
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 00:58:59
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I don't believe there is a absolutely vicious empire and people.Because there is no distinguishability between good and bad,the standard is done by hunman.so,you are good to others,you are good man;you are bad to others,you are bad man.people say"It's easy to become bad and hard to become good for a person" Yes,good people is the hardest people to be.Some people did good things for a whole life and never done bad things,but he still could not get full marks in people's heart.while others just done one bad thing in their whole life,they were put to death,even though the were so regret.How pity.Why people just accept his disabey and not accept his sincerety.or in other words,should he use many good things to equal one worthless shortcome?Frankly,every will make mistakes,if you juge a person from these mistakes,that will be the biggiest mistake.Maybe you will make a good person done.

用 雅虎 百度 等...

I don't believe there will be absolute evil empire and the people. Because the world has no good thing or bad thing, it is the person.
So you are good, is good, bad, it is bad for people.
A ma...


I don't believe there will be absolute evil empire and the people. Because the world has no good thing or bad thing, it is the person.
So you are good, is good, bad, it is bad for people.
A man who said, "well, easy bad", yes, good is the hardest thing, some people do a good thing, but never do a thing, but he mei heart cannot play in the heart of full, Some people only made a bad thing, it is sentenced to death, even if he has thousands of stars and even tens of thousands of star repentance. Poor, why only accept a man convicted, and don't accept his inverse of sincerity, or will he better advantage over a irrelevant to the disadvantages? Actually everybody is doing the wrong thing, if you to determine a person's quality, it would be a mistake, perhaps you can let a person into the abyss of evil.


I do not believe that there will be absolutely evil empire and people. Because there is no good or bad, this thing is people. So Nice is that good, bad, bad man. People say that "a man bad is eas...


I do not believe that there will be absolutely evil empire and people. Because there is no good or bad, this thing is people. So Nice is that good, bad, bad man. People say that "a man bad is easy, good is hard", the good is the world's most difficult to do, some people do have a lifetime of good, but I've never done a meixin, but he is unable to play in the minds of the masses; some people life out of a bad thing, it was mass sentenced to death, even if he have thousands or even tens of thousands of my heart. Poor, why do we only accept a person sentenced inverse rather than accept his sincere yet, or you want to use a lot of advantages to an insignificant defect? actually everyone has done the right thing, if you learn to determine a person's good or bad, it's wrong, maybe you will get a good man into the abyss of bad guys.


英语翻译我不相信会有绝对邪恶的帝国和人.因为世界上没有好坏之分,这东西都是人定的.所以你对人好,就是好人,对人坏,就是坏人.人说“一个人变坏容易,变好难”,是的,好人是世上最难做的 英语翻译:我不相信会有第三次世界大战 人类都很邪恶人有善良的一面吗?我要绝对证据! 难道宇宙中就没有绝对静止的物体了吗?我相当不相信,但是没有证据证明有. 英语翻译 我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你. 英语翻译请翻译:我不相信永远的童话,我只会一天一天更爱你 你说人心是善良还是邪恶?人会和人之间有无私的关心?人心是怎样的? 我相信你,但是我不相信你内心的邪恶用英语怎么说是《偷天换日》里面老约翰的台词 有什么事情绝对不可能?大神们帮帮忙这世界上有绝对不可能的事情? 我不相信的! 如果有,說下到底是什么. 不要说些不切实际的问题! 我听到的不可能,绝对可以变成可能! 为什么我心里会崇拜黑暗和邪恶,反感光明与正义呢?为什么我会有这种思想 为什么地球有昼夜交替和四季变化?我不相信会有人答不出来! 关于正义与邪恶的思考,谁能告诉这个世界上为何会存在正义与邪恶?这个问题我始终不能明白,我现在只能说明一点的就是,正义和邪恶的区别只是观念上的区别,即人的立场不同,就会产生不同 正义的含义是什么?我是不是错误的理解了正义?我从前所理解的正义,就是与邪恶做斗争.凡是做了错事的.离经叛道的人,都是异类.应该被彻底的,无情的铲除掉,绝对不容许其有翻身和悔改的机 为什么这个世界上会有邪恶的人?有好人不就行了!上帝真是的! 英语翻译由此还可以看出,彼得潘还十分重情重义,伸张正义.为了救温迪和孩子们,不顾生命危险与邪恶作斗争.我也应该向他学习,做一个有正义感,重情重义的人.面对邪恶的势力,不低头,抗争到 怎么辨别邪恶和善良的人 人是不是都有邪恶的一面? 君士坦丁堡和拜占庭帝国等等国家的关系.我想详细了解土耳其的历史,我弄不清楚什么古罗马帝国,马其顿帝国,拜占庭帝国,奥匈帝国,君士坦丁堡,伊斯坦堡什么的关系.这些国家之间有什么联