
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:16:05
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A:what are you reading?
B:oh,it’s the latest novel by ray blune.It’s a sic-fi thriller.
A; I thought he usually wrote horror books.
B:he does.He’s good at this genre too.It’s a captivating read.
A; we’re going to the bookshop.Would you like to join us?
B; yes,I would.I need to buy a textbook for my course and,as you know,I love browsing through the latest paperbacks.
A:me too.I need something to read on the flight to new york.I can never sleep on planes.Sarah wants to pick up some children’s books for her daughter.
B:I want to look at nelson mandela’s autobiography.
A:this is sure to be a worthwhile read.
A:good morning.I’m from the new york book review.Could I ask you some question about your latest book?
B:sure.Take a seat… what would you like to know?
A; first,I’ve heard that your latest book is based on a true story.
B; that’s correct.It’s a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in florida several years ago.The main character-the police invesigator-is based on the man who investigated the case.
A:how do you research your books?
B:I always visit the places that I use as setting for stories.Readers like things to be as factually correct as possible-even in fiction!I usually base my characters on people I have met.Most character are a mixture of the characters of two or more people.
A; I really like your books.I’ve just finished this one.I read it from cover to cover in a single day.Congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again!
B; thank you.Let met sign it for you …there you go.
A; oh!Thank you very much.I heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories.What are the stories about?
B:there’s a real mix of stories in the book.I haven’t finished all of them yet,though.Many of them are short detective stories,but there are also horror stories and sci-fi ones.If you give me your business card,I’ll make sure you get an advance copy to review.
A; thanks very much.I’m sure it will sell well.I can’t wait to read it.Here’s my card.Thank you for you time.