英语翻译McDonald's tries very hard to make its Big Mac taste the same all over the world,but the problem with the Big Mac index is that it is a cheap "junk" food in the United States and other rich countries and a luxury treat for the vast majori

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:47:06
英语翻译McDonald's tries very hard to make its Big Mac taste the same all over the world,but the problem with the Big Mac index is that it is a cheap
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英语翻译McDonald's tries very hard to make its Big Mac taste the same all over the world,but the problem with the Big Mac index is that it is a cheap "junk" food in the United States and other rich countries and a luxury treat for the vast majori
McDonald's tries very hard to make its Big Mac taste the same all over the world,but the problem with the Big Mac index is that it is a cheap "junk" food in the United States and other rich countries and a luxury treat for the vast majority of Chinese consumers.The differences in the Big Mac price could reflect the pricing-to-market effect rather than currency valuation (Pakko and Pollard,2003).To fill a data void,we went to the other end of the basket spectrum and developed a price index called "Shef" (which stands for Salt,Haircut,Electricity,and Flour) that better reflects a developing country's perspective.The index follows the principle of the traditional Chinese measure of cost of living for the masses,which include four items:firewood,rice,cooking oil,and salt.In the Shef index,firewood is replaced by electricity and rice by wheat flour to make it more relevant for today's China as well as a wide range of countries.Unlike the Big Mac,which has at least seven commodity components,the items we selected (salt,electricity,and wheat flour) are perhaps as "pure commodities" as they can be.We also replaced cooking oil with a basic man's haircut to represent a pure service in the necessity category whose productivity has been largely immune from technological changes.Salt and flour represent a minimal share of consumer spending in rich countries,but they are standard items and necessities for the poor.We have collected Shef data for 27 major countries,which represent more than 85 percent of global GDP and 90 percent of global vehicle sales.
Table 1 shows the Shef data for the United States and China.The results are not surprising.Using the current exchange rate,salt and flour are 80 percent cheaper in China,while for the price of one haircut in the United States,you can have ten in China.Electricity prices are not so cheap in China,relatively speaking.If we treat these four items with equal weight,the Shef index seems to suggest that the RMB is 79 percent undervalued against the dollar,almost exactly the same as the World Bank's PPP measure but substantially greater than the Big Mac index.How is China's undervaluation compared with other countries?Figure 1 shows the Shef index plotted against GDP per capita for 27 countries.There is a clear positive correlation between the two variables,with China and India having the lowest income and the most undervalued currencies.This correlation is known as the Balassa-Samuelson effect (Bergin et al.,2004) and shows that China's PPP exchange rate is not unusual given its level of economic development.The contrast between the poor man's Shef index and the rich man's Big Mac index also suggests that as income rises in China,the PPP valuation is likely to correct itself as Chinese people spend more on things like Big Macs and less on basic commodity items in the Shef index.

英语翻译McDonald's tries very hard to make its Big Mac taste the same all over the world,but the problem with the Big Mac index is that it is a cheap "junk" food in the United States and other rich countries and a luxury treat for the vast majori
麦当劳极力使其Big Mac品味全世界都一样,但问题Big Mac是一个廉价的"垃圾"食品,在美国和其他富裕国家和对待奢侈品对于绝大多数中国消费者所青睐.差异大陆委会价格可以反映定价-市场效应,而非货币估价(pakko和波拉德,2003 ) .为了填补数据空白,我们前往另一端的篮子频谱,并制定了物价指数称为"上肢" (即主张 盐,理发,电力和面粉) ,以更好地反映发展中国家的角度.该指数遵循的是中国传统的衡量生活成本标准,其中包括四个项目:柴,米,油,盐.在上肢指数柴草,取而代之的是电力和大米面粉,使之更适合今天的中国以及 作为一个广泛的国家.不同于Big Mac,其中至少有七种商品成份,我们项目选定(食盐,电力,小麦和面粉) ,也许是"纯品" ,因为他们可以.我们还更换烹调油的一个基本人的头发代表一个纯服务的必要性类,其 生产率一直大体上从技术转变.盐和面粉的是一个很小的份额,消费开支在富国,但这些标准项目及日用品给穷人.我们所收集的数据,上肢27个主要国家,占85%以上,全球国内生产总值的90% ,全球的汽车销量.表1显示上肢数据,对美国和中国.结果并不出人意料.以现行汇率计算,盐和面粉80%便宜,在中国,至于价格,一有事,在美国,你可以有10个在中国.电力价格不会有这么便宜的,在中国,但相对而言.如果我们把这四个项目,与同等重量的,上肢的指数似乎暗示人民币有79%的低估兑美元 几乎一模一样世界银行的购买力平价衡量,但大大高于大陆委会指数.如何是中国的定价过低,与其他国家相比?图1显示了上肢指数作对的人均国内生产总值为27个国家.有明显的正相关关系的两个变量,与中国和印度在收入最低的,最被低估的货币.这种关联被称为巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应(亚斯等.,2004 )表明,中国的购买力平价汇率是不寻常由于其经济发展水平.对比悬殊的人的上肢指数和富人的大陆委会指数还表明,由于收入 上涨中 PPP的估价很可能纠正自己作为一个中国人花更多的东西一样大互少 对基本商品的上肢指数.