
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:14:50
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Women under the distorted human tragedy
- Women of the tragic fate of Zhang Ailing
Abstract:The history of Chinese literature in the twentieth century,Zhang is a strange cultural figures,and she used to "cold look at the world situation",his tone touched the depths of all the hidden corners of human nature.As for the tragic fate of women in old age description is an event in her novels,Zhang good at using the unique female perspective to describe the fate of women,her unique sense of the tragedy of these characters have a strong natural areas tragedy.From the "Golden Lock" in the Cao Qiqiao to "Eighteen Springs" in the Guman Lu,who in
Frustrated under the cruel life was life,and then embarked on the destruction of others to destroy the devil of the road.Based on the Guman Lu Zhang Ai Cao Qiqiao and analysis of two typical perspective of the women in Zhang Ailing typical female tragedy.
Key words:Cao Qiqiao; Guman Lu; women; tragedy
Distortion of humanity female tragedy
Zhang ailing's women - analyses tragic fate
Abstract:Chinese literature in the 20th century,zhang ailing is a peculiar cultural character,she used to "cool detachment see world",will own style touch all secret comer deep humanity.But for the new and old age female tragedy destiny in zhang ai-ling's novels described is absorbing,zhang ailing is good at using unique female perspective to describe the destiny of female,she exclusively tragedy consciousness,make these characters have strong naturally zone of a tragedy.From the "the cao written up seven artful to" half life fate ",they GuManLu in
Cruel life often frustrated by life,under again after the destruction of the devil onto the road to destroy others.This article through to zhang ailing's cao GuManLu this two seven coincidence and the analysis of a typical female perspective of zhang's works in the typical female tragedy.
Keywords:cao seven qiao; GuManLu; Women; tragedy

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