
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 16:52:08
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a brief analysis about the femal image constructed in programme If You Are the One
Absract: on nowadays Tv screen, the dating shows about marrige and love are pervasive. with the popularity of the programme If You Are the One in channel Jiang Su, a group of femal guests who are beatiful in look, unique in personality and biting in speaking words are popular as well. they became the focus of the media and the target of gossip. these women were labeled as money-worshiping and wealth- flaunting or were nicknamed by bitter tongue because of their manner and speech. the audience continuely misunderstood the modern women's values and perspectives in marriage due to the femal image constructed in the matchmake programme.(注:你这句话汉语逻辑有问题)in such programmes, the femal images have considerable discrepency with the real femal perspectives, as a result, an insufficent familarities with the real femal image came into being. from the angle of feminism, based on the current condition of the femal image distortion, the thesis intend to analyse the characteristics of the femal images constructed in matchmake programmes, the factors which count a lot in the formation of the characteristics, and the inflences these programmes have on the femal images.at last, the solutions about the problem will be given and the social responsibilities the Tv media should take will be put forwars in order to give helpful suggestion to the presence of the actual femal image by the madia.
key words: Tv media, matchmake programme, the current femal image

英语翻译浅析《非诚勿扰》节目中建构的当代女性形象摘要:如今在电视荧屏上,婚恋交友类节目呈星火燎原之势.随着江苏卫视婚恋交友节目《非诚勿扰》的蹿红,活跃于节目中的一批长相漂 浅析资本主义发展的历史趋势和当代资本主义新发展? 求教:建构当代中国当代物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、社会文明、生态文明的根据及其意义. 浅析资本主义发展的历史趋势与当代资本主义新发展论文请帮忙写一篇关于《浅析资本主义发展的历史趋势与当代资本主义新发展》的论文, 英语翻译浅析益智类节目的卷土重来——以江苏卫视《一站到底》为例摘要:20世纪80年代中后期,益智类节目引进我国,作为一种新型节目形态,曾大受欢迎.但由于节目缺乏创新,同质化严重,又 浅析超市内部会计控制的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译浅析分段函数的性质 英语翻译浅析陈白露形象的意义 英语翻译浅析我国中小企业技术创新的对策 英语翻译浅析《宠儿》中象征手法对主题的强化作用 英语翻译《浅析厦门市中小型接待社的核心竞争力提升策略》,“浅析”可以去掉 英语翻译RT,当代上的 英语翻译我是在东方神起作的节目中看到的, 英语翻译浅析LG手机在中国市场的品牌策略 “浅析企业以人为本的质量管理”这句话怎么用英语翻译? 英语翻译浅析“人肉搜索”及其监管与改革的发展前景 英语翻译 从建构概念的知识网络的视角优化对概念的理解 教师是意义建构的帮助者、促进者 的英语翻译