初三英语unit1重点词组 新目标

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初三英语unit1重点词组 新目标
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初三英语unit1重点词组 新目标
初三英语unit1重点词组 新目标

初三英语unit1重点词组 新目标
1. by + doing 通过……方式 如:by studying with a group
by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用、”“经过”、“乘车”等
如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock.
The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus.
2. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论
如:The students often talk about movie after class. 学生们常常在课后讨论电影.
talk to sb. === talk with sb. 与某人说话
3. 提建议的句子:
①What/ how about +doing sth.?
如:What/ How about going shopping?
②Why don’t you + do sth.? 如:Why don’t you go shopping?
③Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping?
④Let’s + do sth. 如: Let’s go shopping
⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping?
4. a lot 许多 常用于句末 如:I eat a lot. 我吃了许多.
5. too…to 太…而不能 常用的句型 too+adj./adv. + to do sth.
如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说.
6. aloud, loud与loudly的用法
形式.如: He read the story aloud to his son.
②loud可作形容词或副词.用作副词时,常与speak, talk,
She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点.
含有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,可位于动词之前或之后.如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑.
7. not …at all 一点也不 根本不 如:
I like milk very much. I don’t like coffee at all.
not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾
8. be / get excited about sth.
=== be / get excited about doing sth.
=== be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋 如:
I am / get excited about going to Beijing.===
I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋.
9. ① end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 如:
The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束.
② end up with sth. 以…结束 如:
The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终.
10. first of all 首先
. to begin with 一开始
later on 后来、随
11. also 也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中间
either 也(用于否定句)常在句末
too 也 (用于肯定句) 常在句末
12. make mistakes 犯错 如:I often make mistakes. 我经常犯错.
make a mistake 犯一个错误 如: I have made a mistake. 我已经犯了一个错误.
13. laugh at sb. 笑话;取笑(某人) 如:Don’t laugh at me!不要取笑我!
14. take notes 做笔记,做记录
15. enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做…乐意做… She enjoys playing football.她喜欢踢足球.
enjoy oneself 过得愉快 如:He enjoyed himself. 他过得愉快.
16. native speaker 说本族语的人
17. make up 组成、构成
18. one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词复数形式 …其中之一
如: She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受欢迎的教师之一.
19. It’s +形容词+(for sb. ) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事…
如:It’s difficult (for me ) to study English. 对于我来说学习英语太难了.
句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to study English
20. practice doing 练习做某事 如:
She often practice speaking English. 她经常练习说英语.
21. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 如:
LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已经决定去北京.
22. unless 假如不,除非 引导条件状语从句
如:You will fail unless you work hard..假如你不努力你会失败.
I won’t write unless he writes first. 除非他先写要不我不写
23. deal with 处理 如:I dealt with a lot of problem.
24. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/ 某事
如:Mother worried about his son just now. 妈妈刚才担心他的儿子.
25. be angry with sb. 对某人生气 如:I was angry with her. 我对她生气.
26. perhaps === maybe 也许
27. go by (时间) 过去 如: Two years went by. 两年过去了.
28. see sb. / sth. doing 看见某人正在做某事 强调正在发生
see sb. / sth. do 看见某人在做某事 如:
如: She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom.她看见他正在教室里画画.
29. each other 彼此
30. regard… as … 把…看作为…. 如:
The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 这些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜.
31. too many 许多 修饰可数名词 如:too many girls
too much 许多 修饰不可数名词 如:too much milk
much too 太 修饰形容词 如:much too beautiful
32. change… into… 将…变为…
如:The magician changed the pen into a book. 这个魔术师将这本书变为一本书.
33. with the help of sb. == with one’s help 在某人的帮助下
如:with the help of LiLei == with LiLei’s help 在李雷的帮助下
34. compare … to … 把…与…相比
如:Compare you to Anna, you are lucky.你和安娜相比,你是幸运的.
35. instead 代替 用在句末,副词(字面上常不译出来)
instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,动词
如:Last summer I went to Beijing. This year I’m going to Shanghai instead.
去年夏天我去北京, 今年我将要去上海.
I will go instead of you. 我将代替你去.
He stayed at home instead of going swimming. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳.


later on be afraid to laugh at take notes look up make up go by