几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(2)11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon became its first president.[A] to be set up[B] being set up[C] to have been set up[D] having been set up这道

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:55:24
几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(2)11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon became its first president.[A] to be set up[B] being set up[C] to have been set up[D] having been set up这道
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几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(2)11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon became its first president.[A] to be set up[B] being set up[C] to have been set up[D] having been set up这道
11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon became its first president.
[A] to be set up
[B] being set up
[C] to have been set up
[D] having been set up
12.(C) The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ________ for.
[A] be demonstrating
[B] demonstrate
[C] had been demonstrating
[D] have demonstrated
13.(C) Ted has told me that he always escapes ________ as he has got a very fast sports car.
[A] to fine
[B] to be fined
[C] being fined
[D] having been fined
escape( from) doing sth?
14..(B)According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud,wisdom comes from the ________ of maturity.
[A] fulfillment
[B] achievement
[C] establishment
[D] accomplishment
15(D)Hardly a month goes by without ________ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S.citizens.
[A] words
[B] a word
[C] the word
[D] word
16.(D)If you ________ Jerry Brown until recently,you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.
[A] shouldn’t contact
[B] didn’t contact
[C] weren’t to contact
[D] hadn’t contacted
17.(D) There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take,________ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than
[B] no more than:
1至多,不超过,仅仅It is no more than a beginning.Cost sb no more than one hundred dollars a week.使某人每周最多花费100美元
2同...一样不 He's no able to read Spanish than I am.
[C] no less than
1,[表示对某一大数目感到惊奇]多达There were no less han fifty wounded.受伤者多达50人.
2,与...同等地位的,与...同样重要的;恰好,正是It is no less than a scandal.
[D] any more than 较...多一些
肯定不选C.B 的第2意让我有些困惑.
18.(A).Though ________ in San Francisco,Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.
[A] raised
[B] grown
[C] developed
[D] cultivated
raise:someone who raises a child is responsible for it until it is grown up=(especially NAmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
grow(grew,grown)=to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult 长大;长高;发育;成长:
1 You've grown since the last time I saw you!
2 Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month.尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸.
3 to grow bigger/taller 长大/高了.
19.(A)As for the winter,it is inconvenient to be cold,with most of ________ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.
[A] what
[B] that
[C] which
[D] such

几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(2)11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr.Audon became its first president.[A] to be set up[B] being set up[C] to have been set up[D] having been set up这道
11. (C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
C 项不定式to have been set up的动作早于谓语动词is reported 发生的时间,所以用完成式.即“据现在报道The local health organization在早于报道时间的twenty-five years ago成立了.”
12. (C) The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ________ for.
that his followers ________ for 是定语从句,先行词是demands.从句中的demonstrate 的行为既早于 as 引导的时间状语从句的表示过去的谓语动词 read,也早于主句谓语动词 listened,因此必须用过去完成时态表示;所以用完成进行时是由于“论证(demonstrate)”的行为不仅先期发生,而且还一直延续到“听listened”和“读read”发生的时间.
为什么不选A,只要把定语从句改为简单句his followers (demonstrate)for the demands就可以清楚地看出demonstrate 是人his followers 实施的行为,不可能是A项的被动语态.
13. (C) Ted has told me that he always escapes ________ as he has got a very fast sports car.
* 表示意念的: mind(介意)、consider(顾及)、can’t help(禁不住)、admit(承认)、advise(建议)、imagine(设想)、deny(否认/拒绝)、enjoy(享受…的乐趣)、excuse(辩解)、fancy(假想)、favour(赞成)、pardon,(宽恕)、propose(建议)、risk(冒险于)、understand(推定)等
* 表示否定意义的:defer(推迟)、delay(延误)、miss(错过)、avoid(避免)、escape(避开)、give up(放弃)、prevent(防止)、put off (推迟)、stop(阻止)等
* 其他:finish(完成)、practise(实施)
2)[C] being fined 表示与动词escape 处在同一个空间发生,即“避免这个时候或今后被罚款”;[D] having been fined表示早于escape发生,即“避免已经被罚款”.
14. [B] According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the __of maturity.
本句意思是“根据心理分析家Sigmund Freud所言,智慧来源于成熟期的成就”.
所谓成就正是 [B] achievement所指的通过努力、实践或毅力获得的成绩或成就,包括个人(并非仅指国家的成就),而不是 [D] accomplishment所指的成功完成的行为或被做完的状态,或胜利完成的事情.
15(D) Hardly a month goes by without ________ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
估计你对这句话的层次没有搞清楚:Hardly a month goes by / without ________ of another survey / revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
1)句子主体Hardly a month goes by 一个月刚刚过去
2)由介词短语充当的状语:without word of another survey 在没有另一次调查消息的情况下
3)由分词短语充当survey的后置定语:revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizen揭示在美国市民中间科学文盲新深度的(调查)
所以这里的word 不是具体名词“词汇”或者“话语”,而是抽象名词“消息”.
16. (D) If you ________ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.
本句意思是:到目前为止你没有和Jerry Brown 接触过,你会认为右边的那张照片是生疏的.言外之意你再过去和他接触过,因此也没有感到生疏;这里是对过去的虚拟,要用动词的过去完成形式hadn’t contacted表示.
其他三项分别是:Shouldn’t contact表示将来按倾向没有;didn’t contact表示现在或将来按实际情况没有;weren’t to contact 表示将来按约定没有.
17. (D) There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, ________ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than:副词 much, even, still, far 等常用来修饰比较级加强比较的程度,much more than表示“比…多得多”,even more than“比...还要多”,still more than“比...更多”,far more than“远远超过...”
[B] no more than:
1)用于比较,含有“等于或小于”的意思,正如你的例句:Cost sb. no more than one hundred dollars a week.每周最多花去某人100美元(即:等于或小于100美元)
2)相当于一个副词,意思和only差不多,表示“仅仅、只不过”: It is no more than a beginning. 那仅仅是个开始,也可以改写为 It is only a beginning.
[C] no less than
1)用于比较时正好和no more than 相反,含有“大于或等于”之意:There were no less than fifty wounded. 受伤者多达50人(多余或等于50人).
2)相当于副词just,表示“原来就是、恰好”:It is no less than a scandal. 那正好是件不光彩的事.可以改写为:It is just a scandal
[D] any more than 比...只多那么一些
18.(A). Though ________ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.
1)“Though +分词短语”是一个让步状语从句省略主语以及助动词(如果存在)构成的特殊形式,如:Though saying hello to him, she didn’t know him at all. = Though she said hello to him, she didn’t know him at all. 虽然和他打了招呼,但是她却不认识他.
2)分词用作状语时,首先要找到它的逻辑主语,然后分析它们之间的关系.本句中,though短语空白处动词的逻辑主语是Dave Mitchell,根据1)的分析,可以改写为:Though Dave Mitchell 谓语动词 in San Francisco,(虽然Dave Mitchell在圣弗朗西斯克长大),也就是长大的主语是Dave Mitchell,因此需要判断他是“被栽培的”还是 “被拉扯大的”,你查到的关于raise的英文解释中有“to care for a child”,也就是“a child is raised by someone”;Dave Mitchell就是那个child,因此他是被拉扯大的.选用B项等于Dave Mitchell was grown in San Francisco,即“被栽培”,如果用 grow 一次,只有改为 Dave Mitchell grew up in San Francisco才能成立.
19. (A) As for the winter, it is inconvenient to be cold, with most of ________ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.
[A] what furnace fuel,尽可能多的炉用燃料
[B] that furnace fuel 那一种炉用燃料
[C] which furnace fuel 哪一种炉用燃料
[D] such furnace fuel 如此的炉用燃料

11 首先排除BD,因为be reported后要叫TO,然后这是发生在过去的事,所一选C
12 不知道
13 先排除AB,因为escape后加doing。然后因为后面有AS,所以选D
14 不知道
15 不知道
16 我认为这题选C 可能你答案错了
17 不知道
18 B项应该为GROWING,因为GROW是主动的
19 不懂


11 首先排除BD,因为be reported后要叫TO,然后这是发生在过去的事,所一选C
12 不知道
13 先排除AB,因为escape后加doing。然后因为后面有AS,所以选D
14 不知道
15 不知道
16 我认为这题选C 可能你答案错了
17 不知道
18 B项应该为GROWING,因为GROW是主动的
19 不懂


11. be reported to do为固定结构,又因为表被动与过去发生的事情,故选C
12.后面的That从句为定语从句,和demand后用should do没关系,而表示过去的过去,用had done
13.escape from doing
15.without a word是一点...


11. be reported to do为固定结构,又因为表被动与过去发生的事情,故选C
12.后面的That从句为定语从句,和demand后用should do没关系,而表示过去的过去,用had done
13.escape from doing
15.without a word是一点也不了解,知道。整句意思时,一个月过去了,另外一个关于美国文盲科学素养的调查却迟迟不出结果。
16.虚拟语气,过去用Had done
17.A,大大超过。any more than相当与also
18.他用的是过去式,即被动式,而grow与后面主语是主动关系,即sb. grow.而raise是 sb. be raised,故选raise
19.with后面用了一个从句,可以知道是名词性从句,而后面的从句不缺成分,故要用what,与most of what 来与with搭配,构成插入。


11 be reported to do sth 固定结构 且句意 the local health organization 是25年前已经建成 与现在仍有联系 因此需要用完成时
12The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers had been demonst...


11 be reported to do sth 固定结构 且句意 the local health organization 是25年前已经建成 与现在仍有联系 因此需要用完成时
12The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers had been demonstrating for.分析句子结构。
The school board listened quietly 已是完整句子a咯
as John read the demands 是a句的时间状语
(当john读需求时教育委员会安静地听 )
that his followers had been demonstrating for
是定语从句 先行词是demand
且留意动词listened read 同为过去式 demand是发生在过去的过去
13.escape from doing
14accomplishment 成就, 完成, 技艺(强调过程)
achievement 成就, 功绩(强调结果)
15without a word是一点也不了解,知道。without words 没有只言片语
分词→revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens做定语修饰先行词
对现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式,主句中的谓语动词用would(should could might)+动词原形。
→从you‘d think =you would think 可得知是对现在事实的假设
→until recently 可得知应该用完成时haven’t contacted
→对现在假设的虚拟从句谓语分词过去式 因此改为 hadn’t contacted
17[A] much more than多得多
18 不懂~
19考查名词性从句 furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.已是表述完整的句子 不缺任何句子成分 因此应选that。
~~o(>_<)o ~~ <。


11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
[A] ...


11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
[A] to be set up
[B] being set up
[C] to have been set up
[D] having been set up
同第8题a)首先明确这个句子是由 report … to do sth.(报道…做某事) 化来的被动语态 to be reported to do sth.(...被报道做某事)。所以B 和 D 被排除。
b)接下来对谓语动词和不定式动词的发生时间进行比较,很明显,set up的行为发生在 report 之前,一般形式to be set up表示发生在report 以后,而 完成式to have been set up是发生在 report 之前。
12.(C) The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ________ for.
[A] be demonstrating
[B] demonstrate
[C] had been demonstrating
[D] have demonstrated
13.(C) Ted has told me that he always escapes ________ as he has got a very fast sports car.
[A] to fine
[B] to be fined
[C] being fined
[D] having been fined
escape( from) doing sth
14..(B)According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ________ of maturity.
[A] fulfillment
[B] achievement
[C] establishment
[D] accomplishment
⑴wisdom1,(社会或文化长期积累的)知识,学问:the collective wisdom of the Native Amican people.2,智慧;才智:a woman of great wisdom
⑵accomplishment表“才艺,技艺,专长”这个意义应特别注意。=a skill or special ability
achievement is the process of achieving something or of something being achieved=the act or process of achieving sth of an ambition 报复的实现
accomplishment is the achieving or finishing of something=the successful completing of sth
⑷这句话主句的意思应该理解为,智慧是随着(人一点点的)成熟而(逐步)产生的。取achievement=the act or process of achieving sth of an ambition之意。
15(D)Hardly a month goes by without ________ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
[A] words
[B] a word
[C] the word
[D] word
我理解为,不知道对不对:word在表示消息的时候只能用“word”或“the word”。这道题肯定不选C,读起来很不顺。
Word or the word can mean a story or message which is passed from one person to another,but which might not be true=a piece of information or news(可能是不真实的)传闻;消息;音讯
eg.She sent word that she would be late.
16.(D)If you ________ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.
[A] shouldn’t contact
[B] didn’t contact
[C] weren’t to contact
[D] hadn’t contacted
17.(D) There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, ________ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than
[B] no more than:
1至多,不超过,仅仅It is no more than a beginning. Cost sb no more than one hundred dollars a week.使某人每周最多花费100美元
2同...一样不 He's no able to read Spanish than I am.
[C] no less than
1,[表示对某一大数目感到惊奇]多达There were no less han fifty wounded.受伤者多达50人。
2,与...同等地位的,与...同样重要的;恰好,正是It is no less than a scandal.
[D] any more than 较...多一些
这道题要特别注意“There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, ”中的no.之意B项第二意的例句中是no...than
18.(A). Though ________ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.
[A] raised
[B] grown
[C] developed
[D] cultivated
raise:someone who raises a child is responsible for it until it is grown up=(especially NAmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
grow(grew,grown)=to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult 长大;长高;发育;成长:
1 You've grown since the last time I saw you!
2 Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month.尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。
3 to grow bigger/taller 长大/高了。
B grown 为过去分词,错。 若该为growing 也是正确的。
19.(A)As for the winter, it is inconvenient to be cold, with most of ________ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.
[A] what
[B] that
[C] which
[D] such


11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
[A] to be set up
[B] being set up
[C] to have been set up


11.(C) The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
[A] to be set up
[B] being set up
[C] to have been set up
[D] having been set up
12.(C) The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ________ for.
[A] be demonstrating
[B] demonstrate
[C] had been demonstrating
[D] have demonstrated
13.(C) Ted has told me that he always escapes ________ as he has got a very fast sports car.
[A] to fine
[B] to be fined
[C] being fined
[D] having been fined
escape( from) doing sth?
escape from dong sth是另外一种escape的语言环境,而这道题就应该选C
14..(B)According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ________ of maturity.
[A] fulfillment
[B] achievement
[C] establishment
[D] accomplishment
15(D)Hardly a month goes by without ________ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
[A] words
[B] a word
[C] the word
[D] word
16.(D)If you ________ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.
[A] shouldn’t contact
[B] didn’t contact
[C] weren’t to contact
[D] hadn’t contacted
17.(D) There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, ________ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than
[B] no more than:
1至多,不超过,仅仅It is no more than a beginning. Cost sb no more than one hundred dollars a week.使某人每周最多花费100美元
2同...一样不 He's no able to read Spanish than I am.
[C] no less than
1,[表示对某一大数目感到惊奇]多达There were no less han fifty wounded.受伤者多达50人。
2,与...同等地位的,与...同样重要的;恰好,正是It is no less than a scandal.
[D] any more than 较...多一些
A是什么意思? 肯定不选C. B 的第2意让我有些困惑。
18.(A). Though ________ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.
[A] raised
[B] grown
[C] developed
[D] cultivated
raise:someone who raises a child is responsible for it until it is grown up=(especially NAmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
grow(grew,grown)=to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult 长大;长高;发育;成长:
1 You've grown since the last time I saw you!
2 Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month.尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。
3 to grow bigger/taller 长大/高了。
19.(A)As for the winter, it is inconvenient to be cold, with most of ________ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.
[A] what
[B] that
[C] which
[D] such
