英语翻译我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.I loo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:42:58
英语翻译我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.I loo
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英语翻译我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.I loo
我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.
I looked after this book (Sherlock Holmes),those who make my impression to be most profound is” A Scandal in Bohemia”,I had not thought that unexpectedly some people will be more intelligent than Sherlock Holmes.Moreover she is a woman.What it is really an original value results in the recommendation the book,is worth book which we looked

英语翻译我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.I loo
After finish reading the book((Holmes),what impressed me most is the part ”A Scandal in Bohemia”.I didn't think that there should be someone smarter than Sherlock Holmes,especially the fact that the one is a woman.It is really a book worth recommending and reading.

"A Scandal in Bohemia" was the most impressed part for me in this book after I finished reading it. In particular, I surprisingly found that someone would be smarter than Sherlock Holmes, especially as a women. It was really worth being recommended and read for us.

I finished reading the book (Holmes), most impresses me about the book is "A Scandal in Bohemia", I don't think of Sherlock Holmes should be someone smarter than. And she is A woman. It was really A recommendable books, is worth us see of book

What impressed me the most was the part "A Scandal in Bohemia" after I've finished reading this book(Sherlock Holmes).I couldn't have thought that there should be someone smarter than Sherlock Holmes.Besides,she was a woman. This book was really worth recommending and reading.

英语翻译我看完这本书(福尔摩斯)后,令我印象最深刻的是 ”A Scandal in Bohemia”,我没有想到竟然会有人比Sherlock Holmes更聪明.而且她是一位女人.它真的是一本值得推介的书,值得我们看的书.I loo 暑假经典阅读 ( 填空着的横线)经过10天的阅读,经典名著《(福尔摩斯探索)》我已经看了(250)页,还有(50)页我打算用(2)天看完.我认为这本书写得最好的是(福尔摩斯)(故事或人 关于福尔摩斯的读后感~大家帮我找找关于福尔摩斯这本书的读后感~真本书的也可以,其中个别文章的最好~我急用~越多越好啊! 英语翻译(1/2)再翻译成英文:1、令我们惊讶的是这个小女孩绘画很好。2、当孩子们见到蛇时他们很害怕。3、外面风很大,你最好别开窗。4、昨天晚上,我花了(2/2)两小时看完这本书。 这本书我整整用了半天的时间才看完.这个病句怎么修改? 这本书我整整用了差不多半天的时间看完.修改病句 如何写读后总结我最近看了高德拉特的《目标》这本书,我的领导让我写读后总结,我看完后,不知道如何把知识合理地总结起来, 作文 你是我的一本书 可以写福尔摩斯吗?是不是不符题意?如果写 要怎么写? “经典”怎么用英语表达?比如说,别人给我一本书,我看完后评价:真经典!该怎么用英语地道的表达呢? 小名计划10天看完一本书,由于每天多看2页,结果8天就看完,这本书一共多少页?我不要设X,我今天就要 这本书我整整用了半天的时间才看完.这个病句怎么修改?可以快点吗? it will be a long time 我才能把这本书看完、后面半句翻译 这本书我可以借两周.(英语翻译) GRE杨鹏难句看完后,在看什么GRE英语阅读书来巩固好?大白本是什么.我没上过新东方、 关于夏洛克福尔摩斯的文章本人想看看这本书,我想知道这本书的情节恐怖程度怎样.(本人较胆小)如能够写出一小段落,我会加分的. 汉译英 急死拉!今天我看完了一本书,是[雾都孤儿],这本书里面的主人公生活的很艰苦,它让我很感动.我看完这本书后才了解到这是一本非常经典的书!他让我看完一编还想看第二遍!也让我知道 汉译英 急死拉!今天我看完了一本书,是[五毒孤儿],这本书里面的主人公生活的很艰苦,它让我很感动.我看完这本书后才了解到这是一本非常经典的书!他让我看完一编还想看第二遍!也让我知道 我可以加很多分 一定要用方程,不要用y,只能用x1、小巧计划用若干天看完一本书,如果每天看20页,那么正好按时看完;如果每天看18页,那么需要多用一天时间看完.小巧计划用多少天看完这本书?