
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 15:21:08
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Several steps should be handled in order to improve the learning efficiency.
Firstly,paying attention to the previewing to make yourself own a preliminary understanding and a grasp process.Secondly,mastering the right way of listening to the teachers,including handling the relationship between listening to the teachers and taking notes as well as valuing the class discussion so that you learning effects will keep on being improved.Thirdly,make after-class review in time is also important.You can adopt various means of reviewing in connection with the features of different subjects.Fourthly,you should adopt a correct attitude towards the schoolwork by thinking independently.At last,extra learning can effectively make a combination between the class knowledge and social practice,helping students deepen the understanding towards the class knowledge.
Therefore,study is a process following in proper sequence,and only be carefully doing well in every step can improve your learning capability.
