[英语语法]关于than后面倒装的问题.The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.CEO相比他的下属而言对于问题知道的更少.[取自新东方

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:25:01
[英语语法]关于than后面倒装的问题.The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.CEO相比他的下属而言对于问题知道的更少.[取自新东方
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[英语语法]关于than后面倒装的问题.The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.CEO相比他的下属而言对于问题知道的更少.[取自新东方
The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.
[取自新东方的GMAT网络课堂,原题出自official guide]
主要是"than are his or her subordinates at those levels."这句话
The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than his or her subordinates are at those levels.
2.还有一个问题就是at those levels是指代什么的,是前面的problems的level么?如果是的话那不就缺少了宾语了?我明白这里谓语和宾语可以省略,但是省略的话,修饰宾语的定语不是也得一并省略掉么?
结果是谓语丢掉了"informed"留下了are,宾语也丢掉了,留下了状语at those levels,这样不会变成语法错误么

[英语语法]关于than后面倒装的问题.The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.CEO相比他的下属而言对于问题知道的更少.[取自新东方
his or her subordinates at those levels 是从句的主语,相当于are来说,太长.
其中的at those levels=at lower levels是介词短语作后置定语,修饰从句的主语his or her subordinates的,不是状语.

这个不是倒装,而是than做了关系代词引导一种特殊的定语从句,具体请参见百度文库http://wenku.baidu.com/view/14850f6727d3240c8447eff6.html。不过我感觉这个后面从句省略 informed这一形容词。先行词是problems。
at lower levels 是状语,和这个语法没有任何关系。就是“在较低水平层面的问题”的意思。...


这个不是倒装,而是than做了关系代词引导一种特殊的定语从句,具体请参见百度文库http://wenku.baidu.com/view/14850f6727d3240c8447eff6.html。不过我感觉这个后面从句省略 informed这一形容词。先行词是problems。
at lower levels 是状语,和这个语法没有任何关系。就是“在较低水平层面的问题”的意思。


1. than后面可倒装可不倒装,具体用法见下。
2. at those levels = at lower levels. than的句型就是这样,与前面相同部分被省略了。至于为什么要加上at those levels而不是省略掉,我觉得是为了强调。这是比较状语从句,上面两位提到的宾语从句根本不适用在此,明明than后面是另有主语的,than不可能不倒装而指代前面所有内容或problem...


1. than后面可倒装可不倒装,具体用法见下。
2. at those levels = at lower levels. than的句型就是这样,与前面相同部分被省略了。至于为什么要加上at those levels而不是省略掉,我觉得是为了强调。这是比较状语从句,上面两位提到的宾语从句根本不适用在此,明明than后面是另有主语的,than不可能不倒装而指代前面所有内容或problems,代入后句子根本读不通。

Hydrogen burns much more cleanly than do other fuels and is easy to produce.
Today's electric cars cannot go as fast as gasoline-driven vehicles because the battery does not offer the same amount of energy as does gasoline combustion.
Reading is to the mind as is exercise to the body.
Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.


当然,about problems at lower levels是和at those levels相对应的,都指低级问题。


当然,about problems at lower levels是和at those levels相对应的,都指低级问题。


[英语语法]关于than后面倒装的问题.The chief executive is,therefore,less well informed about problems at lower levels than are his or her subordinates at those levels.CEO相比他的下属而言对于问题知道的更少.[取自新东方 关于倒装的英语问题nowhere is globalization more disirable than in sectors that revolve around mobility 全部倒装?主句在哪里?谓语? 关于JOB的英语语法问题My job is 后面是跟to do 还是doing 一些关于英语语法的问题如图 英语语法倒装讲解,要完整的 几个关于英语语法的小问题1.there's been a big mistake.为什么there's后面还要一个been? 状语从句 英语语法问题No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.为什么 had I arrived 处要用倒装 在线问一个弱智的英语语法问题,less than与lower than的区别?请举例~ 高中英语语法关于倒装的几个问题1.Flying demands a much greater supply of energy than ____ most other forms of sportation.A.is B.has C.that D.do这道题出在倒装里面有点莫名.是用到了什么知识点?为什么选D呢?2.Man ma 高中英语语法倒装句的一个问题比如说句子是not only he is a student.这里半倒装怎么说?is he?thanks! 英语语法问题(关于代词) 半倒装英语语法 英语语法 倒装句 哪些词位于句首后面的句子用倒装 [英语问题] not until的句型,是前面倒装还是后面倒装? 英语倒装句的全部倒装后面如何使用 问一下关于英语语法的问题1>rather ____ than ____2>prefer ____to ____3>prefer to ____ rather than ____请问横线中分别该填动词的什么形式?还有没有和以上意思相近或相同的短语? 关于部分倒装的问题原句是:she hardly has time to listen to music.变成倒装后是什么?