt"aL68>o2<9ӻ#_" &=˄EmaP@ȥ>WpNYM朊őKK0˺8=hB=8Fgtꇡ $Sud 0)iF<)SvizZv^ P{ĺ7oϝ= 9k7p!^

帮忙写英语作文...额...1.根据下面信息完成一篇70词左右的短文Names of the store Service Quality PriceFunky Clothes Store Best Best Most expensive Family Clothes Store Worst Best Cheapest(这个本来是一个表格的 可是不
Names of the store Service Quality Price
Funky Clothes Store Best Best Most expensive
Family Clothes Store Worst Best Cheapest
(这个本来是一个表格的 可是不好弄 就偷懒了哈 麻烦大家帮我写下拉 我实在不会写了)
内容提要:Tom 昨天早上起床时感到很累,并且具的不舒服.他去医院看病,他告诉大夫他晚上总是做梦,梦到他有很多造业,梦里一直在做作业,醒来后总是很累.大夫叫他在睡觉前要放松,听了一些音乐,并且给他了一些药.昨晚吃了药后,他很快就睡了,也没有在做梦.
提示词语:tired ,not well ,hospital ,too much ,weak up ,relax ,light music ,
sleeping pills ,fall asleep.

帮忙写英语作文...额...1.根据下面信息完成一篇70词左右的短文Names of the store Service Quality PriceFunky Clothes Store Best Best Most expensive Family Clothes Store Worst Best Cheapest(这个本来是一个表格的 可是不
1.There are two stores in the downtown.one is Funky Clothes Store,and the other is Family Clothes Store.Funky Clothes Store has the best service and the best quality products.So it's the most expensive.Family Clothes Store's service is the worst,but it also has the best quality products.And they are the cheapest.According to that,we know the importance of service.
2.Tom feel tired when he get up yesterday morning,and not well.So he went to the hospital to see the doctor.He told the doctor that he always dreams at night.He dreamed that he has so much homework.And he was kept doing that.Then he felt tired when weak up.The doctor told Tom to be relaxed and listen some light music before going to bed.And the doctor gave him some medicine.Yersterday evening,Tom ate the medicine,easily to be asleep,without dreams.

Tom yesterday morning when feeling very tired, and has not feeling well. He went to the hospital to see a doctor, he told the doctor he night are always dreaming, dreamed that he has made a lot of pos...


Tom yesterday morning when feeling very tired, and has not feeling well. He went to the hospital to see a doctor, he told the doctor he night are always dreaming, dreamed that he has made a lot of possession, the dream has been to do the homework, I woke always very tired. The doctor asked him to relax before you go to sleep, and listen to some music, and to give him some medicine. Last night after taking pills, he quickly went to sleep, also not dreaming.




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